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Also... I find it funny that people are tearting Twesterm apart for basically saying "I don't like the fact it doesn't come with HD cables or the menus system, but I like a couple of the games, and dislike a couple other games."

Seems a bit fanboyish to over react this much... then again, what should I expect. Seems like you can't reasonably complain about a system or game without a few fanboys trolling you to all hell.

I'll try and see how it works.

Final Fantasy 12 kinda sucks, it's a MMORPG without the MMO, the Story is combination of Star Wars and Tactics Ogre, right down to their being characters that look exactly like Lans Tartae and Lans Hamilton... and they have the same exact place in the plot... The Pirate modifing a star wars quote atleast once "That airship enough for you, boy" also, the first place you fly to in the airship could only be Cloud City more if the Magistrate was played by Billy Dee Williams.

Also it's actually also known as "The Cloud City". Also the cutscenes were pointless, as their was nearly no graphical improvements aside from the hair... and who cares about hair?

(Ok so maybe this will go without being flamed... since noone likes FF12 really. It's still my favorite FF since 6 though. Though i haven't tried 9.)