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Forums - Sony Discussion - So here's what I think of the PS3

it just sounds like its not your cup of tea. that's fine, i had friends last generation who bought ps2s because they were the most popular game system and guess what - they hated them. the games, the controller, the system, everything. they both returned them and bought xboxes. after that, they couldn't be happier with them. I personally really enjoyed my ps2(s) last generation but some people simply want something else. That's fine, but simply because you dislike it dosen't mean it's crap.

After being in possession of a wii for over a week and playing the system's best offerings, I can say that there is *nothing* (played zelda, metroid, bwii, strikers, a few others & smg) except for super mario galaxy (and trauma center) that i would buy if i owned a wii. everything else was a steaming pile of mediocre (except for bwii which is crap). Obviously, for me to spend on a system I see little promise in getting good 3rd party games (wii) would be foolish. If i were you, i'd sell it, get a slim ps2 and call it a day.

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MontanaHatchet said:
It's just fairness.

Twesterm rarely posts something constructive, so why the double standard?

My my, someone is snarky today.

It's payback chump.



bbsin said:
Kasz216 said:
Quickdraw McGraw said:
Wow, that was one of the worst reviews of any system I've read here.
I won't elaborate (Obviously nothing will change you mind), but in all honesty it was just plain biased, and not worth anyone's time.
You spoke some truth, the lack of HD cables is annoying/as well as short USB, and the PS Store (While not as bad as you make it out to be) does need plenty of work.

Oh, and I'm still confused people are trying to make the Uncharted demo look bad. It's alright for the PS3 to have a great game, seriously. I can see if you didn't enjoy it (Which is personal opinion, and totally understandable), but the complaints you listed were totally insignificant (You didn't like getting shot while in the middle of a melee fight? How's that a fault?).

Well that is a bit of an AI flaw. No one shoots at someone when they're in a Melee fight in real life. You've got about as good a shot as hitting your own guy as you do the guy your aiming at.

Unless, ofcourse those people happen to be pirates that's sole mission is to kill their target. I'm pretty sure they would not care about anyone but themselves and getting paid.


Yeah.  Even if your the worst kind of person in the world.  You arn't going to risk killing your own ally to take out your mark.  It's the easiest way to end up out of even illegal buisnesses like piratry.  Most likely by getting a bullet in your head by your remaining allys.  Or the guy you almost shot if you actually got your mark.

No one wants to work with someone like that.  Even the scum of the planet.

He likes his ps3.. he loves it.. hes just too shy to say it :P


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Also... I find it funny that people are tearting Twesterm apart for basically saying "I don't like the fact it doesn't come with HD cables or the menus system, but I like a couple of the games, and dislike a couple other games."

Seems a bit fanboyish to over react this much... then again, what should I expect. Seems like you can't reasonably complain about a system or game without a few fanboys trolling you to all hell.

I'll try and see how it works.

Final Fantasy 12 kinda sucks, it's a MMORPG without the MMO, the Story is combination of Star Wars and Tactics Ogre, right down to their being characters that look exactly like Lans Tartae and Lans Hamilton... and they have the same exact place in the plot... The Pirate modifing a star wars quote atleast once "That airship enough for you, boy" also, the first place you fly to in the airship could only be Cloud City more if the Magistrate was played by Billy Dee Williams.

Also it's actually also known as "The Cloud City". Also the cutscenes were pointless, as their was nearly no graphical improvements aside from the hair... and who cares about hair?

(Ok so maybe this will go without being flamed... since noone likes FF12 really. It's still my favorite FF since 6 though. Though i haven't tried 9.)

twesterm said:

So I come back and finally finish the fight. At this point I’m bored out of my mind and give a sigh of boredom when I see three more enemies burst open a door and then something surprised me—the demo ended.

I have also have Ratchet & Clank and I played a little bit of it but not enough that I want to form an opinion on it yet.

I’ve played Resistance and I hate the game so there’s no need to try that.

1. I notice you're rating games and an entire console purely on the basis of the demos you've played. Or more precisely, three demos. That's about as fair as judging a book on its title page.

2. "Resistance" is a fine game, well-designed and with a gripping storyline, but if you don't like FPS games, that's a separate issue.

3. The PSN interface and XMB are fine - fairly easy to navigate, and there are lots of free videos and demos available (DMC, MGS, etc.). You can use R1 and L1 to jump forwards or back, or use the left stick to click on the onscreen buttons. Simple and painless.

4. "Ratchet and Clank" -- the game, not the demo -- is an action-platformer blast, and also very, very funny.

5. If you have an HDTV, rent a BluRay title and check out the visuals. You might be pleasantly surprised.

Kasz216 said:
Also... I find it funny that people are tearting Twesterm apart for basically saying "I don't like the fact it doesn't come with HD cables or the menus system, but I like a couple of the games, and dislike a couple other games."

Seems a bit fanboyish to over react this much... then again, what should I expect. Seems like you can't reasonably complain about a system or game without a few fanboys trolling you to all hell.

I'll try and see how it works.

Final Fantasy 12 kinda sucks, it's a MMORPG without the MMO, the Story is combination of Star Wars and Tactics Ogre, right down to their being characters that look exactly like Lans Tartae and Lans Hamilton... and they have the same exact place in the plot... The Pirate modifing a star wars quote atleast once "That airship enough for you, boy" also, the first place you fly to in the airship could only be Cloud City more if the Magistrate was played by Billy Dee Williams.

Also it's actually also known as "The Cloud City". Also the cutscenes were pointless, as their was nearly no graphical improvements aside from the hair... and who cares about hair?

(Ok so maybe this will go without being flamed... since noone likes FF12 really. It's still my favorite FF since 6 though. Though i haven't tried 9.)

 Maybe because the OP wasn't reasonable. It was basically a long tirade about not having $15 cables included in the box, a poorly timed hint in Uncharted Demo that doesn't indicate anything about the final game, scrolling in the PSN sucks (even though you do not have to scroll at all!) and how a 15 min. demo of Heavenly Sword was just about button mashing. And as a result, he gives the impression that the PS3 is crap based on mostly inconsequential or non-existent issues. The only issue that he mentions that is worrisome is the bit on Heavenly Sword being just a button masher. Problem is, the actual game is quite a bit deeper than that. The combat gets more interesting, the Sixaxis shooting portions were a riot, and the way the story was presented was very impressive and just downright cool. 

 His review is plain worthless. He doesn't even review a game that he's actually played through. He just talks about demos. How is that a reasonable review of a GAME system? 

My Top 5:

Shadow of the Colossus, Metal Gear Solid 3, Shenmue, Skies of Arcadia, Chrono Trigger

My 2 nex-gen systems: PS3 and Wii

Prediction Aug '08: We see the PSP2 released fall '09. Graphically, it's basically the same as the current system. UMD drive ditched and replaced by 4-8gb on board flash memory. Other upgrades: 2nd analog nub, touchscreen, blutooth, motion sensor. Design: Flip-style or slider. Size: Think Iphone. Cost: $199. Will be profitable on day 1.

MontanaHatchet said:
It's payback chump.

 Nice.  I can see you are happy to let this thread decend into troll fodder and even willing to lend some assistance to its progress down that path.



I'm glad someone can still produce coherant responces.



Not sure what you are questioning, but the PS3's supporters to this point have essentially had one argument "you never liked it to begin with".  What kind of a responce is that?  The answer is of course that it isn't a responce its an excuse not to address Twestern's complaints directly.  I don't think it is asking to much for people to post a pointed and thoughtful responce.

I would expect those who enjoy their PS3 can easily provide just as many points about the topics mentioned by twestern that are positive.  I would genuinely like to hear those points.

To Each Man, Responsibility

You do know it's possible to like FPS and not like Resistance right? It's also possible to like FPS and not like Halo. Or... Metroid Prime 3? Or even Golden Eye.

That's another thing i'm get sick of on this site. For some reason if you don't like "so and so exclusive game" on whatever system you apparently can't like that genre or are just full of bitter hate for the system it's on.

As opposed to just not liking it do to say... personal preference.