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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Genres you wish would just die off

Euphoria14 said:

Is there any genres you wish would die off? Why would you wish that?

My list:

1. Jrpg:s

They are so boring and always just the same. Same story, same boring cliches. Can't stand them.

2. Platformers

I don't understand how some people could actually enjoy this genre. All you do is jump and collect some lame coins/stars. Boring.

3. Minigames

These are so shallow and boring. Can't stand them at all.

I don't wish for any to die off because even if I do not care for a specific genre I know there are people who enjoy them. I love JRPGs and Platformers for example.


I would however like some genres to slow down, like shooters. We are getting too many and it is annoying me.


At least it seems like 2010 is the Year of the RPG.

Well, you wish a genre to slow down. That is almost the same as to wish a genre to die off. ;) But that is true, we are getting way too much platformers, minigames and jrpg:s.

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Pock3R said:

Is halo a genre now? Wow. That is really cool.

Euphoria14 said:

Is there any genres you wish would die off? Why would you wish that?

My list:

1. Jrpg:s

They are so boring and always just the same. Same story, same boring cliches. Can't stand them.

2. Platformers

I don't understand how some people could actually enjoy this genre. All you do is jump and collect some lame coins/stars. Boring.

3. Minigames

These are so shallow and boring. Can't stand them at all.

I don't wish for any to die off because even if I do not care for a specific genre I know there are people who enjoy them. I love JRPGs and Platformers for example.


I would however like some genres to slow down, like shooters. We are getting too many and it is annoying me.


At least it seems like 2010 is the Year of the RPG.

Well, you wish a genre to slow down. That is almost the same as to wish a genre to die off. ;) But that is true, we are getting way too much platformers, minigames and jrpg:s.

I don't know if it is really the same thing. I say it like that because I feel that one has to slow down for another to rise into the spotlight. I don't want them to slow down to the point where they are non-existant.

I still enjoy playing shooters, but I am upset with the lack of quality JRPG titles in the last 3+ years.

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And I must ask... how come we are getting to many Platformers and JRPGs? These are the genres who got the LEAST games this gen |:

What JRPGs/Platformers did you play anyway?

Bet with Dr.A.Peter.Nintendo that Super Mario Galaxy 2 won't sell 15 million copies up to six months after it's release, the winner will get Avatar control for a week and signature control for a month.

Pock3R said:

ROFL, well it's been getting milked so bad that it should be considered a genre, Halo 3, Halo ODST, Halo Wars, Halo Reach, Halo Kart, Halo Bros. Brawl, Halo: gold liver/bronze kidney, Halo : special barbie edition, etc. lol.

Nah but on a more serious note, I do hope that Bungie brings back other great games into the 360's arsenal such as ONI. Those that played it on the PC and PS2 (don't remember if it came out on the xbox) know what I mean. They can definitely create other great games that are not named Halo.

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Why would any genre need to die off in the first place? It's the same as with movies or music, if you don't like the genre just don't watch it, listen it or play it. Simple as that!

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Is there any genres you wish would die off? Why would you wish that?

My list:

1. Jrpg:s

They are so boring and always just the same. Same story, same boring cliches. Can't stand them.

2. Platformers

I don't understand how some people could actually enjoy this genre. All you do is jump and collect some lame coins/stars. Boring.

3. Minigames

These are so shallow and boring. Can't stand them at all.

I wish trolls who posted troll posts would be banned.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

FPS, not to die off, but to shrink by about 90%. This way devs could do some good games again

RageBot said:
And I must ask... how come we are getting to many Platformers and JRPGs? These are the genres who got the LEAST games this gen |:

What JRPGs/Platformers did you play anyway?

Me? Last jrpg I played was FF X-2 on ps2. After that crap, I decided never to touch a jrpg again. Last platformer I played was New Super Mario bros which I got for this christmas and super mario galaxy. I did not see any difference on those games compared to old platformers or mario 64.

Diablos1979 said:

Why would any genre need to die off in the first place? It's the same as with movies or music, if you don't like the genre just don't watch it, listen it or play it. Simple as that!

Because those genres take resources from developers who might make games which I would like.