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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Teen steals $9,000 from grandmother, buys Wii

This case, like the 360 and PS3 stories seen recently, has nothing to do with the console. The story here is a person that probably needs to go to prison, but grandmothers are too nice for that. Makes her a sweet lady (if not a bit stupid for having 9k in a pillowcase) but it doesn't change the fact that the kid is a douchebag....he is just a douchebag lucky enough to have a grandmother who loves him unconditionally.

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Come on, it's inside the Grandma's house. She should not have to put it in the bank, for her grandson should not be a theif.

I like how they bundled the Wii into the same sentence with the drug and alcohol addiction. At least he didn't play WoW. =P

Wow. I had no idea Wii Ebay prices had spiked to 9,000! Is this comfirmation that Wii sellouts continue?





Seriously, how lame and idiotic is it that the Wii makes it into the headline? Very. The answer is very.

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

Well, now ALL of the consoles have crazy people!



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IT'S OVER NINE THOUSAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

About the pillow case thing, stashing their money instead of putting it in the bank is a pretty common thing for old people. It originated as a result of the paranoia about a Depression repeat. People were afraid of banks and thus kept the money hidden instead of depositing it. My grandpa's dad kept all his money in his mattress and would take it out whenever he needed something. He bought everything with pure cash. I heard a story about him buying a car completely with cash in the 50's. I'm guessing it's the same distrust of the banking system that created the situation in the news story.