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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Official New Super Mario Bros Wii Thread

Yeah, you need to collect all the star coins in each world in order to play that corresponding course in world 9. Also, you use them to buy the videos.

I just beat the final boss again for the 3rd time, still epic!

Nintendo still doomed?
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Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

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@Khuutra, if you like bouncing on bullet bills, wait'll you see some of the secrets in World 7!  I swear, there was like a million on the screen at once!

@vagabond, yeah you're gonna want to get all the star coins.  You get rewarded with ... something... each time you get all the star coins in a whole world.  I got all the star coins in world 1, and now that I've had a taste, I need the rest!


I'm probably gonna have to bring some friends into the game to get some of the last star coins.  Just chuck my friends into them.  Or take turns going for them, since we don't have to restart the level until we both die at once.

@Smeags, you were amazing.  Fighting you was like dancing!

Smeags said:

Yeah. We were screaming, high fiving, and cheering each other on. And that was just for beating YesWiiCan (I guess he's been beaten so many times by so many people that he had to go into exile).

After so many crushing defeats, a man's spirit gets completely crushed. Ask the Detroit Lions!

Pyro as Bill said:
Local multiplayer is sooooo much fun in this game. I can't believe Nintendo have sat on this game for 25 years without trying it before now. It easily rivals Mario Kart, possibly surpasses it, I'll have to play more.

Multi reminds me of a super fast paced L4D with the difference that Nintendo actually delivered on the 'every playthrough is different' promise that Valve failed to keep (imo). Fighting over healthpacks/mushrooms, griefing a little when things are going good and working as a team, while still looking after number one, at the difficult stages.

As much as I love the singleplayer, and I do love the singleplayer, the game is far more enjoyable playing with friends imo. I can't remember a multiplayer game that has felt this fresh and enjoyable since err .... Super Mario Kart. 5 of us, all gamers (mostly Wii haters), played this at the weekend and nobody had a bad word to say. Things just went from awesome to awesome-er.

 I still need to rally up some buddies for the multiplayer. So far, I've just been having a blast in single-player mode.

The Ghost of RubangB said:

@Smeags, you were amazing.  Fighting you was like dancing!

O-oh my...

T-thank you so much! I've been practicing a lot since getting my keester handed to me in SuperStar Saga!

But seriously, I hear that the sky's the limit when it comes to facing my wrath. Har har hee hoo harumph.

I've been playing this game in small sips. As a fan of the series, I've noticed that playing it bit by bit is much more entertaining than playing it in large chunks and forgetting levels.

Rol is a pushover and Khuutra isn't that much harder.

Anyone else think that the castle stages are easier than most of the other stages?

This game is utter bliss.

Also my tier of power-ups.

Top Tier

Penguin Suit

High Tier

Ice Flower
Propeller Mushroom

Mid Tier

Tiny Mushroom
Fire Flower

Low Tier

Super Mushroom
Star Man

Bottom Tier

Regular Mario

Pixel Art can be fun.

Around the Network

I just finished Playing this AWSOME game! it was soooo much fun in multiplayer i finished world 1 and am now in world two.

currents stats: everybody has used up one 'continue' except my little bro (he used up 3,lol). i gotta say it's pretty hard for a first world (fine by me) :)

Penguin Mario is definitely now my second favorite ever, right behind Tanuki Mario.

The Propellor's up there too. It would be in my second tier along with flying on Yoshi with a cape, and Frog Mario.

I'm trying to play about a world or so per day. Gotta take it in measured meter and so forth.

The Ghost of RubangB said:

@Khuutra, if you like bouncing on bullet bills, wait'll you see some of the secrets in World 7!  I swear, there was like a million on the screen at once!

@vagabond, yeah you're gonna want to get all the star coins.  You get rewarded with ... something... each time you get all the star coins in a whole world.  I got all the star coins in world 1, and now that I've had a taste, I need the rest!

To the bolded: excellent.

To the non-bolded: oh God, okay hold on I'm going to go get the coins in World 1 and see what this is about.

Okay, so this week is "Employee Week" at my work, and every day is a different "spirit" day where you can dress up and what not.

Today is Super Hero Day.

And I'm dressing up as Super Mario (just finished the mustache).

It's gonna be sweet.