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Forums - General Discussion - What are the odds!!

d21lewis said:

Because I know you guys care so much.................

The lie worked. I never said anything about the whole "19 year old at church" incident. My fiance's dad never said another word about it. All was well in lewisville. About a week had passed, and life was back to normal. Little did I know, Karma was conspiring against me.

I had court on April 9th. I forgot all about it. I was taking the family to see Horton Hears a Who, when another deputy knocked at my door. He said "You gotta go to court, right now! They're calling your name, and the Sheriff is pissed!" So, I throw on a uniform, and hop into my personal vehicle (9.99 times out of 10, I drive my patrol car to court, but I still want to change clothes and see the movie. I bring my clothes with me). My girl leaves for the movie. I head to court.

About an hour or two later, I'm done testifying, and I'm turning in my paperwork to the clerk of courts. We get paid $20 per case. While I'm doing this, my fiance walks in, places a letter on top of my paperwork, and starts to walk away. She says "we need to talk." I look at the letter and recognize it. It was a break up letter to my 19 year old that I wrote back in February. Dates, locations, gifts, everything: right there in black and white.

I walk out of the courtroom (to this day, I haven't gotten paid) and into the parking lot. POW! My girlfriend punches me right in the face. Then she gives me my cell phone. Apparently, I left it at the house. She went back and got it for me. Pictures of girls, phone numbers, and everything were exposed. She called half of them. Most were other officers. Some were companies. Some were girls. I was busted.

Two days later, she was gone.

That's rough, really rough. I'm torn between feeling really, really bad for you, or just sighing  to myself and saying ''that's what you get for cheating'' (so far, I've made a point of being as faithful as is humanly possible in relationships, but who I am I to say what I'll be like 10 years down the road? I'm not really in a position to judge you.).
So I'll hold back from making any moral judgments and just say that's terrible, man. I hope you've been holding up okay, that's it's not getting you too down. My break-up after a year and a half relationship was emotianally devastating for me, so I can only imagine how it feels after 7 years and a daughter. Speaking of which, I hope this isn't too traumatizing for her.

So I don't really have any wise advice or anything like that, but, like the rest of the site (or at least off-topic, ha), I feel for you.

Good luck man.


Crusty VGchartz old timer who sporadically returns & posts. Let's debate nebulous shit and expand our perpectives. Or whatever.

The letter was in my patrol car, in a file. The file was mixed with other files. How she got it is still a mystery. Karma is a bitch. I should have seen it coming, though. Too many other strange coincidences.

Reading some of my past posts, you may already realize that I'm a whore. I didn't plan to be, but I am. I have a daughter in the 1st grade. Two of the other parents in the class are past "conquests" of mine. I see them often, but never make eye contact. My sister is a third grade teacher. Back in 2003, my fiance and I separated. The girl I went to during our separation's daughter is in my little sister's class. Sometimes, when I can't get my daughter from school, my little sister picks her up. The 2003 fling, and my fiance are arch enemies. I know it's my fault, but because my little sister sometimes has both my daughter, and 2003's daughter, my fiance and the other girl have met more times than I'm comfortable with.

My daughter's birthday was on Sunday. She spent the day with my fiance and I. Very good day. My fiance says that she wants to come back home. She's willing to give it another try. My cell phone vibrates. I try to ignore it, but the vibration is so loud, you can hear it. I open it up, and 19 year old is texting me. All it said was "hey". That one word was enough to make my fiance break down.

She's gone now. She's not coming back. I've been coming home to an empty house since then. I barely seen my daughter in two weeks. I don't know if I can make it without her good luck kisses to "keep the bad guys away". Do I deserve it? Hell yeah. I deserve everything I get. I haven't cheated in 2008 (technically), but that shit definitely came back to haunt me.

And to think, my girl and I were supposed to get married this month. It's for the best, huh?

I find more sympathy for your daughter than you. Actually, a hell of a lot more.

Hope this gets sorted out as best it can though.

See Ya George.

"He did not die - He passed Away"

At least following a comedians own jokes makes his death easier.

I'm not really bad, but I flirt way more than I should. I fall in love/lust really easily too. I got what I deserved, but my 7 year old got the worst end of this deal. Her mom was a pretty good girl too. None of those others ever came close.

Just like karma brought everything to light, karma will make everything the way it was meant to be......for better, or for worse.

And I never really believed in karma before.

@Hunter. wow, 15 yr old, Geez, unless she's a fantastic girl with gorgous face, I wouldn't go near a 15 yr old, they are just not mature enough for me (mentally), and no, I'm 19

 Nah , never mind , it never reached any " advanced " points :P ( but yeah , she was pretty :P ) .


d21lewis : man , even though most say that they are more sorry for your doughter than you I have to say , your luck is absent man ... how the hell can so many bad stuff happen to one person , I have no idea .  Your doughter is still young , so for her ( if her mother is not the hysteric tipe ) it might seem as nothing happened ( though the long separation may make her to think a bit ) . But for her sake , try and work it out . If not , than break every bit of connection you had with your ex , and try and find a way to spend at least some time with your doughter , because she needs a father at this fragile age ...


Still , you had to be one evil person to be punished this hard :P  

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

I fell so sorry for your daughter.

Gamertag: KillswitchTris PSN ID: KsET665 Wii Friend Code: 8415 6393 6330 0940 (PM me if you add me)
Feel Free To Add Me Tag: LISMDK - Extremely bad taste in music

@Zapp: I know what you are talking about. Its the candy that you know isnt good for you but that you are longing for. I have a happy relationship with this really awesome girl. But then, there are all those ghosts from the past hunting you. Calling you. Asking when you can meet again. to this day I have resisted those messages. But the candy is there. Waiting. Thanks to your story, I know feel stronger again. Thank you.

I wish the three of you all the best. I hope you will find a way to rearrange your life in a form that everyone can be happy again eventually. I feel for you. I feel for your daughter. But the most I feel for your ex fiancee. She has been hit the hardest.

Any message from Faxanadu is written in good faith but shall neither be binding nor construed as constituting a commitment by Faxanadu except where provided for in a written agreement signed by an authorized representative of Faxanadu. This message is intended for the use of the forum members only.

The views expressed here may be personal and/or offensive and are not necessarily the views of Faxanadu.

The worlds unfair. I wish you and your daughter the best of luck, and If I were you, I would still try to patch things up. Your daughter needs you.




Guitar Hero 3/ Smash Hits
super_etecoon said:
Well you've always got the 19 year old.

 ^^^^ Listen to this guy and call her before it's too late.

 Mutual trust is key for long lasting relationships. Even if your fiance now says "she forgives you", in a few years after she gets you married she will throw that sh*t at your face everytime... eventually you will get sick of listenning to it and find another 19 year old girl to have fun with. Of course this will lead you to divorce.

So, it's not worth it, just enjoy the 19 year old ;)


PS: You really have bad luck dude, I feel sorry for you.


PSN ID: krik

Optimistic predictions for 2008 (Feb 5 2008): Wii = 20M, PS3 = 14M, X360 = 9.5M


Faxanadu said:
@Zapp: I know what you are talking about. Its the candy that you know isnt good for you but that you are longing for. I have a happy relationship with this really awesome girl. But then, there are all those ghosts from the past hunting you. Calling you. Asking when you can meet again. to this day I have resisted those messages. But the candy is there. Waiting. Thanks to your story, I know feel stronger again. Thank you.

I wish the three of you all the best. I hope you will find a way to rearrange your life in a form that everyone can be happy again eventually. I feel for you. I feel for your daughter. But the most I feel for your ex fiancee. She has been hit the hardest.