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Forums - Gaming Discussion - FFXIII is 32.6GB of movies and just 6.8GB of actual game content


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Is this really surprising? Every Final Fantasy since 7 has been mostly movies.

EMULATION is the past.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E



leo-j said:
Its not my word, its the word on the net..

Why would square cut a games worth of content? There WILL BE NO DLC, they already confirmed it.

Its just plain stupid to do that if you can use more space for the content to fit.

a whole WORLD was cut out of FF6

FFX-2 most of it was meant to be a part of FFX originally

{see gametrailers retrospectives & articles on this online}

Stop trashing xbox 360

this isn't the FIRST TIME things have been cut out of FF

stop pretending it is

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

kowenicki said:
So to relate this excellent information to a recent thread.... why the hell do we need a bigger disc than the current Blu-Ray?

I can bet you money that more could have been done if ps3 and blu ray were all they had to work with, for example, ample the ingame rendering quality using the extra power of the PS3, therefore reducing the amount of pre-rendered assets and use more of the space for extra ingame assests and contents. It could have been a bigger game, not as linear, and with higher quality visuals overall, but they didn't go that route, which is fine, they want money, and they need it big time, the end justifies the means, job is done.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
Wow is this a game or a movie? Imagine if this had been PS3 only. My goodness.....movies galore.

yes a 60 hour game with 9 hours of cut scenes is a movie!


All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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darthdevidem01 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Wow is this a game or a movie? Imagine if this had been PS3 only. My goodness.....movies galore.

yes a 60 hour game with 9 hours of cut scenes is a movie!


more like an epic...">

I don't know if S-E left content out of the game because of X360 but I really don't see how this debunks that assumption. Game content (whole FF map) is still 6.8gb (limit of X360 Dual-Layer DVD) and If I am correct every disc contains whole FF world. With compression they obviously take couple gigs away but still we have something like 4gb data to be repeated on every disc so there is about 3gigs of space to fill with compressed cutscenes. S-E's target was 3 DVD's so maybe they left some content out that they thought was unworthy or maybe they didn't. This is just speculation as long as S-E says something about the matter and probably they won't.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
Euphoria14 said:
I don't understand. People are complaining because a 60 hour game has 9 hours of video, which gives you easily 40-50 hours of gameplay.

However they won't complain about a 10 hour game with no video...

Final Fantasy games have had plenty of FMV since FFVII and now people whine about it.

You don't like the FMV in a game? Don't buy it. It's really just that simple.

That also explains why underrated Nintendo names like Fire Emblem have such a avid following. 

its the love">

Linkasf said:

that's what I thought when this thread opened up...">

For $60 we get 3-4 full length feature films as well as a game that is longer than most released this generation.

I would say that is a damn good value.

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Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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