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Forums - Sales Discussion - Famitsu sales (11/2 – 11/8)

@ClaudeLv250, you are very naive.
PS3 will go below 10k in Japan maybe, only before another pricecut.

2010 and beyond 3rd party lineup for each console:

FFXIV, SO4 International, Front Mission Evolved, Yakuza 4, Ar Tonelico 3, Summon Night 5, Trinity: Zill'Ol, Nier, Lost Planet 2, Dead Rising 2, Super Street Fighter 4, Metal Gear Solid Rising, Sengoku Basara 3 (superior version), Castlevania: Lords of Shadows, Dinasty Warriors: Troy, First of the North Star, End of Eternity, FFXIIIv, White Album, Last Rebellion, Quantum Theory, RE5: Alternate Edition.

There are alot of 1st/2nd party games.

PS3 now cost only 29,980 yen in Japan. I just don`t see, when PS3 will have time to drop below 10k.
Another question is Wii, will it not drop?

Around the Network
ClaudeLv250 said:
The best part about these threads with all the people screaming "RIP wii" and "what will save the wii in Japan!!" is that when the PS3 drops back down to sub 10k levels they will avoid these threads like the plague just as they have been for most of the year. So you better get your gloating in now because when things go back to normal, there's going to be a fresh plate of crow waiting for you. Not that you'll eat it because you'll head for the hills like you always do when you have to face the reality of the market.

ever since you started posting your hatred towards the PS3 has been great, and idk why


ClaudeLv250 said:
The best part about these threads with all the people screaming "RIP wii" and "what will save the wii in Japan!!" is that when the PS3 drops back down to sub 10k levels they will avoid these threads like the plague just as they have been for most of the year. So you better get your gloating in now because when things go back to normal, there's going to be a fresh plate of crow waiting for you. Not that you'll eat it because you'll head for the hills like you always do when you have to face the reality of the market.

Did somebody steal your lunch money ?

People are making NSMBWii look like a blessing while it isn't. Based on DS numbers at NSMB launch and the current Wii situation concerning both hardware and software, I predict that PS3 will still outsell the Wii on it's launch week and further into the holidays.

And then we're out to DQX in 2011...






ClaudeLv250 said:
The best part about these threads with all the people screaming "RIP wii" and "what will save the wii in Japan!!" is that when the PS3 drops back down to sub 10k levels they will avoid these threads like the plague just as they have been for most of the year. So you better get your gloating in now because when things go back to normal, there's going to be a fresh plate of crow waiting for you. Not that you'll eat it because you'll head for the hills like you always do when you have to face the reality of the market.

My RIP was sarcasm, in case you dind't get it.

Around the Network
haxxiy said:
People are making NSMBWii look like a blessing while it isn't. Based on DS numbers at NSMB launch and the current Wii situation concerning both hardware and software, I predict that PS3 will still outsell the Wii on it's launch week and further into the holidays.

And then we're out to DQX in 2011...

ioi says NSMB will push hardware, and will be a hardware seller, he says people underestimate it


Avinash_Tyagi said:
@Darth, And this year it has less software, so what's your point Darth? Price won't make much of a difference in sales when you don't have the software to push the hardware.

@Buzzi, the PS3 has been having more Hardware driving software for the last few weeks than the Wii, like this week it has this winning eleven game, the price cut in Japan hasn't had the same effect as in the west, because there haven't been games to push the hardware for Wii in Japan.

And what exactly has released in the West for the Wii since the price cut to push hardware ?

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

haxxiy said:
People are making NSMBWii look like a blessing while it isn't. Based on DS numbers at NSMB launch and the current Wii situation concerning both hardware and software, I predict that PS3 will still outsell the Wii on it's launch week and further into the holidays.

And then we're out to DQX in 2011...

Not a chance. I don't think PS3 is going to overtake the Wii like that, I think the two consoles are at a point where they can go back and forth based on software. PS3 has had some strong games since the slim which is helping it's sales stay high, when Wii gets a strong title (perhaps it's strongest) it should outsell PS3 for that week, and then PS3 can beat Wii with Final Fantasy and they can keep going back and forth.

Soriku said:
kdillinger said:

lol... the wii won't sell 200 million units lifetime more like 100 the wii won't last that long nor will it beat out ps2 sales record.. its coming out with what wii 2 next year which won't have nowhere near the accidental succuss of this wii srry

Wii 2 is next year? In which fanboy world?

The Wii is selling better around this time in Japan than last year, and remember the Wii was breaking records last year as well. Within the next few weeks the Wii should be significantly higher with the new SW. The PS3 doesn't really have anything notable from now until FF XIII. Even the new Dragon Ball game next week Source epxects 50kish sales. The Wii will be fine.

The Wii broke no record in Japan last year...

2008 Japan sales were lower than 2007 and as the year advanced the YoY difference was worse....

So I'm not sure where you're getting your data........

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

ps3 sells well
wii not that good as last year
winning eleven 2010 third best-selling ps3 game first week in japan for 2009