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Forums - Website Topics - The Minor Complaint/Suggestion Thread (Updates continuously listed in Original Post)

TalonMan said:
Rainbird said:
Rainbird said:
zexen_lowe said:
zexen_lowe said:
Or better, see if you can extend the width of the "Last post column" a few pixels so it doesn't go one line below when we set the timezone to something diff than GMT

Thanks, Talon!

I'll requote this, to see if it's possible to fix it, as the rows are much taller than needed. Though, I don't wanna overload Talon, but he may have missed it

I support this. Make the column a few pixels wider, and everything is back to normal.

Oh, and I still support this

I thought I already did this - it's still a problem????

My Windows Vista, FF3.5 says yes.

Also, Kantor told me to quote this:

Kantor said:
I was thinking of making the red into a green, not just darker. But this works.

Also, the nifty new "go to the last post you read in a thread" feature is great, but it doesn't work for pages. IE: If I posted halfway down page 3, and the thread is now on page 4, I will be taken to the top of page 4, and if I click page 3, to the top of page 3.

Rainbird, please quote this so Talon can fix it

Though I can't support any of his suggestions. I have a court order on that.

Around the Network

Two things:

1) Editing your post still takes you to the top of the first page. This should be changed so it takes you to the post you just edited.

2) Could there be an option, below the thread title, to have First Few Pages...Last Few Pages? For example, instead of 1 2 3 4 5 6 >, 1 2 3 4 ... 11 12 >

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Another idea, this time for GameDB Search:

Instead of selecting one console, could we select several? Say you want to compare PS3, Wii and 360 RPG best sellers in Japan. Could work with a list box, but that would be huge. Any ideas for how it could work?

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Okay, here's a weird bug for you Talon. I just posted in this thread:

When I posted it went to the page with my post, but where the page is normally marked with a white number instead of the normal orange, no page was marked in this way. Then I refreshed and it went to the last page again, but this time it was a different page, which was marked with the white number, and my post was nowhere to be seen. The thread is still in "My Recent Threads" but my post is not in the thread.

EDIT: Nevermind, the lost page just appeared out of thin air now.

One more thing, for whenever Talon gets around to reading this.

Could there be a "created threads" section of a member's posts? So, if I go to TalonMan's profile, I can see:

a) His posts, OR

b) His posts in my threads, OR

c) His threads.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Around the Network

Can we fix this?

Cool, red in recent threads means posts that replied to you.

Can we get a list of every thread we made, like "Started By Me" and then "All Started By Me"?

And when we try to log in if we're banned, can it transport us to the reason why we're banned instead of Login failure.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

Alright, I've got more work for you Talon.

- When commenting on articles or something else that uses this comment-system, I get this after posting my comment: (FF3.5, Vista)

- Under the VGC Signatures, there is a mistake on the list of templates:

That's it for new fixes

EDIT: Here is another one. Still FF3.5, Vista.

There is some odd spacing in my game collection from time to time. It's not there when I view all, but it happens when viewing the platforms individually (only my DS games stay as they should):

Can we have a function added to this new Search Forums thing to search by the topic's creator/original poster?


Seems to be the only thing missing from that update.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

After we edit posts, can we go back to the thread page we weer on already. It goes back to the start of the thread, and I often lose my spot.