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Forums - Website Topics - Two new mods / news writers

outlawauron said:
hmmm, where is naz? I think he should at least know he is being nominated.

 Just look some posts above :).

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Post count certainly's good to know what a person's behavior is like, and also the fact that they are interested in participating on this site.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

ioi said:
Mars, no pay at the moment but the potential is obviously there if the site becomes huge. You can write what you want, keep it clean and on topic tho.

Alright but write what ? about matters regarding the sales numbers or about anything to do with the gaming industry.

Soriku said:
BenKenobi88 said:
Post count certainly's good to know what a person's behavior is like, and also the fact that they are interested in participating on this site.

 Well then, mine and leo-j's must keep you pondering, eh ?

 Certainly when 80% of your posts saying 'LOL', 'Cool' '^ROFL' 'NO' 'YES'.

I'd like to give it a shot. I don't think I'd be over bias in any way.

Predictions for 2009: (Right) (Wrong) (Partial)

Pokemon Gold/Silver DS Japan in September

NES colored Wii and SNES Classic Controler for Christmas

Super Role Bros for Christmas

FF Remakes announced; VII PS3 VIII 360 IX Wii

New Super Mario World November 2009

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^Your avatar is tells the whole story.

^Sure, give us an example?

MontanaHatchet said:
Now that I'm a mod, I can freely speak my opinion without the fear of being spited.

Naznatips would be a great mod. As a moderator myself, I nominate him.

Congrats, just saw this :)

I was actually going to nominate you... and maybe SuperChunk. But I think Naznatips would be great as well, and add some nice balance to the site.

If I had more time, I would trawl the non-Ninty sites more - and post more non-Ninty news. But the way things are going - I'm gonna have LESS time, not more.


BTW - I will have some pretty cool news, and potential "breaking exclusives" for this site in a few weeks (maybe a little longer). JL is already privvy to some of it, during our 3 hour chat the other night... :)



Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

Game Assessment website

Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099

I'll take the job, I can and will take a near-unbiased stance, I do already as much as I can. Or at least take the PC side of arguments.

PC gaming is better than console gaming. Always.     We are Anonymous, We are Legion    Kick-ass interview   Great Flash Series Here    Anime Ratings     Make and Play Please
Amazing discussion about being wrong
Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453

I could give it a shot. Just ignore my signature, ok? Heh