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it just sounds like its not your cup of tea. that's fine, i had friends last generation who bought ps2s because they were the most popular game system and guess what - they hated them. the games, the controller, the system, everything. they both returned them and bought xboxes. after that, they couldn't be happier with them. I personally really enjoyed my ps2(s) last generation but some people simply want something else. That's fine, but simply because you dislike it dosen't mean it's crap.

After being in possession of a wii for over a week and playing the system's best offerings, I can say that there is *nothing* (played zelda, metroid, bwii, strikers, a few others & smg) except for super mario galaxy (and trauma center) that i would buy if i owned a wii. everything else was a steaming pile of mediocre (except for bwii which is crap). Obviously, for me to spend on a system I see little promise in getting good 3rd party games (wii) would be foolish. If i were you, i'd sell it, get a slim ps2 and call it a day.

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka