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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Possibly the best Mario Galaxy screenshot yet.

I sooooooo can't wait to play this game!

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Zomg, I want this game!

Who else thinks this game will get GotY? 

The detail is incredible, it stays so clear so far out, there's even fish in the water, I love using the Wii to steer left and right, can't wait.

Even in screenshots it looks amazing, the thought of the game in motion is just mind blowing.



imo, it just looks as great as making love in the shower

yes, that great

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


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I say GotY unless OrangeBox can be considered. Team Fortress and Portal? Seriously now, thats tough to beat.

Nah, Wii is last gen :P
Seriously, this game looks like the real deal. I mean, Metroid Prime 3 looked awesome on my HDTV; I can't even guess what this'll look like.


Woho :D

Only 17 days left for us in Sweden.

Predictions for December 31st 2008:
Wii 38,000,000
DS 84,500,000
PS3 17,000,000
PSP 41,000,000
X360 23,000,000

Excuse me while I go put another coat of wax on my Wii.....

PS - God I hope someone gets that =P Perverse jokes should never go to waste. Especially when they have a double meaning!

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