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Forums - PC Discussion - When will pc graphics start to really outpace console (this gen) graphics?

It already has. Look at Crysis!

Damn the console versions are gonna be butchered compared to the high end specs of the PC version when Crysis 2 is out. I'll have to get it for both systems just for the eye candy alone.

It's just that simple.

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KillerMan said:
Slimebeast said:
leo-j said:
Im not even going to post an argument since the internet is consisting of PC fans everywhere, so let me not even say a thing. Ive had several crysis arguments before

Too bad. We need your support leo. To break the myth of PC superiority.

It is a fact that PC is superior when it comes to graphics. It's not myth.

Agreed--it's definitely not a myth.  The PC is capable of much better graphics than the consoles.  The question is if the juice is worth the squeeze.  In most cases, it's really not. 


Mudface said:
Domicinator said:
PC gaming is a niche. It always has been and always will be.

A niche? With tens of millions of participants playing a massively diverse range of games, from multi-plat blockbusters to browser-based MMO's and everything in between? The stereotype of PC gaming- the 1337 geek in his bedroom with a £2000 rig and a container of liquid nitrogen to keep his massively overclocked parts cool- would be a niche. The reality is anything but.

As for the original question- as many others have said, the day the consoles were released was the day they were behind in terms of graphics.

Yes, and the tens of millions of people playing MMOs and browser based Java games are what are killing PC gaming.  When Crysis came out, the Sims 2, all its expansions, and WoW were still outselling EVERYTHING that came out for PC.  If that's the kind of BS that's going to sell on the PC, that's the kind of BS that PC developers are going to make.  Otherwise, they're going to go multi plat and dumb down the PC graphics like they have been doing more and more for the last few years. 

So maybe I should rephrase that--HARD CORE PC gaming is a niche.  And that's the part of it I liked most.  It is fun to tinker around with your PC add mods, do a hardware upgrade every couple of years to give yourself a power boost.  But it's also expensive and impractical.  And if developers are going to give me more or less the experience on the PC as what they give me on the consoles, then I'm going to go the more practical route. 

Don't get me wrong.  I appreciate all the people who keep the PC gaming thing going.  They are invaluable to the industry, and I have a lot of respect for PC gaming.  I used to be one of the hard core people who defended PC gaming to the hilt.  Hell, I used to switch out motherboards at the drop of a hat if I thought I could get an edge.  But if all the PC is going to be is a casual/RTS/MMO machine, it's just not for me anymore.

So you'd say it isn't worth getting a 'HD' console over a Wii or a previous-gen machine? Let's face it, the only real difference is the better graphics.

I think this happened in the Doom days. PCs were far more powerful than the SNES.


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ssj12 said:
Barozi said:
ouch posting Crysis mod pics = fail

The consoles gain more ground after every generation. Last gen the difference between consoles and PC was huge and now in the present the only differences are resolution and AA.

Crysis is so far the only game that really outshines every console game in terms of graphics. Last gen there were tons of them.

lawl? the current generation of consoles can barely handle HDR lighting, how are they even close to eachother?

I think you're wrong. In fact, the massive differece you imply doesn't exist, imo.

Allow me to explain.

Each gen, graphics have improved vastly.

Not only vast graphical upgrades, but also huge functional upgrades. Like HD has been this gen.

The difference between a game like Gran Turismo 4, and Crysis, is nowhere near the difference of a generational increase, and it's rediculious to imply it.

Now, people who no longer have the type of vast graphical increased to look forward to, as they once did, tend to focus more on the small differences that most people wouldn't notice, like subtle lighting or particle effects.

As consoles progress, the difference between PC and console gaming graphically will become mush smaller. Graphics can only be so good, and I have a feeling we'll reach that uncanny valley far before we reach your oh so touted DD model.

It's a common misconception of PC enthusiasts, they've been focusing in on the PC gaming superiority for so long, that they really can't accept the fact that "graphics" are no longer as varied between PC and console platforms as they once were. The difference now requires a trained eye, when once, it was obvious even to casuals.

Now, as far as PC gaming goes, at one time, everyone thought it was poised to overtake console gaming, and that dream still exists to some extent, it's just not as possible as it once was. Consoles began to emulate the good things about PC(online, graphical power, community, controller innovation, HD interface, DD arcade) while accentuating their positives(first party developers, exclusive titles, plug and play accessibility) and completely negating issues inherant to PC gaming(DRM, piracy, stability due to non-uniform hardware, upgrading, ect). As console gaming continues to up its game, PC gaming has only acquired new issues and kept the old ones. In the end, it comes down to the developers, who this gen, chose the consoles.

Now, we always get this embellishment about PC graphics and user created content, because without those two things, PC gaming would be completely irrelivant to the modern HD gamer. That despite the fact that games like GT5 still surpass many(or dare I say "most") modern games on the PC.

We also get tons of spin, with links to articles rediculiously claiming that "75% of developers are working on PC exclusives" which lies by omission, when refusing to state that most of those are independant developers working out of basements, or "You can build a 400 dollars PC that is 3x more powerful than the 360" also a lie by omission, because game software available for the PC is much less optimized, and won't run as well on the PC as it does on the console, despite that PC being 4x more powerful on a meaningless spec sheet.

PC gaming isn't thriving as it once was, and next gen, with the graphics argument probably completely negated, and the lauch of all consoles with some sort of touch or motion control inherant and required with purchase with the system, will PC gaming finally evolve, or will it still rely on its "free world" community, and paultry graphical increases for one more dull generation, hoping and praying for that next Blizzard game?

Without better graphics, what would PC gaming be?

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Mudface said:
So you'd say it isn't worth getting a 'HD' console over a Wii or a previous-gen machine? Let's face it, the only real difference is the better graphics.

No, it isn't worth it. Motion control, and games I want to buy, are more valuable to me than graphics. It's different for you, but don't assume everyone feels that way.

Soleron said

No, it isn't worth it. Motion control, and games I want to buy, are more valuable to me than graphics. It's different for you, but don't assume everyone feels that way.

Actually, I agree with you- I own a Wii and a PC.

I asked the question of the original poster as they seemed to think the only advantage the PC has is better graphics.

Domicinator said:
Mudface said:
Domicinator said:
PC gaming is a niche. It always has been and always will be.

A niche? With tens of millions of participants playing a massively diverse range of games, from multi-plat blockbusters to browser-based MMO's and everything in between? The stereotype of PC gaming- the 1337 geek in his bedroom with a £2000 rig and a container of liquid nitrogen to keep his massively overclocked parts cool- would be a niche. The reality is anything but.

As for the original question- as many others have said, the day the consoles were released was the day they were behind in terms of graphics.

Yes, and the tens of millions of people playing MMOs and browser based Java games are what are killing PC gaming.  When Crysis came out, the Sims 2, all its expansions, and WoW were still outselling EVERYTHING that came out for PC.  If that's the kind of BS that's going to sell on the PC, that's the kind of BS that PC developers are going to make.  Otherwise, they're going to go multi plat and dumb down the PC graphics like they have been doing more and more for the last few years. 

So maybe I should rephrase that--HARD CORE PC gaming is a niche.  And that's the part of it I liked most.  It is fun to tinker around with your PC add mods, do a hardware upgrade every couple of years to give yourself a power boost.  But it's also expensive and impractical.  And if developers are going to give me more or less the experience on the PC as what they give me on the consoles, then I'm going to go the more practical route. 

Don't get me wrong.  I appreciate all the people who keep the PC gaming thing going.  They are invaluable to the industry, and I have a lot of respect for PC gaming.  I used to be one of the hard core people who defended PC gaming to the hilt.  Hell, I used to switch out motherboards at the drop of a hat if I thought I could get an edge.  But if all the PC is going to be is a casual/RTS/MMO machine, it's just not for me anymore.

Your mind is on a reality of it's own. PC Game Sales have been increasing well, sales on Steam (hardcore heaven) increased by 97% in the last 12 months!!! Charttrack estimates Steam will make over $1 billion in US in 2009! That's almost 70% increase from last year. Now imagine how Steam must be doing worldwide, not just US.

The thing is, when an unknown, extreme hardcore game like S.T.A.L.K.E.R., with no marketing/ads, is able to sell over 2 millions, or Sins of a Solar Empire (2008 Strategy GOTY), developed by 4 guys and cost less than $1 million to make, is on it's way to sell 1 million and is the staple of Stardock's Impulse, or etc.... You get my point? You make a great game, and sales will come. In this age, PC gaming is so big that harbors dozens of niche markets, and any good, PC-centric game can become a huge success without any marketing.

You say Hard core PC Gaming is a niche, yet just look at the consoles' best selling games:

- Halo 3, a dumbed-down, casual shooter aimed for the masses

- Assassin's Creed, a dumbed-down bastard child of the Theif games

- GTA IV, which by itself is already casual stuff

Infact, the best selling "hardcore" Xbox 360 game is only in 16th place, which is Marvel: Ultimate Alliance. And you also ignore the fact that MMORPGs are considered to be one of the most hardcore genres, which could take away thousands of hours of playtime from a player.

PC is the REAL platform for hardcore and niche markets. Where's the adventure games on consoles? Flight sims? Train sims? RTS/4X hybrids? Racing sims? sports managers? tactical shooters? hardcore shooters? strategy RPGs? I thought so.

Mudface said:
So you'd say it isn't worth getting a 'HD' console over a Wii or a previous-gen machine? Let's face it, the only real difference is the better graphics.

The best reason to choosing to buy is what games you're interested in and which platform has them. However the graphics are not the only difference: there's mods, better controllers, more customization, faster gameplay, gameplay that only keyboard+mouse allows, free and better services, etc... I could go on and on.

ZenfoldorVGI said:
ssj12 said:
Barozi said:
ouch posting Crysis mod pics = fail

The consoles gain more ground after every generation. Last gen the difference between consoles and PC was huge and now in the present the only differences are resolution and AA.

Crysis is so far the only game that really outshines every console game in terms of graphics. Last gen there were tons of them.

lawl? the current generation of consoles can barely handle HDR lighting, how are they even close to eachother?

I think you're wrong. In fact, the massive differece you imply doesn't exist, imo.

Allow me to explain.

Each gen, graphics have improved vastly.

Not only vast graphical upgrades, but also huge functional upgrades. Like HD has been this gen.

The difference between a game like Gran Turismo 4, and Crysis, is nowhere near the difference of a generational increase, and it's rediculious to imply it.

There's a pretty difference between GT4 and Crysis. You must be blind for not seeing it.

Now, people who no longer have the type of vast graphical increased to look forward to, as they once did, tend to focus more on the small differences that most people wouldn't notice, like subtle lighting or particle effects.

As consoles progress, the difference between PC and console gaming graphically will become mush smaller. Graphics can only be so good, and I have a feeling we'll reach that uncanny valley far before we reach your oh so touted DD model.

You're talking as if this trend is bad for PC, but it's the other way around. You see, the more the graphics become close between consoles and PC, the cheaper the tech is. And when the graphics are so similar, it is then that consoles lose their biggest advantage over PCs: Cost of Entry. By then the tech will be so cheap that it won't matter anymore if want to save money by buying a console, because you can't save money from consoles anymore.

It's a common misconception of PC enthusiasts, they've been focusing in on the PC gaming superiority for so long, that they really can't accept the fact that "graphics" are no longer as varied between PC and console platforms as they once were. The difference now requires a trained eye, when once, it was obvious even to casuals.

Yup, that's why PC has all these other advantages that consoles don't.

Now, as far as PC gaming goes, at one time, everyone thought it was poised to overtake console gaming, and that dream still exists to some extent, it's just not as possible as it once was. Consoles began to emulate the good things about PC(online, graphical power, community, controller innovation, HD interface, DD arcade) while accentuating their positives(first party developers, exclusive titles, plug and play accessibility) and completely negating issues inherant to PC gaming(DRM, piracy, stability due to non-uniform hardware, upgrading, ect). As console gaming continues to up its game, PC gaming has only acquired new issues and kept the old ones. In the end, it comes down to the developers, who this gen, chose the consoles.

What the hell are you talking about?! The things that consoles are trying to emulate are things that have existed on PC for ages, and they do it much worse than PC does. While PC is becoming more accessible by the minute, with Steam (much better than Xbox Live) giving an amazing friendliness that even consoles don't have.

Now, we always get this embellishment about PC graphics and user created content, because without those two things, PC gaming would be completely irrelivant to the modern HD gamer. That despite the fact that games like GT5 still surpass many(or dare I say "most") modern games on the PC.

lol, if you think graphics and mods are the only things PC has, then you're misinformed.

We also get tons of spin, with links to articles rediculiously claiming that "75% of developers are working on PC exclusives" which lies by omission, when refusing to state that most of those are independant developers working out of basements, or "You can build a 400 dollars PC that is 3x more powerful than the 360" also a lie by omission, because game software available for the PC is much less optimized, and won't run as well on the PC as it does on the console, despite that PC being 4x more powerful on a meaningless spec sheet.

So tell me, why are indie/small devs ignored completely? Without them we wouldn't have played Sins of a Solar Empire, The Witcher, Stalker, Audiosurf, etc... take it from this point of view: because devs are now focusing less on graphics, and more on gameplay, we get amazing games that run even on extremely old PCs. 

5 years ago no one would've been able to get a good gaming PC below $1000. Now we can get for only $400.

PC gaming isn't thriving as it once was, and next gen, with the graphics argument probably completely negated, and the lauch of all consoles with some sort of touch or motion control inherant and required with purchase with the system, will PC gaming finally evolve, or will it still rely on its "free world" community, and paultry graphical increases for one more dull generation, hoping and praying for that next Blizzard game?

Without better graphics, what would PC gaming be?

Do you still not understand that the more the graphics are similar between consoles and PC, the better it is for PC?! What will happen when we'll be able to get gaming PCs for less than $300?!




MMORPGs = hardcore.

Once again your credibility goes down the toilet shio.