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Man, The Touryst is kinda lame. Don't get why so many folks are hyping it up.

I mean, it's okay some of the time, but a lot of sections are just atrocious. (Looking you canoeing, and the platforming on the glowing spheres) It feels like a mishmash of ideas where like 75% of the ideas are good but the other 25% are garbage. Glad I didn't spend money on it.

Last edited by curl-6 - on 17 November 2020

CaptainExplosion said:

I understand, but Nintendo doesn't seem to wanna do anything with them that's not Smash-related.

Look at this:

This is what Ice Climbers could easily be like on Switch, but Nintendo's just not jumping on the idea when it could easily be made into a success.

That looks pretty good. Having all levels like that would get boring fast, but a few special ones with similar design would work.

@Twitter | Switch | Steam

You say tomato, I say tomato 

"¡Viva la Ñ!"

curl-6 said:

Man, The Touryst is kinda lame. Don't get why so many folks are hyping it up.

I mean, it's okay some of the time, but a lot of sections are just atrocious. (Looking you canoeing, and the platforming on the glowing spheres) It feels like a mishmash of ideas where like 75% of the ideas are good but the other 25% are garbage. Glad I didn't spend money on it.

It has good points but i stopped playing on the canoeing also. The controls just don't make any sense when doing that .

In the wilderness we go alone with our new knowledge and strength.

Sniper Elite 4 is now out on Switch:

Stefan.De.Machtige said:

curl-6 said:

Man, The Touryst is kinda lame. Don't get why so many folks are hyping it up.

I mean, it's okay some of the time, but a lot of sections are just atrocious. (Looking you canoeing, and the platforming on the glowing spheres) It feels like a mishmash of ideas where like 75% of the ideas are good but the other 25% are garbage. Glad I didn't spend money on it.

It has good points but i stopped playing on the canoeing also. The controls just don't make any sense when doing that .

Yeah it was just horrible, can't fathom what they hell they were thinking not only putting that in the game, but gating an essential mission behind it. I expected better from Shinen.

Just got my copy of Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity.

I'm busy today with work, but I can't wait to take it for a whirl this evening.

My copy of Sniper Elite 4 rocked up in the mail as well, but I probably won't play that one til next year once I'm done with both AoC and Immortals Fenyx Rising. Man it feels good to have so much to play on Switch again that I can set some aside for months later, just like last year. After the rather bare first 8 months of the year, this is like a monsoon after the dry season.

Also, while this isn't specifically Nintendo, they just announced an expansion for Trine 4 coming to Switch next (Nth Hemisphere) Spring:

Not too sure about Immortals, they got a slew of DLCs and season passes already lined up.

Typical Ubisoft way. Why can't these be included in the game?
Might as well just wait for the mandatory 50% discount next year.
Or for the super duper complete goty edition to be on sale.

Last edited by TomaTito - on 20 November 2020

@Twitter | Switch | Steam

You say tomato, I say tomato 

"¡Viva la Ñ!"

TomaTito said:

Not too sure about Immortals, they got a slew of DLCs and season passes already lined up.

Typical Ubisoft way. Why can't these be included in the game?
Might as well just wait for the mandatory 50% discount next year.
Or for the super duper complete goty edition to be on sale.

awww maaaan! I was looking forward to that but not it sounds like Ubisoft's gonna ubifuck it up.

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