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Forums - Sony Discussion - Days Gone Opencritic 72 Metacritic 72


Predict the score!

95+ 3 3.26%
90 to 94 3 3.26%
85 to 89 22 23.91%
80 to 84 25 27.17%
75 to 79 14 15.22%
70 to 74 21 22.83%
65 to 69 3 3.26%
65 or lower 1 1.09%
thismeintiel said:

Surprise surprise. Someone on the left  wants to silence someone on the right. Is that all you have left, now? Demonize and silence? And yet you're not the fascists?

And no, he gave a few examples of what he says is going on currently that would justify violence. Of course, the difference between me and you is that I don't want him silenced. He should be free to say whatever he wants. Freedom of speech is actually important to me.

This will be my last reply in here, because I don't want to derail the thread further.

No. I said I just wish you would go way, I didn't say I wanted you to be censored. I don't know how you even conflate those two statements as the same thing, I specifically typed it so it wouldn't be seen as a request for censorship, because it isn't. You should have done a double-take when I literally made fun of the idea that I was advocating for censorship, the point being that would be a stupid conclusion to make.

Freedom of speech is important to me too which is why I'm not saying you should be censored. Although banning someone from a private platform should totally be allowed and I'm not even sure right wing politics is inherently against censorship on private platforms so I'm not sure where you're going with this point, it's a meaningless cry of "but but censorship!"

I like how you imply that all of the left demonizes people whilst simultaneously grouping in everyone on the "left" (which is such a wide spectrum that it means almost nothing) as bad. The irony here is amazing:

You are literally saying that the left throws out words like nazi and racist so much that those words have lost their meaning, while grouping up the entire leftist spectrum as bad. 

If you knew what Destiny's viewpoint was, why were you even interrogating people in this thread as if they inherently agreed with his viewpoint just for bringing that video up? Lmao. This honestly sounds like a case where you wanted people to justify a viewpoint that's hard to justify to play a game of "got'em" even though said people don't even agree with that viewpoint. Which proves your entire idea of the left wrong, considering by your logical we should all be a hive mind.

You didn't even read what I said about Destiny correctly. I said that "Destiny's point isn't even that violence is necessary in the current political climate", I didn't say that he thought that it wasn't applicable at all currently. I even wrote "It's just that from his viewpoint violence has been justifiable in politics before and possibly could be". 

I want you to go away because you're awfully annoying, rude, and have terrible rhetoric every time politics are brought up. Not because of your political views themselves. I am no saint but at the very least I do not generalize an entire group of people on the same topic every. single. time. Everybody has their bad days or topics, I obviously have had a lot of them on here, and admittedly in order to make a point I have had to be a bit blunt in this current reply chain, but you do it all the time and it never stops, and that's the difference.

Last edited by AngryLittleAlchemist - on 03 May 2019

John2290 said:
estebxx said:
After watching the reviews and opinions of Yong Yeah, SkIll Up, Layman Gaming, M.B.G and Easy Allies ive decided to buy the game, its obvious its not up there with games like GOW or TLOU but it seems good enough, a fun time indeed.

It starts off good but it get MUCH better the further you get into it and even starts getting great at a certain point. After the first 10 hour hump (Whivh I still found pretty good) it has continually gotten more enjoyable and still is on that ramp for me. Gonna platinum this. 

Could you write a review of it up, after you finish it? I might get this game once it goes on sale. For now though, it feels good to have time for my backlog. 

I still hope it does well because it looks like there has been a lot of work invested into making this game and it has no bad practices but it personally does not really interest me that much so might purchase it low budget or not later on.

The biggest bug Ive had with it so far is the Audio levels, really out at times.. one character talks and Deacon is really loud in comparison...... probably the most annoying thing Ive found about it. The missions seem a little spread out and thin on the ground... but perhaps that's just the way Ive been tackling it. only at the second base so far.

The map could have been better. It just feels difficult to read... perhaps its meant for a 4k screen.

I really enjoy the stealth and attacking full on possibilities and the freaker hordes are scary though...

Overall really enjoying it still.

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!

Just beat it. It has some framerate and audio issues, but man is it fun. My second favorite game so far this year after RE2.

Its a new ip and the first console-game by Bend-Studios, right ?

Doubt I'll finish it before Rage 2, just not a very entertaining game imho.

Thanks for the infos! @John2290

If i ignore some of the technical issues i had that might be because i was playing it on a original PS4 i think a 72 seems about right. It's a good game, lots to enjoy

Edit: Nevermind.