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Forums - Gaming Discussion - honk kong game magazine give FF13 a 4/10 -biggest swindle in gaming history

Hidalgo said:

Even if we don't take this review into account, and judging by what has been said all over the internet, it seems that FFXIII confirms that the good and sunny Square days are gone for good.

There will be more FF to come. Some will be better, some will be worse. But they will never be the same.

R.I.P. Final Fantasy series.

the reception is better than what FF12 got in Japan from importers & user reviews

so by your logic Final Fantasy died with FF12

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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psrock said:
This is going to be the biggest selling FF ever, just because you want it to fail so badly.

LEts hope so psrock, lets hope so

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

There are so many mixed reviews out there. The reviewers that give bad marks get sh*t from the fans who haven't played the game yet, which is kinda funny.

As for me, I'm not hyped at all for FFXIII anymore. I'm a huge FF fan and looking at FFXIII, it seems it lost all it RPG roots.

At some point, something must have come from nothing...

...nothing can come from nothing...

I doubt its going to be the best selling one.
Regarding the review, I do agree with this "I had heard the opinion that “It’s amazing once you get to Chapter 11,” but why should you spend 20 or 30 hours on a game to get to the only enjoyable part? Just how do they intend to make me play this? Do they think I’m some kind of masochist?"

"And yet, I've realized that maybe living a "decent" life means you won't ever have a "good" life."


darthdevidem01 said:
psrock said:
This is going to be the biggest selling FF ever, just because you want it to fail so badly.

LEts hope so psrock, lets hope so

I'm not getting it though, a review from a gaming magazine I have never heard of told me the game was bad, and the guy who has been bashing FFXIII posted the review, so now, I am not buying the game, I'll just play it in my head.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
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So you trust the word of "random hong kong magazine" so much that you're already disappointed before even playing the game?

Here's a thought: Famitsu (which granted, has kind of been giving perfect scores left and right as of late) gave this game a 39/40. Do you know what that represents? It's equivalent to a 9,75/10. Do you know what it means when 2 reviewers differ so much in their opinion of something? It means bias. Or even crazier, it could be that maybe... I don't know, quality is subjective?

Stop forming opinions based on other people's opinions.

Quem disse que a boca é tua?

Qual é, Dadinho...?

Dadinho é o caralho! Meu nome agora é Zé Pequeno!

People shouldn't care about this kind of reviews, I'm pretty sure that FFXIII is a good game. not a 4/10 game.

I know that I'm going to hate it but that's only because of my tastes, I'm also sure that this game will get great scores when comes out in the rest of the world.

So ignore this shitty review please :P.

Why don't you make like a tree and get out of here?

Keep in mind that this IS Hong Kong. They're the bootleg capitol of the world. They probably had a fake copy of the game called Phinal Phantasy 13 or something. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if the reviewer had a DVD of "Final Fantasy: Spirits Within and pressed buttons while he watched the movie on his Gamestation 3.

No offense to any of our Hong Kong members, I hope.

Johann said:

Stop forming opinions based on other people's opinions.

This is when reviews started going downhill.

At some point, something must have come from nothing...

...nothing can come from nothing...

d u believe me? if i say FF13 is fuckin masterpiece! its better than FF7,10!

i played over 100hrs, which opinions u trust?

sorry....all i wanna say is...FF6is the best

                                                                                           ↑ drawn by Tino Vainamoinen aka ex-NFG.  thx 

へんたい from japan, english is suck,so plain english plz.  thx