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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - First use of the Weather channel in a Wii game

Nights is the first game to officially include the weather channel in game. It sounds interesting, but for games like animal crossings rather than nights. It could be a nice feature though. Any thoughts?

Nights: Journey of Dreams will use the free Wii module for its "My Dream" area, where players get to freely interact with the game's "A-Life" artificially-driven creatures. The weather in this area of the game will reflect the weather of the location that you've registered with the Wii Weather Channel. Depending on the weather outside, you might see clear skies, or thick cloud cover. The game will also replicate snow and thunder storms.

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That is really really really damn cool man, shame I will never see snow in Nights then, doesn't snow here on the Sunshine Coast.

I think this is fantastic and hope it's not a one off, the Wii has all of these potential great ideas (i've got to keep reminding myself about the SD memory card slot as nobody implements it in software) and we seem to get lazy, linear, no brainer concepts at the moment.

More of this type of thing please, I want a house in Animal Crossing to explode if the news channel reports a terrorist attack of some kind.

Those people that think they're perfect give a bad reputation to us who are... 

"With the DS, it's fair to say that Nintendo stepped out of the technical race and went for a feature differentiation with the touch screen, but I fear that it won't have a lasting impact beyond that of a gimmick - so the long-lasting appeal of the platform is at peril as a direct result of that." - Phil Harrison, Sony

Unoffically, Madden 07 was the first game to use the Weather channel. It matched Stadium's weather to the city they were in if you asked it to. Or at least it tried, seemed really buggy.

brilliant idea, mostly grey skies here in UK though.....we do at least get a bit of everything though, so i would get to see snow, sun, rain etc....i wonder if it goes as detailed as to include the wind.

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Isn't exactly new news, but nice reminder anyway.
Feature does sound fun, but will have to see. Wouldn't necessarily be that fun, if you are enjoying playing some sunny coast and all of a sudden it starts to snow. And anyway, atleast here the weather channel updates come so late, that the "current weather" isn't current weather by any means.

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Hehe, we have had mass torrential flooding here in Manchester, that would be great in Animal Crossing.

Games i'm currently playing:

I remember Black & White having this feature, but I never tried it. Interesting!

Would be epic to have something like this in an RPG game's world too.

As BrainBox said, it was used in Madden... i actually don't think it is a big deal anyways, only because my weather channel is almost always several hours behind the current time and therefore displaying irrelevant weather, like i don't want to know what the 'current' weather was at 9am if it is currently 12pm (in australia anyways, it might be updated more often in other countries -- let me know)