Comgnet 1/16
DQ6- 692 (+22)
EOE- 175 (+6)
AT3- 121 (+3)
- [NDS] Dragon Quest 6 Realms of Reverie - 692pt
- [PSP] God Eater - 250pt
- [PS3] End of Eternity - 175pt
- [PS3] Ar Tonelico 3 - 121pt
- [PS3] Ryu ga Gotoku 4 - 101Pt
- [PSP] Valkyria Chronicles 2 Royal Academy Gaul - 92pt
- [PSP] Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's PORTABLE-THE BATTLE OF ACES-lyrical BOX - 83pt
- [PS3] Gran Turismo 5 - 76Pt
- [PS3] Final Fantasy Versus XIII - 71pt
- [PSP] Fate / EXTRA Moon Box Type - 50pt
Great increase for EOE, its going up a bit as launch is getting closer, should open well imo.
Don't know what to think of Ar Tonelico 3, ideally it should be ahead of EOE as its not a new IP.
{op will be upated momentarily}