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Forums - Gaming Discussion - FFXIII uses a different engine on the 360 than it does the PS3...

I'm positive that that's a mistranslation. I'm sure he means it's a different build.

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aleusianacht88 said:
Kasz216 said:
TheTruthHurts! said:
Interesting article.

Honestly, I just want to get my hands on the game and enjoy it. All this press, (negative and positive) hasn't influenced my interest in the title. Regardless of which console I purchase the title for, it should be an awesome experience.

I know i'll go PS3 when i get it.  Just because of how loud the 360 is.  Though my 360 has been strangely quit lately... I'm guessing because I downloaded the game I'm playing to the HD.

That drive must be one noisy Mofo.

About your 360, it's probably gonna die soon.

RROD isn't an "if" it happens scenario, but rather a "when" it happens scenerio.

It might not even be RROD the thing might just die some other way that isn't covered by your extended warranty.

Oh great. Your back.. You haven't changed from your lenghty ban I see..

@Kaz the Xbox 360 Disc drive is very noisey. If you install a game to your hardrive like you mentioned the Xbox 360 will be very quiet, on par with the PS3.

^Xbox 360 would be not quite on par if both drives would have the same loudness.

The fan is also a little louder. Have you seen a PS3 fan ? its enormous Diameter is 4-5 inch. It doesnt need to rotate so fast to achieve the same cooling and the PS3 has a big block of Metal in it with sufficent copper heat pipes. PS3s cooling system is really a dream. It is made that way. because Sony wanted the PS3 to play in the same leauge as other bluray Player. Thats the reason why the PS3s is so quite. Most of the noise from the 360 comes from the Drive agree. And without it it would be a lot more quite. But even then you can hear a significant difference.

to Op.

After reading this Interview I will wait for a FF13 which contains all material. A FFXIII International or something like it. I wait for games to release all content I dont have problems to wait i waited for Fallout 3 Goty a year. I will wait for Dragon Age origins which is complete and I will wait for FFXIII which is complete.

Aslong as the content is a whole chapter or an additional area its worth to wait for it.

I dont think the 360 has something to do with the cutted content or anything else. They could have made it they just want to sell the same game twice.

Sometimes I dont know if DLC is a good or a bad thing. I think if they produced the DLC in the same time frame they produced the game and havent released it to sell it twice, its bad. If they produced it a lot later after the release we can assume it wouldnt make it in the game anyway so it offers real additional content so its a good thing.

Ok for the people that are saying that the 360 caused a year delay in FF, I think you need to use a little more reading comprehension. First and formost, he never says that the 360 caused a delay. Instead he says getting both games to equal levels caused a delay.

If anyone has every followed 360 and PS3 development for most games know that the 360 version is always the fastest to get up and running due to better tools, resources from MS and the API. Yoshinori already stated that it took year and six months just to convert the PS2 version to the PS3. Its also not hard to believe that the 360 was already in development before the PS3 Hardware released.

Decisions to go multiplat just do not happen overnight. I am sure the team was working on both platforms well before they informed the public.

While PS3 fanboys will always cry about the 360 version causing delay this or that, but in reality it makes sense for Square/Enix to go multi platform for a game that probably is costing the company huge amounts of cash. The PS3 install base is not big enough to keep the company comfortable in the black so they can make their next games.

I dont see why they couldnt have included japanese voiceovers in the ps3 version and left them out of the 360.

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CGI-Quality said:
^ ^ They wanted an equal experience on both. Ironic too, as the versions aren't equal as is.

The xbox brand isnt really known for jrpgs or even anime fans so....I don't think it would have mattered..the Xbox side probably doesnt care about Japanese voiceovers whereas the playstation brand is known for jrpgs and is typically associated with anime fans who are split between subs and dubs...just my opinion, I think it could have been done with little complaint although the fans or rather fanboys would rub it in the other's faces and create thread after thread on all sorts of forums and post on blogs about the 360 version "360 DOESNT HAVE JP VA" and you know it would happen, it already happens with the fact that the CGI quality is lesser on the 360 for this game...



I think it could have been pulled off, 360 version not having jp voices with the PS3 version retaining them due to not being restricted by DVD 9 or whatever else.

That's what I think, I'm sure I will be disagreed with but when you get down to it Jp Voiceovers isn't a big loss to the people buying this for the 360 (people who do not own both)

360 may have delayed it after MS stepped in to get a western release but I doubt they omitted stuff cause of supposed technical limitations as some like to believe. Stuff always gets omitted in games, films etc due to other issues such as budget, time, pacing etc, etc.

who still cares about ffxiii.

Move on to better games like WKC.

It's a shame more devs don't have the time, money or ability to make different engines for the same game to get parity.
But that may be a more costly time consuming solution.