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Forums - Sales Discussion - The Official Nov. 2009 NPD Thread Data covers Nov 1-28 comes @ 6:30 PM EST

Yeah lets go 360!!




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How is that possible? PS3's at my Target have been selling much more often than the 360, MUCH more often (like a 3:2 ratio). I guess the Wal-Mart deal was bigger than I expected.

Currently playing: Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, NBA2k11, Metal Gear Solid, Picross 3d

Sorcery said:
How is that possible? PS3's at my Target have been selling much more often than the 360, MUCH more often (like a 3:2 ratio). I guess the Wal-Mart deal was bigger than I expected.

Maybe it not...It's  all a conspiracy.

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

jarrod said:
Loosening lips on GAF...

Rabbids Go Home > LittleBig Planet PSP > Darkside Chronicles > Extraction (LTD)

90k >Modern Warfare Reflex > Conduit's first month

Go Rabbids!

Granted, it could still be a pathetically low number of sales, but...

Go Rabbids!

And I guess this puts Reflex at roughly 80k or so?

its all about that walmart deal now! anyways good for 360 that it won the month but on a worldwide scale the ps3 is still set to dominate this holdiay and dont forget that the ps3 won the all important back friday week which is the start of the holiday season. look at it this way, that extra 100k the 360 got over the ps3 is covered by 2 weeks of sales in japan for ps3. the 360 is doing well in the US though, very well but i expect the ps3 to come out on top in december without any walmart deals for the 360. which was really what helped the 360 beat the ps3, that and MW2

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Looked at old NPD leaks... kinda interesting, PS2 only sold 849k in Nov 2003 and 694k in Nov 2004. Wii and 360 are both beating it compared to launch, PS3 not all that far behind either.

More leaks...

Band Hero: 153k
Lego Rock Band: 83k

60% of Band Hero sales are Wii sales. 60% of Lego Rock Band are Wii sales. The Wii version of Band Hero > all Lego Rock Band.

@ Ride

but let's not kid ourselves good ol Acti will milk that thing until it actually stops making any kind of profit.

psrock said:


leo-j said:

I feel like having an opinion or discussion on a forum can get you in serious trouble..

My argument was that despite having such a jaw dropping game line up, and such a stellar advertising campaign, and the value that the console offers, it STILL fell under its competitors.

That was my argument.. and then you throw the "it doesn't matter its the U.S only, or your a fanboy, because you are ranting on about this" card.. and it just gets me pissed..

Last year with LBP, Resistance 2


Playstation 2 206k
Playstation 3 378k
PSP 421k
Xbox 360 836k
Wii 2.04M
DS 1.57M


Can you please stop,you are the only one losing sleep over this.

It is sooooo awesome that the Xbox360 kept the level of sales.

Last year, this was 2 months after the price cut to $199 / $250 / $300. Now there isn't a $250 model anymore and the prices are the still the same for the other models. Keeping this level is an achievement. That is something the PS3 still has to do. Do you think the PS3 would have the same sales next year, especially with a probably price cut of the Xbox360 and the Natal launch in November?


Imagine not having GamePass on your console...

Triple Chix said:
binary solo said:

There should be a modest upward adjustment for 360.

The 360 was under tracked by 100+K...  That is not a modest upward adjustment.

Are you talking about the maximum possible discrepancy between 2 estimates? You think the reported discrepancy is the definitive error margin, and the error is solely on the part of the lower of the 2 estimates? Those are bold claims indeed.

I'll certainly accept that VGC 360 numbers for Americas could be low by up to 12 or 13% for the month. But there is also a non-zero chance that both VGC and NPD numbers for 360 are high for the month . It should come as no surprise that HW sales numbers have a margin for error. Both NPD and VGC get hard data form certain sources, and then they both have to estimate and extrapolate to arrive at a final sales figure. It would be a mistake, I believe, to assume that NPD data is always more accurate than VGC data.

Personally I don't think VGC should simply adopt the NPD numbers in preference to their own. To do so would imply a lack of credibility in VGCs own data gathering and estimation methods. I do think the NPD numbers need to be given due consideration, though. Hence my views about what adjustments could be made to the VGC numbers. An upward adjustment for 360 across the entire month of about 70K or 8.7% is what I thought would be a reasonable consideration of the NPD data (i.e. I do not think VGC number crunchers should actually accept that they undertracked 360 numbers by 100+K). And yes, I think an 8.7% upward adjustment is modest. You might think it's a major adjustment, that's fine we have a different view about what's major and what's modest. But in the imprecise world of trying to pin down console sales numbers 8.7% isn't really that much.

It's only in this case where 8.7% (or more if you really want to insist on that full 100K adjustment) means the difference between coming 2nd and coming 3rd that it's got people all excited. If 360 and PS3 were both about the same between VGC and NPD and it was Wii that had the possibly statistically significant differential no one would say much at all. Why? Because Wii would go from being well out in front to being slightly more well out in front; no big deal. In fact I'd go so far as to say that people would generally conclude that VGC and NPD were well correlated for the month if that were the case.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix