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Ok Jede, Ok.

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Lord Flashheart said:
Ok Jede, Ok.

Quit with the name constant name calling; you're like a stoned kid obsessed with tin foil. Someone said ME2 was the best graphics ever seen on a console. I said this wasn't true because:

1i)It's graphics, from high res screenshots, highlight many technical short comings e.g. soft shadows, anti aliasing, low res textures in the surrounding, a reliance on bump mapping etc
    ii) This is backed by the fact the game runs almost perfectly on an old GPU, the 8800GT
2)The 360 simply isn't as powerful as the PS3.  Naughty Dog have said this, Guerilla Games, Sucker Punch Productions, Santa Monica Studio, and John Carmack.
3) It would be rare for a non-exclusive title to be the most graphically demanding game on a console due to the optimisation that goes into exclusives. It's cheaper and easier not to optimise.

I never have said the 360 isn't a good console, or that ME2 isn't a good game. You can choose to prefer ME2's graphical direction in comparison to Uncharted 2, but it isn't as technically demanding, which some how people reguard as flamebaiting.

The "facts" and provided pictures you've provided have been questionable to downright laughable. You see what you want to see and everyone else see's things differently.
How can you not see that?

But continue your fud.
Anyway. Just because your last account was banned doesn't mean you can't come back on here. As long as you don't act like before you'll be fine but unfortunately you are resorting to old tactics.
In the interest of fairness I will consider that the similarities between yours and Jedes posting style is nothing more than a coincidence.

Lord Flashheart said:
The "facts" and provided pictures you've provided have been questionable to downright laughable. You see what you want to see and everyone else see's things differently.
How can you not see that?

But continue your fud.
Anyway. Just because your last account was banned doesn't mean you can't come back on here. As long as you don't act like before you'll be fine but unfortunately you are resorting to old tactics.
In the interest of fairness I will consider that the similarities between yours and Jedes posting style is nothing more than a coincidence.

Well please tell me where my 'facts' are wrong, where the evidence is questionable, and what I've said is laughable. All you have done is say "You're wrong" without ever stating why.

What last account? What the hell are you on about? Considering my PSN and XBL ID's are both Mazty I really think that should suffice as proof that whatever you are seeing is no more than coincidence, but I can't exactly compare, nor do I really care.

Ok. The problem like i've said is you see only what you want to see. You ignore and go off on tangents or backtrack to suit yourself. You are a brick wall and I'm talking to it. there is no point continuing with you for these reasons unless it's to have a laugh. that is why i keep responding. To amuse myself because I cannot take you seriously.


For instance you said

Mazty said:

Erm you need to look up your spec knowledge of the consoles. The 360 offers a 'free' 4xAA to almost any game, whereas the PS3 has 4xMSAA on Killzone 2 etc, and the Sabatour has SSAA. It's hardly rare to have 4xAA on the consoles, especially the 360 with it being a large advantage over the PS3 when it comes down to multiplatform titles.

Well no denying they look good, but at actual 720p, the textures do look flat, though that explosion is really impressive.Overbloom in GT5 and Uncharted? First I've ever heard of that, and it's an absurd claim:
Notice the nice after effects such as feild of depth and motion blur, something which the ME2 screens aren't showing. Plus looks like better AA.


Mazty said:

From what I can see from the first 12 mins of gameplay on youtube in HD, on the 360 there is still little to none AA, flat textures, 'simple' lighting (in todays standards) and low poly models, but plenty of bloom. The close up at 11:27 shows that a lot of the nice lighting is nothing more than good texturing & bump mapping, which dissappears close up. The required PC specs say an 8800GT GPU and from what I can see, that's the kind of graphics the game is producing.

Now compare that to what someone who OWNS and is PLAYING the game says

CGI-Quality said:
Lord Flashheart said:
So tell us CGI, does it have no AA, low poly models, flat textures and no field of depth?

No sir. It has all of the above, though at times there's a bit, and I mean a BIT, of aliasing. Textures aren't flat, character models have much bump mapping and detail, and the depth of field is nearly as good as Uncharted 2's IMO. The game is absolutely gorgeous and is definitely up there with the best that consoles have to offer. I just wouldn't put it ahead of the best that I've seen.

But again, I'm not trying to take jabs at the game, you can really see that a lot of hard work went into it.

Edit: What I meant was, it doesn't have those problems that someone claimed they had, besides a bit of aliasing.

Now I know it's only CGI saying this and he can be a bit one sided at times but even then I would still listen to him and take his opinion on board and he's not the only one saying this about ME2. Whereas you seem to be the only person oblivious to it all.

And where are you getting your inforamtion from? Youtube. That says it all.

Also I try to listen to CGI as much as I can but sometimes... well.



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Dammit, you seemed to have suckered me back into this.
Just Like Jede used too...

Mazty said:
lestatdark said:

You're clearly using statements that are inflamatory against the 360, trying to rouse people into a response, hence that is flamebait. It's against the rules

That's junk - I've only ever said what either devs have said or the technical side of things which is hardly flamebait. I've never said anything that's been made up and have even provided pictures to back up my points. I don't think correcting someone with the actual facts of the matter is  reguarded as flamebait.

As Lord Flashheart has pointed out, you're giving "facts" according to your own agenda, those that only suit your own interest. That is only to get people annoyed and reply back to you, perpetuating an endless cycle. Anyway, it's up to the mods to decide. I'll have my own impressions of ME2 by this friday, as I rather make up my own mind after playing the game, not by watching movies or screenshots ;)

Current PC Build

CPU - i7 8700K 3.7 GHz (4.7 GHz turbo) 6 cores OC'd to 5.2 GHz with Watercooling (Hydro Series H110i) | MB - Gigabyte Z370 HD3P ATX | Gigabyte GTX 1080ti Gaming OC BLACK 11G (1657 MHz Boost Core / 11010 MHz Memory) | RAM - Corsair DIMM 32GB DDR4, 2400 MHz | PSU - Corsair CX650M (80+ Bronze) 650W | Audio - Asus Essence STX II 7.1 | Monitor - Samsung U28E590D 4K UHD, Freesync, 1 ms, 60 Hz, 28"

Lord Flashheart said:

Ok. The problem like i've said is you see only what you want to see. You ignore and go off on tangents or backtrack to suit yourself. You are a brick wall and I'm talking to it. there is no point continuing with you for these reasons unless it's to have a laugh. that is why i keep responding. To amuse myself because I cannot take you seriously.


For instance you said


Mazty said:

From what I can see from the first 12 mins of gameplay on youtube in HD, on the 360 there is still little to none AA, flat textures, 'simple' lighting (in todays standards) and low poly models, but plenty of bloom. The close up at 11:27 shows that a lot of the nice lighting is nothing more than good texturing & bump mapping, which dissappears close up. The required PC specs say an 8800GT GPU and from what I can see, that's the kind of graphics the game is producing.

Now compare that to what someone who OWNS and is PLAYING the game says

CGI-Quality said:
Lord Flashheart said:
So tell us CGI, does it have no AA, low poly models, flat textures and no field of depth?

No sir. It has all of the above, though at times there's a bit, and I mean a BIT, of aliasing. Textures aren't flat, character models have much bump mapping and detail, and the depth of field is nearly as good as Uncharted 2's IMO. The game is absolutely gorgeous and is definitely up there with the best that consoles have to offer. I just wouldn't put it ahead of the best that I've seen.

But again, I'm not trying to take jabs at the game, you can really see that a lot of hard work went into it.

Edit: What I meant was, it doesn't have those problems that someone claimed they had, besides a bit of aliasing.

Now I know it's only CGI saying this and he can be a bit one sided at times but even then I would still listen to him and take his opinion on board and he's not the only one saying this about ME2. Whereas you seem to be the only person oblivious to it all.

And where are you getting your inforamtion from? Youtube. That says it all.

Also I try to listen to CGI as much as I can but sometimes... well.



Fair enough youtube isn't a great source, but still, there is no AA which is a joke, in my eyes the textures aren't high resolution enough to give depth but I'm used to professional level graphics. Plus the surrounding's are lacking detail - something which even youtube can show, as if something is simple, it looks simple and vice-versa. Though I have yet to see it for myself so I'll wait till then, but as I've said, 60fps on an 8800GT? Can't be a good sign, plus no AA really is going to shoot any game graphically in the foot, and more so at 720p. That can't be denied.

Still with the name calling? Nice to see such a high level of maturity from yourself.

Plus out of sheer curiosity, any chance you or someone can find a screenshot with the DoF effect going on? Would like to see it is all.



Nice to see you have listed where I'm wrong with my 'facts'. If you don't like it, e.g. power of the consoles, fair enough, you are entitled to but don't complain unless it's a lie. If it is a lie then it's fair game to point out how that is so. All that's generally has happend so far is disagreement with no substance & hollering of "flamming". Not cool.

I posted a clip which showed it. I did get the time wrong on it.
Maybe i'll make a clip myself on friday to show you. Providing it doesn't interfere with the start of the New SL season.

Also you really need to understand how recommended specs for PCs work.

Just wanted to chime in that I agree Xbox 360 is the place to be this year along with the last couple years a well. Being someone who owns a 360, PS3, and Wii I agree that my preferred gaming is done on the Xbox 360.

Xbox Live is leaps beyond PSN; I don't care if it costs $50 bucks a year while PSN is free (blah blah as the Sony fanboys will point out). Anyone with a half-way decent job can afford $4.17 a month, you do really get what you pay for when it comes to the service as a whole compared to PSN (again Sony fanboys will fight that one till the end).

I agree this year is looking great in the first six months with Mass Effect 2, Alan Wake, Final Fantasy XIII. These will easily take up six months for me as work and family keeps my game time limited.