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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Leaked Footage of Half-Life 2 Played on Project Natal

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casual games would be perfect with this..

as in mini game compilations, which seem to be pushing wii hardware.. interesting project.


CommonMan said:
Solid_Raiden said:
That looks awesome. But not practical. Looking and shooting will be an unbelievable chore. It's been the same problem with fps games like this on the wii. It will be enough to get a lot of people to bite though. lol

I can't wait until something like this comes out and is actually practical for games like this. If that's possible.

In about 10 or 11 months you'll get your wish.

Seriously people! You really expect this to be perfect, almost a year away from release playing on a game that was developed for KBM controls and not made specifically for the Natal? Really?!?!

It has nothing to do with natal not being perfected. It has to do with Natal's design. It's just not practical for an fps game like this. Or do you think it's practical to walk in place, use one hand to "steer" the camera, the other hand to shoot (and be precise and accurate with both at the same time) and i doubt that switching weapons and reloading are going to be very practical either. Get over it. Natal isn't going to wash your dishes, save humanity, and walk your dog. What it will do is work really, really well for a lot of games, just like the wii. And again, just like the wii, Natal just isn't very practical for playing an fps. Maybe with the additional use of a controller, but that kind of defeats the point. I'm still looking forward to Natal, but I'm not falling for this trap. lol

PS3 Trophies



Sorry but this still shows me why the wiimote and nunchuck are amazingly designed.
They allow the fine precision of IR control while still giving you buttons and analog stick to move and shoot. MOST importantly, you can rest your controller on your leg just like any other game pad for ultimate comfort while keeping/ actually increasing the precision and stability. Far superior to thumb sticks and almost as good as the mouse for FPS. Sorry but you people saying the wiimote isn't good for FPS just aren't good with the wiimote, get over it  ;)   I'm about as hardcore of a PC gamer as you get and even I can admit that the wiimote is almost as good as the PC mouse for FPS and way better than the slow thumb sticks.

Natal however looks very tiring and not tactile enough but good for sports games and racing games. I'll stick with my wiimote and glovepie scripts though and can't wait for Red Steel 2 which should start a new sub genre of FPS for Wii with first person shooter/slasher :)

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wholikeswood said:
That almost gave me motion sickness. :/

I was gonna say the same thing.

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 PSN ID: Acidfacekiller

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looks interesting

I don't even know where to begin trashing this video...
Should I start at the input lag?
Or the fact he already has more than he can handle without it being in combat?
Or the fact that his motions are EXTREMELY limiting?

Overall, Natal is exactly what I predicted. Absolutely miserable at FPS, and probably all conventional, video games. I certainly hope this is fake for the sake of Natal.


Edit: I would, however, get one for my PC so I can use it for interacting with my PC in general, just not for games. Minority Report style!

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

gamrReview's broken review scores:


I'm sorry....but that just looks retarded

That looks awful. =\

Wii/PC/DS Lite/PSP-2000 owner, shameless Nintendo and AMD fanboy.

My comp, as shown to the right (click for fullsize pic)

CPU: AMD Phenom II X6 1090T @ 3.2 GHz
Video Card: XFX 1 GB Radeon HD 5870
Memory: 8 GB A-Data DDR3-1600
Motherboard: ASUS M4A89GTD Pro/USB3
Primary Storage: OCZ Vertex 120 GB
Case: Cooler Master HAF-932
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate x64
Extra Storage: WD Caviar Black 640 GB,
WD Caviar Black 750 GB, WD Caviar Black 1 TB
Display: Triple ASUS 25.5" 1920x1200 monitors
Sound: HT Omega Striker 7.1 sound card,
Logitech X-540 5.1 speakers
Input: Logitech G5 mouse,
Microsoft Comfort Curve 2000 keyboard
Wii Friend Code: 2772 8804 2626 5138 Steam: jefforange89

I hope the creators of this (if legit) make a higher quality video as that was atrocious.

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