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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Game Informer’s top 200 games of all time

Its ironic how no Wii game is in the top 50,considering how succesful they are...i consider this biased btw.

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98. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PS3/360, 2009)
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twesterm said:
Onyxmeth said:
Sambo2612 said:
Even though it's a pretty crappy list overall, good to see Doom get some lovin' at 6 and Goldeneye at 32. One thing I've never understood, what's the big deal with tetris? You play it once then you move on. How can you say it's got more 'lasting appeal' than all those other games?

1. The big deal with Tetris is that it popularized the puzzle genre. There's puzzle games after Tetris, and there's...what before it?

2. You may have somehow played Tetris once and moved on. I've played Tetris off and on for 20 years and still haven't figured out how to move on for good. Care to tell me your secret?

3. Tetris has more lasting appeal because it doesn't end...ever. It only ends if you happen to lose. If you never lose, it never ends. It's the game that mimics real life the most. You're given one chance and you ride it until you die. Other games will coddle you with endings that show your success. The ending of Tetris is your failure. It's negative reinforcement is how people have come back to it again and again.

Tetris is easily my third favorite game of all time (behind FFVI and Chrono Trigger) and that is a game I can easily waste hours on without even realizing it. 

I probably have dozens of flash versions of Tetris bookmarked across several computers, the orifinal Game Boy version (2 actually), the NES version, the DS version (my favorite), the XBL version, Tetris Worlds, and even a disc based one for the 360. 

Tetris is a *fantastic* and without a doubt deserves to be that high on the list.  It's really just a perfect game and one of the rare games that they've tweaked in the past 20 odd years and actually made better (Tetris DS).

I'm of the opinion that Tetris should be #1 on the list. Regardless of personal opinion (Tetris is not my favorite game), it's got to be by far the most accessible console/handheld game of all time. It's design is perfect. 25 years later and you still play Tetris exactly the same as you always have. 100 years from now I'm sure we'll still be playing Tetris exactly the same still. Unlike other games that advance in design or fade away over time, I feel Tetris is the videogame equivalent of a classic designed game like Checkers or Chess. It doesn't require change and will always find a sizable audience as long as videogames continue to exist. 

The reason why I feel it deserves it over Super Mario Bros. and The Legend of Zelda, is that the design of the two aforementioned games have been improved upon time and time again. Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World are everything SMB is and much much more. A Link to the Past is obviously everything LoZ is and so much more also. The originals feel like test drives compared to the improved design changes brought along later on in the series. I'm not sure if anyone would want to revert to the design of the original games of those series anymore, but anyone that likes Tetris wouldn't mind reverting back to the original game.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

200 = too many games.

And I don't think current gen games should be considered for a list like that.

ctalkeb said:
200 = too many games.

And I don't think current gen games should be considered for a list like that.

Why not?

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I don't have a problem with their list, because it's hard to argue with someone else's opinion even if I personally find the list to be poor in a lot of places. I do have a problem with one thing. The list often times goes against what ratings they have given games. Most of the games that were awarded a 10 (something they really don't give many of) were beaten by many games that got lower. I usually respect GI when they give a ten because they do it very unoften and I have agreed with almost every one they have given. But this list suggests that games with lesser scores that came out the same generation and not more then a year apart are actually superior. It's confusing to me.

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ctalkeb said:
200 = too many games.

And I don't think current gen games should be considered for a list like that.

You would think they would at least have a 12 month grace period to let games sink in. They've got games on this list that haven't even been out a month yet. How can you possibly know a game is amongst the 200 games of all time when it still has new game stink on it?

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Onyxmeth said:
ctalkeb said:
200 = too many games.

And I don't think current gen games should be considered for a list like that.

You would think they would at least have a 12 month grace period to let games sink in. They've got games on this list that haven't even been out a month yet. How can you possibly know a game is amongst the 200 games of all time when it still has new game stink on it?

Exactly. Why even consider a game you don't know if will be forgotten or surpassed within a year or two?

I agree about Tetris being an obvious #1 btw.

ctalkeb said:
Onyxmeth said:
ctalkeb said:
200 = too many games.

And I don't think current gen games should be considered for a list like that.

You would think they would at least have a 12 month grace period to let games sink in. They've got games on this list that haven't even been out a month yet. How can you possibly know a game is amongst the 200 games of all time when it still has new game stink on it?

Exactly. Why even consider a game you don't know if will be forgotten or surpassed within a year or two?

I agree about Tetris being an obvious #1 btw.

But I don't need 12 more months to know that Uncharted 2 is one of the best games of all time.

Onyxmeth said:

I'm of the opinion that Tetris should be #1 on the list. Regardless of personal opinion (Tetris is not my favorite game), it's got to be by far the most accessible console/handheld game of all time. It's design is perfect. 25 years later and you still play Tetris exactly the same as you always have. 100 years from now I'm sure we'll still be playing Tetris exactly the same still. Unlike other games that advance in design or fade away over time, I feel Tetris is the videogame equivalent of a classic designed game like Checkers or Chess. It doesn't require change and will always find a sizable audience as long as videogames continue to exist. 

The reason why I feel it deserves it over Super Mario Bros. and The Legend of Zelda, is that the design of the two aforementioned games have been improved upon time and time again. Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World are everything SMB is and much much more. A Link to the Past is obviously everything LoZ is and so much more also. The originals feel like test drives compared to the improved design changes brought along later on in the series. I'm not sure if anyone would want to revert to the design of the original games of those series anymore, but anyone that likes Tetris wouldn't mind reverting back to the original game.

Well, in time, we may see whether or not Wii Sports has the same kind of accessibility and stamina in terms of appeal of design. I have high hopes, though I suppose things may not go well if there's a change in the way people play sports.

And I wouldn't agree that SMB3 and LttP are necessarily better than SMB and LoZ - assuming that this list is just about quality, which it may not be. They have more goign on, yes, but they also sacrifice certain focuses in the gameplay in exchange for focusing in different areas. I've only played SMB and SMB3 in a serious capacity very recently, and I think I can say pretty confidently that I understand why people prefer the original: it's no-nonsense approach to platforming design is like a razor blade made to cut away the unfun parts of games.