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Forums - - Does R2 have the best online?

To quote my review:

"The co-operative is, in my opinion, the best part of the game. There are three classes to choose from: Soldier (a tank character who deals decent damage and has a shield), Special Ops (Deals the most damage, and throws ammo), and Medic (Doesn't deal much damage, but heals the team). Every game needs at least one medic, and one spec ops. That can work, with two people. With eight, you'll need at least one medic, one spec ops, and two soldiers. You gather Intel (which doesn't do much) and Grey Tech, which unlocks new gear for you to use. You also earn new weapons to use for secondary fire (ordinarily, the Soldier has a minigun, the Spec Ops has a battle rifle (best way I can think of to describe it, think of the one from Halo) and the Medic has a healing gun).

But, there are only three classes, which means there's quite a lack of variety. Also, the only story is a giant wall of text while the level loads. You won't read it. Nobody ever does. And you don't need much teamwork, either.

The competitive is pretty standard, and leaves quite a bit to be desired. Other games in the genre do it much better, and the only thing this has over several of those is that it supports two player splitscreen. There isn't much else to say, really."

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

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Co-op in R2 is a blast but competitive wise KZ2 >R2 imo.

Halo 3 owns it

no i tried it its pretty fun but not the best. the best in my opinion would probably be halo 3.



probably the best on the PS3, my only complaint is that sometimes I expirience lag kills, I remember I shot this guy with the sniper rifle two times in the head and nothing happened, then about 5 sec. later his character does a flip and die.

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It could have been better if the screen didn't shrink when you had 2 people playing! Also, I much preferred the gameplay from the first one.

PSN ID: KingFate_

I didn't have all to much fun with it. I think KZ2 beats it by a lot, followed by MW2, then theres R2, then all those other guys.

Its the best PS3 exclusive online game I'd say. But overall I find MW2 online more fun.

i got to say KZ2 first followed by R2

R2 was fun. the first FPS i platinum'ed, or even tried to platinum. (that says a lot right there.)

Killzone 2 was fun for a while but just couldn't get attached to the game besides its graphics...(sorry)

MW2, ahem....overhyped. (Average shooter.)

The Upcoming M.A.G. looks average as well...

Yeah, i just hate FPS. I wish it would die....

End of 2010 Predictions (Original Prediction Made: Jan. 1, 2010---Revised April 1, 2010---Revised Again July 1, 2010---Revised Again on Nov. 1, 2010)

PS3: 46 MIL (April Revision: 44 MIL, July Revision 43 MIL, Nov. Revision 45MIL)

360: 44 MIL (April Revision: 46 MIL, July Revision: 48 MIL, Nov. Revision 49MIL)

WII: 82 MIL (Apr. Revision: 84 MIL, Jul. Revision: 82 MIL, Nov. Revision: 82MIL)

THE MUST BUY LIST of 2010: Gran Turismo 5

THE BOUGHT LIST of 2010: White Knight Chrnociles, Heavy Rain, Final Fantasy 13, God of War 3, Modnation Racers, Sports Champions