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Um, he actually wrote in his posts that this wasn't just Sakamoto, and that this had to have Nintendo's approval. So he's not going after Sakamoto personally, just his ideas, AND the fact that his ideas are accepted among the gaming industry.

Again, it's the mindset he's having a fit about (and I can understand that, since it's really stupid), just that Sakamoto is a symbol of that right now.

Did any of you take note he also went after the guy in charge of the Zelda series (whose name I can never remember exactly how to spell) when Spirit Tracks was getting ready to launch?

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

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Why are the Sakamoto cultists still angry?

Above: This is the most accurate advertising for a video game ever made. Nintendo marketing warns Japanese with a giant ‘thumbs down’ sign.

With Metroid: Other M, I imagined a scenario where some gamer who bought a Wii for Mario 5 or something else would see Other M and say, “Hey! I played that on the NES and liked it. I will pick up Other M because I remember the NES title fondly.” And then this proverbial gamer picks up Other M and goes, “What the heck…”

On a miscellaneous forum somewhere on the Internet, this proverbial gamer became flesh and blood and did this:

I’m kind of stupid when it comes to video games, and today was no different. I have never been a huge Metroid fan… although I liked the original one. Regardless, I purchased Metroid Other M cause it looked cool and I wanted another unique adventure on Wii. Since I liked Red Steel 2, Sin and Punishment, Super Mario Galaxy 2 and a Boy and his Blob so well, I felt like I was on a roll and could take a $50 chance. What I got was a bad CGI movie and a game that is “crap-voluted” – a word I just made up…

The controls were OK until the first boss fight, then I felt like I was trapped in an amateur viral video where someone was running while filming. The “holding the controller to determine which style of play we are using” was okay through the platform levels, but in a hectic boss fight, its horrible. The game is so dark, I had to turn my Brightness on the TV way high, and I hate the first person perspective “explore” parts of the game… looking around in a video game is never fun. If there is something I am supposed to find, just CGI me over there since you love the dam CGI so much. Activating terminals is frustrating. I hate CGI breaks during boss fights.  Reloading missiles requires u to hold the Wii remote vertically and hold down A. This takes way to long (like zooming in explore mode… you sit there literally for 5-6 seconds wondering if what you are doing is working.) Also, the 2D type run and gun stuff is not fun. The game auto shoots for you for the most part. And also, Samus is way too girly. This isn’t a beach volleyball game, I want my heroes butch.
I’m going to keep trying to play this to see if it gets good… its not all bad, there are some good production values, but Metroid Other M has already left a bad taste in my mouth, so its looking bleak.
I hope Goldeneye, Kirby and Epic Mickey leave better first impressions than this one.

This is the ‘non-fan’ that Sakamoto wants to hear from. Not too encouraging.

What is really fascinating to me is the immediate reply:

Heh, this game has ripped the Metroid fanbase in half – seems like in summary someone from Japan wanted to ‘out-Hideki’ Kojima from Metal Gear.

Malstrom has been having cats about this game – (warning lots of gas) he seems more upset about the presentation of his precious Samus than anything. He even suggests ‘bombs’ like this (and it is hardly going to be a bomb compared to other Metroid games) could cost Iwata his job – lulz.
But then Malstrom has a massive ego and puts his selective business theory above all else – why he once predicted Ninendo would ‘dump’ Zelda Skyward before it was ready cause it was not blue ocean enough – yeah I may not love all things ‘new Zelda’ but I have a little more common sense than that…
What fascinates me is how I keep being brought up in Other M discussions. What do I matter? I had nothing to do with Other M’s creation. If they are going to attack someone, attack Sakamoto since his ‘vision’ is why Other M is what it is.

Prior to Other M’s release, I was raising red flags about Other M and even mocking Sakamoto’s crazy statements (‘maternal instincts’, ‘so young and naive’ trailer, etc.). I don’t hate Sakamoto or anything like that. I am using this scenario to illustrate that Gamer Drift does not exist. What we are getting, instead, is Developer Drift. The developer goes off the reservation and steers the franchise into a direction that the original audience cannot recognize. For some reason, this direction is ALWAYS more cutscenes and more story. Developer Drift never says, ‘Let’s do less story and cutscenes’. It is as if game developers, if left alone for several years with no supervision, would deliver us their new game which would end up being a bad computer generated movie. It is a trend I see with all game companies. It is shocking that it has even infested Nintendo. If your boss is Shigeru Miyamoto and he says, “Do not put in the story,” and you go behind his back and do it anyway (Super Mario Galaxy 1 for example), what is there to say? If a game developer is not willing to listen to his boss, who happens to be the esteemed Miyamoto, you know they are going to ignore us lowly customers.

Other M is also a good illustration why I do not like the notion of ‘Game God’ and why ‘Game God’ is bad for gaming. It is fascinating, to me, how a group of gamers began to practically worship Sakamoto, turned him into a ‘Game God’, and hung on his every word. What is so interesting to me is that Sakamoto can do no wrong as if he wasn’t really human but some sort of angelic being of light who graces us with his creativity. It is absurd to give such reverence to a mere human being, so I mocked them as ‘Sakamoto cultists’.

The cultists were furious. To this day, they are still attacking me. At one point, some expressed desire to punch me and cause other physical harm.

Prior to Other M’s release, I was being taunted by emails from these cultists telling me to ‘keep talking’ because once Other M came out, it would outsell every other Metroid ever made. I had to marvel at their faith in Sakamoto. Some people expressed surprise that I would praise the Prime games since I prefer 2d Mario over 3d Mario. Certainly I would prefer 2d Metroid over the Prime Metroid, right? Well, the Prime games were at least trying to be like Metroid but in 3d form. Other M is so far off the reservation that I cannot recognize where it is at.

The cultists truly believed Other M to come out to great acclaim and sell out everywhere. People would rush to buy the Wii to receive the wonderful creative gift of ‘maternal instincts’ that Sakamoto graced upon us mortals. And everyone would praise Other M and diss those ‘awful’ Prime games (as the cultists say that Retro was defiling Sakamoto’s grand vision of Metroid).

When the reviews first hit, they were all over the place. Some were extremely negative such as the G4 review. The cultists’ response was to attack the reviewer or the website itself. When people on the Internet said, “Whoa! I do not like this ‘maternal instincts’ in my Metroid!”, the cultists raged and said, “Read the manga!”

There is nothing ‘polarizing’ about Other M. The game is being soundly rejected by the market. It has flopped in Japan. We still don’t know how it will perform in America, but given how aggressive NOA has been in special deals, promotions, and commercials for Other M, the sales are likely not there.

So the question I want to ask is: “Why are the Sakamoto cultists still angry?”

They got everything they wanted. They got their ‘Game God’, Sakamoto, to make a Metroid to HIS vision. It was backed with a huge budget and an aggressive marketing campaign (something that not even the Prime games had).

And with the game in their hands, the Sakamoto cultists have declared it game of the year (or the century to some). If they got what they wanted, why are the cultists so upset? Why are they mad?

And why are they still mad at me?

My guess as to why is that Truth is the Mother of Hatred. The truth is that ‘Game God’ Sakamoto has feet of clay, that he is not a ‘master storyteller’, that the Metroid franchise is being brought to its knees by his “creativity”, that Other M is flopping in the market, and it was everything that the ‘demon’ named Sean Malstrom said would happen is happening.

Of the many years this website has been around, there has been colorful feedback from people. When I began downplaying 3d Mario for 2d Mario (which Mario 5 did not exist at the time), some people were upset because they liked 3d Mario. But if you put on your business hat, you can see that 2d Mario receives a much stronger reaction from the market and boosts the hardware in ways 3d Mario doesn’t even come close. From a business perspective, it makes sense to keep making 2d Mario and not allow 3d Mario to replace 2d Mario (as it had for eighteen years). With Zelda, I got some grief when I talked about the earlier games in how they were more arcade action orientated instead of slow puzzles. But when you play the early Zelda games, it becomes very clear that Link is a swordsman first and if you do not do combat well, you die.

But Metroid fans are a totally different story. Why this is remains a mystery to me.


Rambi! - this article wont post properly.


Email: Zero Punctuation reviews Other M

Hi Sean,

Can any review beat this :
I don’t watch ZP, but this was pretty good.
You know how you have that ‘feeling’ of something but when someone puts it into words, you are like ‘aha’ and it crystallizes the issue in your mind? ZP does this on the point that Samus’s suit ‘disappears’ so we can see more of her butt. Clearly, we know what body part Sakamoto prefers in his women (and boy, do I feel creeped out already)..
I do not believe the Zero Suit has been helpful for Samus Aran or Metroid in general. When Samus revealed herself at the end of older Metroids, she would just have a bikini on. I prefer her being in her metallic suit in a bikini than this “zero suit”. The only reason why she has the ‘Zero Suit’ is so she can run around with a pistol and act like a ninja ‘ninja’. Samus was likable because she did not have super-Human powers. We figured that Samus outside of her suit would be instant death in the hideous alien environments on Zebes. But in Sakamoto’s bizarro world, Samus is a super ninja and the armor is just a costume which she can turn ‘on’ and ‘off’ at will (depending on whether it is time to show off her butt some more).

Also, if the player is constantly shown Samus’s body throughout the game, doesn’t that ruin the traditional ‘reward’ of Samus taking off more of her metallic suit?


Someone needs to remind Pachter that Wii sold out at the end of 2009

From IndustryGamers:

With all that said, I think we’ll see Nintendo maintain price until early next year, and I think we’ll see Walmart implement a similar promotion to last year’s $50 gift card with the purchase of a Wii.  That suggests that sales will pick up dramatically, as the effective price for a console, two pieces of software and Wii Motion Plus will be $149.99.

The reason why Nintendo doesn’t want to do a price cut is because the last one didn’t work. What boosted sales was software specifically Super Mario Brothers 5. Pachter is either trying to distort or, more likely, having a childish tantrum by repeating ‘Wal-Mart deal’ for the increase in Wii sales. Yet, Wii was selling out at non-Wal-Mart stores.

Pachter is doing his hardest to deflect the fact that Mario 5 boosted Wii sales like a rocket. For the reason why, I will leave that to the reader.

I know that I sound like a broken record, but I remain convinced that the “core” gamer is spending an incredible amount of time playing multiplayer online games, and the vacuum created by all of this time spent can only be filled by superior content.

In Pachter-Land, video game sales decline because the games are too good. Yeah. Does he really think investors are so stupid to believe that?

The reason why gamers are buying and sticking to a few games is not because the games are ‘so good’, but because most games today suck.It is better to replay a good game than to play a bad game even if it is new.

That’s why I think that the publishers will start to charge for premium content–out of desperation from seeing games that are good but don’t sell.

Pachter does not ‘think’ this. He was told it was going to happen from his buddies working at the publishing companies. So he says it as if he came up with it to advance his own reputation (what is the purpose of talking to the public but that?).

Again, playing the broken record, that’s why I thought we would have seen a Wii HD by now–consumers are ready for it, and slowing Wii sales reflects that.

Again, no mention of the Wii software. No analyst has yet to point to the ‘User Generated content’ direction Nintendo took.

Bad software means bad hardware sales. Good software means good hardware sales. Everyone knows this. Pachter isn’t stupid. He is shilling for some third party company who has a financial interest in a Wii HD so they can port their games to three systems instead of two.

Remember, you get what you pay for. There is no such thing as a ‘free’ analysis from an analyst. What you get with these interviews and all is just marketing. Often, the analyst is just spewing stuff (that has no relation to the analysis his company sells) just to market himself.

LordTheNightKnight said:
Alby_da_Wolf said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
Alby_da_Wolf said:
LordTheNightKnight said:


It could just be the interface for some games. I say Saint Row could use the touch screen to get around the fewer buttons. Put things like radio control, mission toggling, and in/out of vehicles on parts of the touch screen.

I just realized that using the touchscreen that way could be considered a high tech and customizable evolution of Mattel Intellivision's game-specific overlays for the numeric pad.

I was actually thinking that an Intellevision collection on the DS or 3DS could use the touch screen that way.

Very good idea. Better on DS, as it would reach a wider audience, and Intellivision games don't need the 3D screen (and it would run on 3DS too anyway). BTW some years ago some f*#@%ing thieves (*) stole some things in my mom's cottage, amongst which on top of some antiques, also the computer expansion for Intellivision and all the games, both for Intellivision and expansion, that my sister didn't previously take at her's, so I would be quite tempted, should I decide to buy a DS when its price is lower (spare time to use it will be the final factor to decide, alas! )


(*) I wish they spend all the loot for palliative care

1. Games with an Intellevision-esque interface could work with either system.

2. The prices already went down on the DS systems, if I recall correctly.

To pick this discussion up again: I just don't want developers to focus too much on graphics and 3D. I know Nintendo won't stop to produce games like Brain Age, Nintendogs, etc. but there were a lot of great games on the DS that used the touchscreen in an innovative way and I'm afraid 3rd parties will take the chance to release their "hardcore games" on the system. (And they'll want to include the 3D effect so they won't use the touchscreen as the main screen in a lot of games)

Yeah, I probably don't need to be afraid about that but I really have become a "casual gamer"... or rather I've always been one I started gaming on the NES of my neighbour and the first game I played was.... tadaaa Super Mario Bros.   And we always took turns. We also played Chip and Dale (this is an amazing game! It's a NES coop Jump n Run, almost as much fun as Mario Bros. on the Wii) and Ducktales (see avatar ) and Star Tropics and we never made it past the 3rd dungeon

My girlfriend owned a SNES with Super Mario World and Mario Allstars and she absolutely loves Yoshi. And with the Wii we've been able to make gaming a part of our relationship because of games like Wii Sports and Mario. And she also owns a DS Lite. But right now she isn't very excited for the 3DS because so far Nintendo talks a lot about 3D on the 3DS but not so much about games which we can play together.

That may sound weird but gaming is a great way to keep your relationship fresh and exciting. When there is no time to get out and actually do something together (when you come home late from work for instance or when you're tired) gaming is a great way to relax and have fun. It's way better than watching TV because it makes you talk to each other. And I don't want Nintendo to put less focus on this part of gaming, I actually want them to put more focus on this aspect. But with the 3DS it looks like they are concentrating on big games so far.

As I said most likely I won't need to worry about that but it still bothers me. I'm sure most of you know of something you worried about even though you knew there was no need to worry

And Malstrom is so right when he says there are lots of lapsed gamers. Almost everyone I know owned either a NES or a SNES or a Gameboy but most of them stopped playing some point down the road. Since the release of Mario Bros. for Wii my friends always want to play Mario which most of them haven't done for more than 10 years! And I was surprised so many of them (even the girls!) knew Donkey Kong and played it on the SNES! And now they are asking when Donkey Kong will be released because they want to play it

The thing is Mario Bros. Wii wasn't even that good of a Mario game to be honest. Yeah, it's so much fun but Mario Bros. 3 and Mario World are still better games (they just lack the multiplayer) and I want Nintendo to release a Mario game that rivals those old games. I don't want them to release one Mario game per generation or something.

So yeah to put that long post into a short statement I want Nintendo to get back to their roots. They had a good start so far but I don't want them to say "yeah one Mario and one Donkey Kong a generation should do it", I want them to release more of those games. And I won't be pleased about the 3DS before I see Nintendo putting their focus on this type of games

LordTheNightKnight said:

Um, he actually wrote in his posts that this wasn't just Sakamoto, and that this had to have Nintendo's approval. So he's not going after Sakamoto personally, just his ideas, AND the fact that his ideas are accepted among the gaming industry.

Again, it's the mindset he's having a fit about (and I can understand that, since it's really stupid), just that Sakamoto is a symbol of that right now.

Did any of you take note he also went after the guy in charge of the Zelda series (whose name I can never remember exactly how to spell) when Spirit Tracks was getting ready to launch?

Yes, but despite his disclaimers, what the readers gets , is a very harsh attack against Sakamoto.

And about Sakamoto ideas and their acceptance by the industry, I'm not happy either, for me gameplay is king and I like when the story is told playing the game itself, if the big industry thinks otherwise, we'll just have to wait for indie developers to develop again what we prefer and that the most successful of them show again the industry what gamers like. It happened countless times in the past, but each time the industry looks like it must learn again from scratch... But even here, despite stating the importance of gameplay, it looks like Malstrom is criticizing more the presence of a story he doesn't like than the worsening of gameplay. Reduced openness and increased linearity are big gameplay cripplings and he justly criticize them, but whatever he says, it's overwhelmed by his obsession against new story, cutscenes and maternal instinct.

But back to Sakamoto and M:OM, maybe the motivations for him and Nintendo could be different from the regression that is hitting some other SW houses, maybe they are experimenting to try and find a formula to attract gamers that currently don't like Nintendo or at least don't prefer it. Just like for the others it's been up until now impossible to understand Nintendo's winning formula , it's reasonable that for Nintendo, with its overall philosophy and mindset, could be as much difficult to grab other radically different winning formulas used by successful competitors. And experimenting is important anyway, only sales can say the definitive word about new ideas.

One last note: maybe Malstrom attacks directly only Sakamoto (and some developers of other less successful products for Wii) but the management only as an aside or a disclaimer, because he fears that digging deeper in the latter and applying his favourite economic theories, he would arrive to the conclusion that overwhelming success and exceptional growth are transforming Nintendo into the new incumbent.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

He attacks developers about their ideas the same way Hardcore attacks Nintendo to making a HD console. The same Hardcore he calls out everyday his the polar opposite of ,but just as extreme. A KKK member, and a  Black Panther are opposite sides of the same coin. With the overall coin not being worth anything. His  loves to call out Saka about Other M, but if you defend it your a cultist. Patcher  screamed for a Wii HD just like he calls for Nintendo to stop making 3D Mario games.  That's the only problem I really have with him. If he can get his business knowledge away from this personal bias against games. Overall people will respect, and expect his point of view more often. Right now he just sounds like a ranting fanboy that gets right sometimes.


Just because someone is saying something different. Doesn't mean their point of view is right!

Member Of The Wii Squad: Warriors of Light!

One of the 4 Yonkou of Youtube aka Wii Warlords. Other Members include ThaBlackBaron, Shokio, and Cardy.

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TheWon said:

He attacks developers about their ideas the same way Hardcore attacks Nintendo to making a HD console. The same Hardcore he calls out everyday his the polar opposite of ,but just as extreme. A KKK member, and a  Black Panther are opposite sides of the same coin. With the overall coin not being worth anything. His  loves to call out Saka about Other M, but if you defend it your a cultist. Patcher  screamed for a Wii HD just like he calls for Nintendo to stop making 3D Mario games.  That's the only problem I really have with him. If he can get his business knowledge away from this personal bias against games. Overall people will respect, and expect his point of view more often. Right now he just sounds like a ranting fanboy that gets right sometimes.

Okay, sounds like a ranting fanboy a lot, but no to the second part. He still elaborates on his points, and many are not in the style of a fanboy rant.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs


Somehow Sony must have managed to infect Nintendo with BMD, Bad Marketing Disease!   

TODAY, not before, I saw the first TV ad for M:OM here in Italy (maybe they started before, but even so, they were so invisible I saw the first one today).

From what I saw around in shops last week (but I should check again this week), it looks like Sony and Ninty marketings are retreated as scared before MS Halo launch, despite Italy not being XB360 land, all I could see were XB360 and Halo, with Wii, PS3 and Move shyly lurking in shops' corners and M:OM even more invisible.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

Its funny hearing people talking about Wii slowing down, when its till likely to sell 19-20 million this year, yes that's less than its peak certainly, but that's still a lot of consoles, heck PS2 only got over 19 million in yearly sales twice in its entire lifespan, seriously,. people need to get some perspective, even a low year for Wii is an awesome year for nearly every other console

Alby_da_Wolf said:


Somehow Sony must have managed to infect Nintendo with BMD, Bad Marketing Disease!   

TODAY, not before, I saw the first TV ad for M:OM here in Italy (maybe they started before, but even so, they were so invisible I saw the first one today).

From what I saw around in shops last week (but I should check again this week), it looks like Sony and Ninty marketings are retreated as scared before MS Halo launch, despite Italy not being XB360 land, all I could see were XB360 and Halo, with Wii, PS3 and Move shyly lurking in shops' corners and M:OM even more invisible.

Strange, they made good ones for Japan:

Above: Samus shows how bad the game is

Above: still the best game of the year.

Alby_da_Wolf said:


Somehow Sony must have managed to infect Nintendo with BMD, Bad Marketing Disease!   

TODAY, not before, I saw the first TV ad for M:OM here in Italy (maybe they started before, but even so, they were so invisible I saw the first one today).

From what I saw around in shops last week (but I should check again this week), it looks like Sony and Ninty marketings are retreated as scared before MS Halo launch, despite Italy not being XB360 land, all I could see were XB360 and Halo, with Wii, PS3 and Move shyly lurking in shops' corners and M:OM even more invisible.

Strange, they made a good one for Japan, as pointed out by Malstrom:

Above: This is the most accurate advertising for a video game ever made. Nintendo marketing warns Japanese with a giant ‘thumbs down’ sign.

Above: still the best game of the year.