Alls I have to say is wow, Nice thread... I was browsing on Google for RDR and came across this thread (I actually joined the website just to post in this thread). Im very glad to see that there are people this excited about this game.... Yes thats a link back to the TC's original post hah. Im an avid poster on the Red Dead Redemption boards on and the Red Dead Revolver ( which is for Redemption as well ) board on IGN, come there too and check em out! Anyhow, just wanted to throw an intro out there, say whats up to the board. Im also very knowledge-able about all the info that is out for RDR if there are any questions reguarding it, Ive read through A Lot of previews and keep very up to date on anything that's released / revealed to the public. Looking forward to posting with you all.