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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - When was the last time you played your Wii?

Midnight New Years day. Won the first Brawl Match of the Decade.

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Just finished the Krauser missions in Darkside Chronicles. Man, that "Momma" boss was pretty darn annoying. Ah well, it got me two titles (the ones where you die a lot) and the Very Easy difficulty.

Did a Wii Fit Plus test last night. Hoping to squeeze some Metroid Prime Trilogy in shortly...

today & every day........................................................................

Last night my friends and I played some Mario Kart Wii. It was blast! I laughed my butt off and had the most fun playing a video game I've had in a while.

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haven't played mine since i got an HDTV, and i doubt i'll go back

The last time i touched a wii was about 2 years ago when the craze was high, and my curiosity was at it's peaked, but after my curitosity was satisfied I returned to gaming on my PS3 cuz the games that I liked happened to be on that platform.

Today, HOTD:Overkill, yesterday Lost In Blue, have 5 games still in plastic waiting for me to have more time to play

The Carnival of Shadows - Folk Punk from Asbury Park, New Jersey 

played Guitar Hero 5 for about 35 minutes , im ridicilously hangovered tho so i wont be playing any more games today. But i use my Wii too watch Iplayer at the moment.

today. I played Rock Band 2 and five starred Don't Stop Believing.