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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Which virtual console games would you reccomend?

I gots 1600 Wii Points right now.


Games I have:

Super Mario World

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

The Legend of Zelda

Donkey Kong (NES game)

Super Mario Bros.

Super Mario Bros. 2

Super Mario Bros. The Lost Levels


I'm open to almost everything, as long as it isn't too hard and it isn't SMB3. (i own it on GBA and I don't like to enough to buy it again) 

Top 3 favorite games: Super Mario Galaxy, The Sims 2 (PC), The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

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well the games I have that you don't:

Contra 2
Bomberman '93

Yeah apart from that I pretty much have a similar collection to you. Both those games are fantastic multi-player, contra 2 is killer with 2 player coop (but difficult!) and Bomberman '93 is a great game for four people (it's apparently five player, but I have no idea how that works, never having had five people to try it out)

Help! I'm stuck in a forum signature!

Seconding Bomberman '93. It's the best version of Bomberman out there (yes, including Bomberman Live on the 360) aside from Saturn Bomberman, and I doubt we'll be seeing that any time soon...

@omgwtfbbq:To play 5 players on certain TG16 games, you need at least one Gamecube controller. As you boot up the game, hold down "R" on that controller and it'll register as the 5th player.

As for other games, Kirby's Adventure is the best value on the VC right now aside from SMB3. It's extremely long for an NES game, loads of fun, and only 500 points. I'd also HIGHLY recommend Beyond Oasis for the Genesis, which is a hybrid Zelda-like/beat 'em up. Think of all of the puzzle-solving and exploration of Legend of Zelda, only with a Final Fight/Streets of Rage-esque combat system. Yes, it's just as much fun as it sounds; that is to say, a heck of a lot.

If I were you, I'd probably go with Bomberman + Beyond Oasis now, leaving you with 200 points. Then, next time you grab Wii points, you can get Kirby and another quality TG16 game (I'd recommend Bonk 2, another excellent platformer, or Neutopia, the TG16's Zelda-like series - which is actually better than the NES Zeldas.)

"'Casual games' are something the 'Game Industry' invented to explain away the Wii success instead of actually listening or looking at what Nintendo did. There is no 'casual strategy' from Nintendo. 'Accessible strategy', yes, but ‘casual gamers’ is just the 'Game Industry''s polite way of saying what they feel: 'retarded gamers'."

 -Sean Malstrom



Super mario 64..

Unless you have the ds version.


 2008 end of year predictions:

PS3: 22M

360: 25M

wii: 40M

Garcian Smith said:
Seconding Bomberman '93. It's the best version of Bomberman out there (yes, including Bomberman Live on the 360) aside from Saturn Bomberman, and I doubt we'll be seeing that any time soon...

@omgwtfbbq:To play 5 players on certain TG16 games, you need at least one Gamecube controller. As you boot up the game, hold down "R" on that controller and it'll register as the 5th player.

As for other games, Kirby's Adventure is the best value on the VC right now aside from SMB3. It's extremely long for an NES game, loads of fun, and only 500 points. I'd also HIGHLY recommend Beyond Oasis for the Genesis, which is a hybrid Zelda-like/beat 'em up. Think of all of the puzzle-solving and exploration of Legend of Zelda, only with a Final Fight/Streets of Rage-esque combat system. Yes, it's just as much fun as it sounds; that is to say, a heck of a lot.

If I were you, I'd probably go with Bomberman + Beyond Oasis now, leaving you with 200 points. Then, next time you grab Wii points, you can get Kirby and another quality TG16 game (I'd recommend Bonk 2, another excellent platformer, or Neutopia, the TG16's Zelda-like series - which is actually better than the NES Zeldas.)

I agree with you about Bomberman 93 and Kirby, but Beyond Oasis??!? Damn... that game is pure awful. I expected to really like it and when I popped it in it felt like a shovelware game on the SNES. It may have some great people who worked on it but the game is HORRIBLE. One of my worst purchases easily. I'm a huge Zelda fan and I've got nothing against Zelda clones, this game just sucks.

Great games: Super Contra, Castlevania IV, Actraiser, Air Zonk, Donkey Kong Country 1 and 2, Super Metroid, Paper Mario, Punch Out, Rtype (any in the series), Star Fox 64

Each of the games I listed are must plays if you've never played them before (including Bomberman 93 and Kirby). You won't regret any of the purchases. I suggest you start off with Super Metroid if you've never played it before and grab one of the other SNES games I listed to try something maybe new to you.

You'll understand why many people chose Super Metroid as their favourite all time game, the thing is loaded with awesome from beginning to end.  A lot of love went into that game and it still looks as good as ever. 

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.

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Ninja Gaiden Star fox64(wonder when/if they're putting up the original...) Mystical Ninja ActRaiser(I had it when it came out on the SNES I can STILL enjoy it to this day) Breath of Fire II(where's 1>.

Super Metroid

If you have freinds that like to play video games with you I would suggest Mario Kart. The battles in this one never get old when you are playing, (and pwn'ing) freinds.

zackblue said:
Super mario 64..

Unless you have the ds version.

I do.

Oh, and please don't suggest any games that are mainly only good with multiplayer. My Dad only likes Wii Sports and Wii Play and my friends aren't interested in old games :(


Top 3 favorite games: Super Mario Galaxy, The Sims 2 (PC), The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

I'd recommend:

Star Fox 64, simply because it is still considered the best Star Fox game in ages, and one of the best looking Nintendo 64 games as well. The challenge isn't very high, but you'll definitely have fun listening to Peppy saying his clichéd line...! =P

Soldier Blade, this game's soundtrack is one of the best ever for a SHMUP. The power-up system with bombs and everything makes the game less challenging then it looks. You should definitely try it out if you want a new challenge, that is if you've never played a SHMUP before.

Super C, I'll simply never get bored from this game. The thing I like about it is the fact that you can get better every time you play the game, and when you're good enough to complete it without losing a credit or a life, the action seems to be at it's best! A must buy in my book.

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

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