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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Are you happy with MW2?


Are you happy with MW2?

Yep 62 44.29%
No 78 55.71%
DarkisWR said:
FKNetwork said:
I am more than happy with it, I think its an amazing game, yes there are a few annoying things about it but it is now easily my favourite online game and I play it everyday for a few hours without fail and have done since it was released!

I don't get the sh*t this game is getting from some people but then again you can't please everyone, the sales and reviews speak for themself!

SEee...I was like you...just in my case...I dug Halo...Got into the MW van late in the game...bout a month after MW2 is out I get serious with it...then *and to anyone that spends time on it* You start to see the glaring flaws.....If needed I will post a few vids of overkill kits/glitches etc...then again just youtube for yourself.


Get your rank reset due to xp folks call in perma air strikes...or watch folks from the back shoot ya as you sneak up on em...all these ''lil'' things add up after awhile.

Or wait for days on end* more like 10-25 mins if your in a party with 4-5 folks with 400k playing online*


Honestly if you can't see kit unbalance and can still say MP is the shiznit then please ask me to come in a match with you and ruin your day.


From respawns to bullets/ mean jack shit...they wernt on when theres more than 100 folks on.

I am aware about ALL the hacks, glitches and bugs with the game and guess what? I STILL love it!


As I said before:

FKNetwork said:
I am more than happy with it, I think its an amazing game, yes there are a few annoying things about it but it is now easily my favourite online game and I play it everyday for a few hours without fail and have done since it was released!

I don't get the sh*t this game is getting from some people but then again you can't please everyone, the sales and reviews speak for themself!

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Multiplayer is deplorably unbalanced, it's littered with problems, and good maps are scarce. I had a lot of respect for IW before this game...

CoD4 > Modern Warfail 2

COD4 became out games of choice for split screen, very few games have bots anyway. While I love that you can now create your own classes so we can have themed matches much easier... none of the maps feel as good as the firsts.

No, and I find multiplayer boring.


                                       That's Gordon Freeman in "Real-Life"


i did not plan on buying it at first since i just saw it as just another cod.
But i am glad i did, cus i have had at least 60 hrs of fun with it. Minus the problems with multiplayer.
But just playing private matches with friends is great with ANY fps imo.

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Oh yes
Spec Ops was incredible fun.

yes its good but not great.

It definitely doesn't live up to the hype.

Campaign was short but my issue with it was the story which wasn't as good the first and too unrealistic. Russia invades America?

The singleplayer was decent, but that's about all I cared for in Modern Warfare 2. I played COD4's online for about a month straight until it just got rather boring for me which makes my interest for Modern Warfare 2's online drop through the floor. If I ever restart Gamefly I might rent it again to spend a little more time with the multiplayer, but it seems like the multiplayer has way too many issues anyway.

With my already uninterested feelings for the game (and probably the series now too) coupled with my stance on what they did to the PC version, I just don't give a crap about the games anymore. I'll rent them for the singleplayer and that'll pretty much be that.