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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - How many Nintendo´s fan dislikes the Zelda franchise ?


How many Nintendo´s fan dislikes the Zelda franchise ?

Me, myself and I 38 19.90%
What the hell ?!?!? We all love it ! 153 80.10%

now really you'll be prrtty bashed here

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A Nintendo fan doesn't have to love every franchise they made.

I don't like Metroid Prime btw. :X

Take a look at my photos on flickr

Zelda & Mario you can't dislike them. How can you be a NINTENDO fan if you dislike this two franchises.
I think it's impossible.

Hating Zelda and loving Nintendo is an oxymoron.

Samus Aran said:
Hating Zelda and loving Nintendo is an oxymoron.

That's not an oxymoron. It's more like a paradox

Take a look at my photos on flickr

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Zelda and Animal Crossing are my Nintendo top franchises.

Even I love Zelda, OOT and TP was my favourites, followed closely by Wind Waker (even if you don't like it's graphics style, it does grow on you).

it's the future of handheld


The official Vita thread

I like Zelda a lot, especially Ocarina of Time cos of it's a big, almost open-world, but sadly I never finished it. I got stuck too many times, didn't have a guide or walk-through so I became frustrated and quit about halfways when I was stuck in a dungeon.

I was going to pick it up again a few years later with an internet walk-through available, but then for some reason the old game-save wasn't left on my N64 anymore.

How open or linear are Windwaker & Twiligte Princess compared to OOT?

Slimebeast said:

I like Zelda a lot, especially Ocarina of Time cos of it's a big, almost open-world, but sadly I never finished it. I got stuck too many times, didn't have a guide or walk-through so I became frustrated and quit about halfways when I was stuck in a dungeon.

I was going to pick it up again a few years later with an internet walk-through available, but then for some reason the old game-save wasn't left on my N64 anymore.

How open or linear are Windwaker & Twiligte Princess compared to OOT?

I yet to play twligt Princess. Though wind waker not much liner. After you beat 2nd dugeon the game is your to explore.
Though how you get to places is liner. They tell you where to go most've of the time.

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

Biggest pikmin fan on VGchartz I won from a voting poll
I am not a nerd. I am enthusiast.  EN-THU-SI-AST!
Do Not Click here or else I will call on the eye of shinning justice on you. 

Roar_Of_War said:You despise Zelda? Thats a heavy word to use, especially if you used to love the series so much. What games have surpassed Zelda's exploration? What "bad gameplay mechanics" do wind waker and twilight princess hold compared to OoT? I doubt you can say anything that isn't either false, or preferenced. Wind Waker had innovation, just not too much gameplay-wise.


Also, all the big 3D Mario titles are very similar, why don't you complain about that? Because its Mario? Why should Zelda have to change so drastically if Mario doesn't have to? Because you can hardly compare Mario to anything, but Zelda has quite a bit of comparisons to other games. Zelda's a more competitive series than Mario in the fact that it could potentially be surpassed because it does what a lot of other games do out there, unlike Mario.


Still, its rather stupid to "despise" Zelda just because you may find something that, to you, is better than it. Out-performed perhaps (in your opinion), but despise? Did you want it to be better than all the rest that badly? Did it let you down? No wonder you don't like it anymore - you overloaded yourself. Over-obsession often leads to getting sick of that obsession one day, and being hostile towards it.

Like I said, just about every AAA game out there has surpassed Zelda's exploration and sense of discovery, but you really only need to look at one dev team to see just how far behind the Zelda team is. Team ICO blew by team Zelda last generation when it comes to exploration and sense of discovery.


Bad gameplay mechanics in TWW and TP? Huh... how about having to use the Wind Waker every minute in TWW to change the wind or control your partner? Good gameplay mechanic: Press A button and switch back and forth between controlling your partner. Bad gameplay mechanic: pull out the Wind Waker, play a song, watch a mini cutscene. Good gameplay mechanic: Sail in any direction regardless of the wind. Bad gameplay mechanic: pull out the Wind Waker, play a song, watch a mini cutscene.The Wind Waker itself was quite useless, unless you think it's super innovative to change the wind direction to use your Deku Leaf to hover over to another little island (why not just use a Cucco? That's all the Deku Leaf really is, a portable Cucco). More bad gameplay mechanics? I've seen many new players get frustrated with the horrible stealth sequence early in the game. Also, I'm sorry, but TWW's sailing grid with copy-pasted islands and towers compared to the open continental worlds of Skies of Arcadia? LOL.

For Twilight Princess, the entire Twilight realm was a horrible idea with poor implementation. Collecting light seeds was dull, no matter how you try to spin it I can't recall many fans saying it was a fun, worthwhile task. It broke the flow of the game, it wasn't fun, it didn't offer any new and exciting gameplay mechanics, it was a scripted mess. The Twilight realm limits what the player can do and where they can explore, it also lead to a wholly linear experience until you're a good 15-20 hours into the game.


With regards to Mario, the Mario games have an an astounding amount of variety within them, each game has been quite different from it's predecessor, while still retaining the core gameplay mechanics. The 2-d Mario games are nothing alike, and the 3-d games are quite different too. The different power ups, FLUDD, the usage of gravity in Galaxy, the Wii pointer, etc. Not to mention that the Mario team has greatly improved gameplay, and provided a large amount of variety of it too. Galaxy levels are completely different from Mario 64 levels.


I only despise the direction Zelda has gone in, which is no direction. Overloading myself? Nope, I still regularly play every game before the Gamecube generation, and I still love them, it's only the newer games that I don't touch (other than Minish Cap, I love that game, very original and unique). I don't expect Zelda to be the best at everything it does, that's like expecting GTA to be the best at everything, but I do expect it to be a bit of a "jack of all trades" type of game, which it most certainly isn't, not anymore.

Currently playing: Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, NBA2k11, Metal Gear Solid, Picross 3d