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Forums - Sony Discussion - More Evidence for Mass Effect on PS3

I really would put to much into this. PC are very dynamic and it is where you code the game data after all. That's right don't you forget it console people. No matter how good the console is games are still made on the PC :P Where was I. due to the dynamic and flexible nature of the lot's of prototype code can get left. I have tons of prototype code, comments, functions and values for my stuff. A lot I tend to remove after it hits done stage, but with projects as massive as finished games. yeah it's easy enough to forget some settings.

Squilliam: On Vgcharts its a commonly accepted practice to twist the bounds of plausibility in order to support your argument or agenda so I think its pretty cool that this gives me the precedent to say whatever I damn well please.

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Netyaroze said:

@ twesterm

Bioware doesnt do their own ports ?

Infact I remember a news right after the release of DAO they said they enjoyed developing for the PS3 and that they will develop  inhousefor PS3 in the future.


"When asked if BioWare will be keeping their PS3 development in-house, Zeschuk replied: “We have quite a few people working in-house as well. So yeah, absolutely. We think it’s one of the key platforms, obviously, so we’re definitely going to be doing PS3. You know, I can’t say anything aboutMass Effect in that regard but you know, I can definitely say Dragon Age and other things we do will definitely be on PS3."

I don't know if that quote is really old but Edge of Reality did the console versions of Dragon Age.

Also, I'm not trying to be super hard headed about this, I'm just trying to be, well, reasonable and logical.

What is more likely--

A studio that doesn't do its own ports after the game is finished starts doing their own ports.  In an effort to hide the fact they're doing their own ports they remove all references to the PS3 by hand and forget a refence.


At the beginning of the project exclusivity could still be up in the air so they kept things fairly open until it was nailed down.


I think if the projects exclusivity is in question at the begining then itd still be in question now...

As I mentioned in another thread: I love the 360, I bought it for the 360, and I can't figure out a scenario where it WON'T come to the PS3. It's going to happen.

I never really counted Mass Effect 2 as an X360 console exclusive. I mean it's practically confirmed from so many fronts, why are we even debating this? The only question is when a port to pS3 will happen. My bet is for Holidays this year.

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Didn't EA negotiate something with Microsoft about the first Mass Effect. My theory is that EA promises Microsoft that they would a 1 yr exclusive window for Mass Effect 2 and probably some time exclusive for 3 and now EA gets to do a PS3 port.

Just want to play good games


More and more evidence seems to pop up as time goes along.

Just wait and see... If it isn't revealed by E3, i don't think it's happening.


ok guys I ahve updated the op with new info:

UPDATE:CVG has contacted bioware for comment on this and possibility of ME on PS3 and they replied:

" "No comment on that one." Delivered in a polite manner, we may add."




letsdance said:
I think if the projects exclusivity is in question at the begining then itd still be in question now...

Do you think contracts get written in a day?  Especially when it's two huge entities like EA and Microsoft even a simple thing can take months to negotiate and get finalized, it's not surprising that something like exclusivity could be up in the air for months.

But, in defense of the exclusivity argument, I had a Gameshark for the PS1. It let me look at videos and such on the discs. It wasn't uncommon for me to find all sorts of references and videos (sometimes to other studios) popping up on a game disc. I even heard that an episode of South Park was stored away on a PS1 game disc.