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Forums - General Discussion - If 2012 is really Obama vs Palin

Sarah Palin wouldn't stand a chance. She is far too irrational and lacks real world experience. The Republican could very easily offer an intelligent moderate that appeal to republicans, independents and maybe even some Democrats... Palin can't do that.

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I think people should avoid claiming that she "Can't" win because we really don't know what the world will look like in 2012 ... If the oxymoronic "Jobless Recovery" continues, and inflation kicks into high gear it is likely that people would vote for anyone in a rejection of Obama’s economic policies; in contrast, if we actually see a true recovery and everything seems good in 2012 few people will rock the boat and it would be an uphill battle for anyone to unseat Obama.

I think the Republicans are going to nominate someone like her in the next election, and that it'll be a worse loss than the previous one, and then they'll start to turn the party around, by starting to divorce the party from certain old ideas that are just holding it back, while keeping the ideas that make them more politically flexible


With a fresher Republican party, the face of American politics could become much more civil (not saying the lack of civility is their fault, but if one party moves beyond this culture wars crap, then the other won't be able to use it either)

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

numonex said:
Having an African-American winning the US Presidency was a memorable moment in world politics. But I do not think it is time yet for a woman to be leading the most powerful country in the world unless there is someone who is capable of the job. Sarah Palin would be a very dangerous person to have running your country. The world does not respect her at all.

The day Russia has a woman President, will be the day US is led by a woman President. Women who have lead countries in the past have not done a very good job in power.

I don't think anybody should be leading America unless they are capable of the job, male or female doesn't matter. I don't think Bush Jr was capable nor do I think Palin will be.

I really do think you need to be tough to take on a job like that. In fact, most women who rise to the top of politics are exceptionally tough - even tougher than the men. Just take a look at Thatcher and Clinton, both extremely tough women.

numonex said:
The Americans will vote Obama out of government in 2012. It would not matter who is running as the Republican US President candidate in 2012. The American people are extremely anti-Socialist/Communist. "We do not want Communism in our country"

Then it's a good thing Obama's not a communist.

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Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

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