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I'm not martin luther king. I don't have a dream. I have a plan

Sell a man a fish you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish you just ruined a perfect business opportunity.

We didn't emerge out of the stone age because we ran out of stones. Its time to be proactive not reactive.

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I'm in. I LOVE the PS1. Its brought me Xenogears :)

count me down for the ps1

N64 by far...

put me on the list dude
seriously, ps1 owns hard.
n64 is nothing compaerd to PS1

Around the Network
Pipedream24 said:
The PS1 has so many quality games and is home to so many series that are still thriving today. So I agree that PS1 was a greater system than the N64. MGS and FFVII were both mind blowing. Their were just so many different experiences that the PS1 offered that the N64 didn't. The only area the PS1 couldn't compete with the N64 was 3D platformers, Nintendo dominated that area.

But there was nothing on the PS1 that compared to OOT and Goldeneye. Just thinking of the first time I played Ocarina still brings a smile to my face.

There were numerous FF before FF7......the only PS1 franchises that I would say are thriving today are MGS and GT

EDIT: For got that MGS started on *drumroll* THE NES!!!!

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!

proud supporter of the PS family since PS1 dude
PS is all that satisfy my gaming needs
dude I should be on that list

pastro243 said:
MasterZack said:
Well, still the N64 is winning.

Winning what?


MasterZack said:
pastro243 said:
MasterZack said:
Well, still the N64 is winning.

Winning what?


But its not :P xD

N64 >>>>> PS1!!!

"If new things are so great, where have they been the whole time?"