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Smeags said:

Yeah. We were screaming, high fiving, and cheering each other on. And that was just for beating YesWiiCan (I guess he's been beaten so many times by so many people that he had to go into exile).

After so many crushing defeats, a man's spirit gets completely crushed. Ask the Detroit Lions!

Pyro as Bill said:
Local multiplayer is sooooo much fun in this game. I can't believe Nintendo have sat on this game for 25 years without trying it before now. It easily rivals Mario Kart, possibly surpasses it, I'll have to play more.

Multi reminds me of a super fast paced L4D with the difference that Nintendo actually delivered on the 'every playthrough is different' promise that Valve failed to keep (imo). Fighting over healthpacks/mushrooms, griefing a little when things are going good and working as a team, while still looking after number one, at the difficult stages.

As much as I love the singleplayer, and I do love the singleplayer, the game is far more enjoyable playing with friends imo. I can't remember a multiplayer game that has felt this fresh and enjoyable since err .... Super Mario Kart. 5 of us, all gamers (mostly Wii haters), played this at the weekend and nobody had a bad word to say. Things just went from awesome to awesome-er.

 I still need to rally up some buddies for the multiplayer. So far, I've just been having a blast in single-player mode.