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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Surprising new title in popular series unveiled in next Nintendo Dream

I wantz kirby WIIIIIIIIIIIIIz111!!!!!1!!!1!!111!!!..;,,./;P


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Super Mario RPG 2, for the Wii. Eheh.

Really though, it depends whether this "popular" means it's big in Japan or not. Fire Emblem isn't as big as other Nintendo series, like Kirby, Mario Party, or Donkey Kong. Even Star Fox always beat FE on consoles (SNES, GC).

I also think a Fire Emblem, with a multitiered strategy would be awesome too. Think You have to command an overall army at the overworld which has specific sets of heroes. Then the heroes and peasants at a small level. And a small castle/keep editor to provide your army boosts etc.

no idea what it is. ive got no guesses at all.

Please let it be Starfox 8D


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My Money is on StarFox

Is Kirby really considered "surprising"? It's about time we see it more than just on their release schedules, but I wouldn't be "surprised" by its announcement.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

LordTheNightKnight said:
guiduc said:
Did you know that Nintendo re-filled a new trademark for Luigi's Mansion? Go see the other thread. It might be that game... the sequel...

I think using the flashlight and vaccuum with the Wiimote, with or without the Motion+, would kick ass.

So yeah, I would like this game to have a sequel.

If it is Luigi's Mansion, let's hope the title doesn't contain the words "New Play Control!"

Reading this threat makes me realize just how many franchises Nintendo has.

8th gen predictions. (made early 2014)
PS4: 60-65m
WiiU: 30-35m
X1: 30-35m
3DS: 80-85m
PSV: 15-20m

damkira said:

I'll bet you $8 that its Kirby.


I'll take that bet! Lose buys winner an $8 VC/WW game of the winner's choice?