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@ClaudeLv250, you are very naive.
PS3 will go below 10k in Japan maybe, only before another pricecut.

2010 and beyond 3rd party lineup for each console:

FFXIV, SO4 International, Front Mission Evolved, Yakuza 4, Ar Tonelico 3, Summon Night 5, Trinity: Zill'Ol, Nier, Lost Planet 2, Dead Rising 2, Super Street Fighter 4, Metal Gear Solid Rising, Sengoku Basara 3 (superior version), Castlevania: Lords of Shadows, Dinasty Warriors: Troy, First of the North Star, End of Eternity, FFXIIIv, White Album, Last Rebellion, Quantum Theory, RE5: Alternate Edition.

There are alot of 1st/2nd party games.

PS3 now cost only 29,980 yen in Japan. I just don`t see, when PS3 will have time to drop below 10k.
Another question is Wii, will it not drop?