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Forums - General Discussion - What are the odds!!

Would it really be the end if you explained everything to her and said it wouldn't happen again? My fiance has said he wouldn't dump me even if I cheated on him (which I have no intention of doing) because he loves me too much. I don't know what your relationship is like but if she really loves you she'll give you a second chance. What you should be asking yourself though, is if you really love her. If you do, how could you cheat on her for so long? It's not like it was a one off spur of the moment thing.

Even if people are given a second chance, the forgiver is always going to have a niggling doubt in the back of their mind that their partner could cheat again.

Lies are the way to go, I tell ya >_>

Aww. that sucks

Well it's been a day, how have things turned out?

Haven't mentioned it. I'm such a coward.

Own up to it, it's the only honest thing you can do and the only way you can walk away with some credibility.

I will. I think that if I say nothing, the whole thing may blow away, but my girl and I definitely have things we need to talk about. We'll talk. It's just hard to make that first move.

Mention it.

You have to.

Emotional abuse is just as bad as physical abuse. And you are hurting her emotions by cheating on her.

If you were cheating you should have a plan since the beginning...

So, her dad saw it, and looks like he won't talk unless you talk. So you have to talk, but not necessarily all the truth, you have to talk enough to cool her dad...

(Try not to look worried)

Honey, i have to talk with you....
See, i met with a ex-girlfriend when i was going to pick our daughter, we had this story together and i even sent one guy that was beating her to prison. She called me and i had no choice, we parked near the closed church parking lot and talked for a while, when i was going away, your dad passed by and saw us and i think he may be thinking wrong things... I just want to clear this up, have your dad told you anything?

(Answer here, probably she will say yes, and really thought you were cheating and it's good that you are clearing this, be prepared for possibly being investigated though and behave for now on... Or she will say no and talk to her dad, he will (hopefully) confirm and maybe she can investigate a little, so again, behave...)

First case: What did he say? I just want to clear this up and you can make any questions (try not to lie too much on this)

Second case: Maybe he will still talk to you or was hiding it in fear of you getting sad, but you don't have to. It was nothing and i love you *kiss (and they lived happily thereafter...)

Yeah that's what i would do, hope you can get out of this, just be a good boy now...

Flow -"The important is to pwn other ppl"


Because I know you guys care so much.................

The lie worked. I never said anything about the whole "19 year old at church" incident. My fiance's dad never said another word about it. All was well in lewisville. About a week had passed, and life was back to normal. Little did I know, Karma was conspiring against me.

I had court on April 9th. I forgot all about it. I was taking the family to see Horton Hears a Who, when another deputy knocked at my door. He said "You gotta go to court, right now! They're calling your name, and the Sheriff is pissed!" So, I throw on a uniform, and hop into my personal vehicle (9.99 times out of 10, I drive my patrol car to court, but I still want to change clothes and see the movie. I bring my clothes with me). My girl leaves for the movie. I head to court.

About an hour or two later, I'm done testifying, and I'm turning in my paperwork to the clerk of courts. We get paid $20 per case. While I'm doing this, my fiance walks in, places a letter on top of my paperwork, and starts to walk away. She says "we need to talk." I look at the letter and recognize it. It was a break up letter to my 19 year old that I wrote back in February. Dates, locations, gifts, everything: right there in black and white.

I walk out of the courtroom (to this day, I haven't gotten paid) and into the parking lot. POW! My girlfriend punches me right in the face. Then she gives me my cell phone. Apparently, I left it at the house. She went back and got it for me. Pictures of girls, phone numbers, and everything were exposed. She called half of them. Most were other officers. Some were companies. Some were girls. I was busted.

Two days later, she was gone.

OUCH! Sorry to hear that dude.