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Forums - Sales Discussion - Famitsu Sales (11/23 - 11/29)

ioi finally brushes up the mess that people have made by bashing the preview :) well done.

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ioi said:

It has already been explained (many many many times now) that the hardware figures in the Japan preview are pure estimates - i.e what Jacob / myself (in some cases) think hardware will sell based on holiday boosts, software, hardware revisions / price cuts and so on. Only the software is based on hard figures.

Therefore, bashing the hardware figures in the Japan preview is a totally pointless exercise other than to try to stir things up.

Btw on a lighter note based on leaked famitsu numbers, u r spot on PS3 but 10k lower on Wii yet again. :) 

So if u use ur estimates Japan preview can become pretty accurate. :P

My take on the Japan preview's hardware miscalculations is that there is an over-reliance on trying to correlate hardware sales directly with software sales, without enough consideration of long-term trends and other factors. I don't often see any commentary on when an advertising push is made, for example.

I'm only guessing, of course, but I think The Source needs to recalibrate whatever models he's using.

Hardware sales not all that surprising. In the wake of big software and of course they both had had pricedrops/new SKUs, both PS3 and Wii should start seeing some hardware increases. Generally for Japan, sales start going up in early December compared to in America/Europe when it occurs early November. Different culture of course. PSP and DS sales still going strong but obviously DSi LL has been more effective than that of the PSP Go which shouldn't come off as too much of a surprise.

Software wise, Professor Layton lives up while many discredited it as being able to match the rest of the series. Few other evergreen titles stay up there and oddball out is of course the Pro Evo game on PS3 which is holding quite nicely. Wouldn't say it has legs... as people so mistakingly have put it, but it definitely is showing selling power. Trust me, legs isn't determined after 3-4 weeks of sales... that is just silly. But the title is showing that it may have the potential to be a long term seller in Japan for the PS3 and even get some significant rises come this holiday season.

Last week though is going to be a kind of borefest compared to this week. NSMB Wii is expected to do in the 800k-1000k range and push Wii well over the 100k mark. Samurai Warriors 3 will do about 150k first week with Kamen Rider doing another 60k-70k. Also PSP will have Phantasy Star Portable 2 and the Mobile Suit Gundam game probably perform over 200k first week and drive PSP sales up. Be a pretty good week this week.

ioi said:
@ViolentPhlegm - it isn't a miscalculation, the Japan preview is just meant to provide a rough idea of where you can expect hardware to be at along with a more accurate look at software sales.

I feel like some of you put way too much weight on figures that are pure, logical "guesses" by one person.



Not to be horrible or anything but i think you hould just get rid of the Japanese pre-views. It seems to be doing the site more harm then good and adding amunition for all the doubters to use. Eva that or when you do the previews you need to make it clear that it is early estimates before the data is finalized.

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

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that being said i see the previews for what they am and enjoy them. I read them every week and i find them really good.

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

ioi said:
Phantasy Star 2 is expected to do around 450k next week, 225k for MSG, 150k for Samaurai Warriors, 950k for NSMB Wii. Going to be a huge week.

Nice. I realize it's probably too early to tell, but any estimations yet of what Tales of Graces might do?

Woh woh 450k for phantasy star!! You should've said something before i put up my prediction! the preview said 225k :P:P lol

ioi said:
Serious_frusting said:
ioi said:
@ViolentPhlegm - it isn't a miscalculation, the Japan preview is just meant to provide a rough idea of where you can expect hardware to be at along with a more accurate look at software sales.

I feel like some of you put way too much weight on figures that are pure, logical "guesses" by one person.



Not to be horrible or anything but i think you hould just get rid of the Japanese pre-views. It seems to be doing the site more harm then good and adding amunition for all the doubters to use. Eva that or when you do the previews you need to make it clear that it is early estimates before the data is finalized.

That is what's meant by "Japan preview" and "I expect sales to be around ...."

It is pretty clear

Yh i know that. You know that. But many people just wont understand what you mean by preview. It is a very open ended way to define something.


Anyway what ever you and the source decide to do good luck to ya. I think you are doing a brillant job.

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

ioi said:
Phantasy Star 2 is expected to do around 450k next week, 225k for MSG, 150k for Samaurai Warriors, 950k for NSMB Wii. Going to be a huge week.

Wow, that'd be huge for PSP2!

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