Ragnarsson said: And still, quite a few people have already said that FFXIII has FFX-sized towns. But no one seems to care - once you enter the "complaining" bandwagon, you don't listen or read anything that might calm you down. =P
Well, I couldn't care less about towns, anyway. So... still hyped! |
Where the hell did people get this idea? People keep saying it has FFX towns because they saw someone else say it has FFX towns who saw someone else say it had FFX towns, etc. This idea has spread like wildfire among apologists, and it's completely false. I've got two friends with import copies of the game and it doesn't even come close. FFX, already, had less towns than most FF games, but still had half a dozen places to enter, shop, interact, and complete sidequests. Such a place does not exist at all in Final Fantasy XIII. Towns are static and linear entities in the game. Just a place to pass through on the way to the next cutscene. You cannot explore, you cannot shop, and you cannot complete sidequests in them. This is a blatant lie.
This is a city in Final Fantasy XIII
It is a husk. A path on the way to the plot. There is no interaction here, and it's not what people are talking about whent hey ask for towns in Final Fantasy. If you don't care there are no cities, fine, but don't lie to the people who do care. So stop spreading the FFXIII = FFX bullshit. It's not true.
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