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Forums - Sony Discussion - PSN Premium Details Options To Extend Warranty & Cross Game Chat & More!

kowenicki said:
you will get a better customer service if you pay? that is outrageous!

Yeah that is very silly, but this is just a proposal,. I had to call Sony for  PSN and PS3 issues... it was like dealing with a 3 year old. 

Cloud Storage - access save files from any PS3 you sign into. <<<<<< that is awesome, great for people with 1 gen PS3 that are YLOD.









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Cloud Storage Space for Games
Store your game saves on a virtual secure saver. This would allow you to access your game saves at any point in time, and from any PlayStation 3 or PSP console you are logged in on.

this just won me over. I have been thinking of buying a ps3 for my room but didnt know if i should because i would not be able to transfer the saves between them easily if at all. this clears all that up! yay!

PSWii60 owner! woot

Get your Portable ID!

WHAT THE HELL? they cant charge for cross game voice chat!

Finnbar said:
Cloud Storage Space for Games
Store your game saves on a virtual secure saver. This would allow you to access your game saves at any point in time, and from any PlayStation 3 or PSP console you are logged in on.

this just won me over. I have been thinking of buying a ps3 for my room but didnt know if i should because i would not be able to transfer the saves between them easily if at all. this clears all that up! yay!

yep that Won me over too!!

Dioxinis said:
WHAT THE HELL? they cant charge for cross game voice chat!

It takes a lot of bandwich you know.. and besides
It's the only thing that Xbox Live has, that PSN doesn't. and Live isn't free :)

Well, there are probably more things, but cross game chat being the biggest.
Besides.. there'll probably be a cheap option to pick that has cross game chat, like 30$ a year.. and you'll also definately get more neat stuff..

Currently Playing: Uncharted 2 & Kingdom Hearts 2
2010 Predictions: Click Me

Games on my "Must Buy" List:

Diablo III (PC)
God of War III (PS3)
Gran Turismo 5 (PS3)
Final Fantasy Agito XIII (PSP)
Final Fantasy Versus XIII (PS3)
Final Fantasy XIII (PS3)
The Last Guardian (PS3)

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omg dude this is sick, i want it.
im crazy about facebook, bring it on

omg dude this is sick, i want it.
im crazy about facebook, bring it on

I would pay for the cross game voice chat and the extended warranty.

no idea how to make this properly work

the cloud servers is the largest feature on this list besides the cross game chat.
dual log ins on the same system would be nice as well. (even though i didn't see that listed)
Being able to play a co-op game at my friends house while simultaneously saving the game to both of our accounts and earning trophies for both accounts as well (via cloud server) would be amazing.

BUT even if it is just 1 account at a time, my friends can come over and sign in under their account and earn trophies for their account on my system. This would be nice because occasionally a friend will come over with a new game, but we usually don't want to play too long because they know they will just have to re-play it later on their own system.

also the idea of tokens could be huge if implemented correctly, this combined with the game specific challenges or whatever will greatly expand upon the whole concept of achievements and trophies.

̶3̶R̶D̶   2ND! Place has never been so sweet.

So if one guy has a subscription for cross game chat, can he utilize that to invite non-paying members to his xgame chat session.. That's how it should work anyway.

Early access to demos and content - yuck, that just means non-paying members get the shaft.

Automatic updates and downloads, damn I've been waiting for that for awhile - very necessary on PS3.

Free Access to PSOne Classics, PSP Minis, and PS3/PSP Themes.. Do we get to pick, or they just going to give us what isn't selling well- like qore does.

I get the feeling Sony is being forced into the subscription model, because MS is planning on giving Live Contract discount to give away 360s for free - Sony has to be able to do the same to compete.