trestres said:
But DQX is still a big system mover Trestres.
A BIG one.
trestres said:
But DQX is still a big system mover Trestres.
A BIG one.
darthdevidem01 said:
But DQX is still a big system mover Trestres. A BIG one. |
Of course.
Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.
tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."
Bets with Conegamer:
Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.
As much as I love DQ series, DQX is not gonna outsell NSMB Wii.
MikeB predicts that the PS3 will sell about 140 million units by the end of 2016 and triple the amount of 360s in the long run.
saicho said: @darth As much as I love DQ series, DQX is not gonna outsell NSMB Wii. |
Ok but my main point is
Calling a system dead before its SECOND BIGGEST game which happens to come from one of the biggest franchises in Japan is out is silly.
Well at least DQ is looking strong now. it gained about 20 during the last week, and im guessing 200-300 points looks likely for the game. Good to know though, and i hope this means more dragon quest love for the wii...
Xeno though has lost all hope. 70 points might happen, but only if it rises drastically really soon. I was hoping for much better, but 30k week one is the most likely to happen unfortunately
@ darth
Yeah well let's put it this way. The wii at its very worst is selling the same as the PS3 at its best. Wii is definitely far from dead, and i can see both systems doing a DS vs PSP in japan, especially with wii having the DQ and MH franchises, and the PS3 having FF and most of the other japanese oriented games(mousou, yakuza, tales, etc...).
It is fun to watch the PS3 and Wii go back and forth. Is it simply the effect of being the market leader that PS3 seems to get more games yet Wii can maintain the lead, if barely? Is this simply the Mario effect, sustaining them for months? DQX can probably sustain the console for many more months, so I think the Wii is fine.
NYANKS said: It is fun to watch the PS3 and Wii go back and forth. Is it simply the effect of being the market leader that PS3 seems to get more games yet Wii can maintain the lead, if barely? Is this simply the Mario effect, sustaining them for months? DQX can probably sustain the console for many more months, so I think the Wii is fine. |
I think you're wrong here. Mario sustains for months, but DQ is a much much more front loaded franchise. It will boost sales for what 2-3 weeks, maybe a month, but nintendo franchises have that umph factor that can sustain sales for months. DQ will be important for the wii nontheless, and it may drive some future franchises towards the nintendo console. I guess we'll have to wait and see till then
The Wii and PS3 are both jumping back and forth between leader/follower with good games being released for each. Neither can be every called dead, I think. Not with steady weekly sales.
kopstudent89 said:
Yeah, that's true. I guess I'm just trying to bring a little optimism to all these sad faces around here lol. And for Nintendo franchises having that umph, isn't it mostly just Mario games or the Wii series? Does Zelda even give that huge of a super extended boost?
Also for DQX encouraging other devs, I'm pessimistic there. I mean, any intelligent Developer would have already known that DQX is coming out, so its release was already in there mind. And regardless of if they are "successes" or not, all these more "serious" games or whatever you want to call them almost never being able to push past 300,000 has to be a little off-putting.