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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo has saved its home console market, but can it save its franchises?

my personal opinions (of the games i have played)

lylat wars > starfox adventures (but not by much..only thing wrong with SA was it was too easy)

i agree with your DK thing.

F-Zero X > F-Zero GX >>>>>> F-Zero (i only thought GX was worse than X for 2 reasons....story mode was laughably bad in an acting sense, and there was no real Death Race (there was the one in story but it isn't as good))

only played Super Mario 64 and lost levels (SM64 is way better), but i think Sunshine looks great, and SMG will top them both considerably.

not played geist

MK:DD > MKDS >> MK64 (though the DS version i haven't played for long, nor played it might be better than DD)

not played any Paper Marios

LoZ:WW >>>> OoT > TP (i actually think TP is a lot better than OoT, but only because OoT is old hat it goes just below OoT. TP i think beats OoT in main story and collectables (gold skultula sucked) but so far i have had little interest in going back to the game after completing 100%...though i have just put the disc in recently and had a ride around)

Not played a Metroid game yet (gonna get MP3)


my thoughts,
-- Starfox can easily be revived to something amazing, not sure what Ninty will do though.
-- Donkey Kong would need something really special to revive it, and i dont think Nintendo should bother, DK should just be a cameo in Kart/Smash.
-- I don't think F-Zero has any problem, i expect an excellent Wii edition but quite late in Wiis life.
-- Nothing wrong with Mario platformers, though the sports games should be stopped in favour of Miis (ie versions of Mario sports...more in depth to a particular sport than Wii sports, but still featuring Miis)
-- Geist- no idea
-- MK is fine in the same way F-Zero is
-- havent played any but i think super paper mario looks excellent,...very cool ideas in that game. maybe however they focused on the wrong bits of gameplay.
-- i feel that the Zelda series is getting a revival it needs, despite WW still being my No1 game, i am glad they are thinking anew for the post TP zelda....I think what the game really needs is an incentive to play the game after defeating the final boss, for instance only WW has had the option to use a completed file anew, but the only advantage was a clothes change and the Nintendo Gallery (which is easily the best zelda collectible). Something like after you defeat Ganon/whoever, you can ride around and talk to people and see how their lives have changed with enemy No1 gone, and maybe do things like run errands for them or transport them to other towns. (kind of like you sometimes got to do in the main story)
-- Metroid i haven't played but i am getting MP3

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A few points.

1. Look at the ratings for the Zelda games that have followed OoT. Every single one of them has rated very well and sold well too. Just because they haven't yet bettered OoT does not mean the series is going down the drain. OoT is, after all, statistically the greatest game of all time.

2. If Cube Metroid sales don't look so flash, you need only look at the pathetic Cube sales. I'm fairly sure they are very, very good when you factor in the much better SNES sales.


As long as Nintendo keeps making fun games, I don't care.

RolStoppable said:

Paper Mario: Again, Nintendo (Intelligent Systems) did a great job with the GC game. Like DD!!, it was superior in every way to its predecessor. Super Paper Mario is a different story, it's not that good of a game compared to the other two games of the series, but still a worthwile experience. Then again, if Nintendo doesn't change a lot, they are accused of rehashing.

Not to derail this too far, but TYD was not superior to the original in every way.  The areas where it fell short compared to the original were the story and the characters. 

The story of the n64 version was much better and more robust.  The story in TYD is depressing by comparison.  Worse, characters do not act like themselves.  Bowser is portrayed as a complete idiot.  In SMRPG, Bowser was arrogant and foolish at times, but only in TYD is he a complete and utter moron for pretty much the entire game.  Even Princess Peach's dialog was faulty.  After playing Paper Mario and SMRPG, it was painful to read some of it all the while knowing some of what was done/said was very much out of character for them.

Likewise, the party in TYD had its faults especially considering your Goomba and Koopa were pretty much knock-offs of the n64 ones.  Even the awesome Mowz, Vivian, and Yoshi couldn't make up for that.

Starfox: With Rare's last dissapointing contribution to the series (Starfox Adventures) Nintendo tried desperately to recapture the glory of the series' SNES and N64 glory but a lack of direction and focus seemed to plague both Starfox Assault and Starfox DS.

Starfox for the DS was pretty fun and received decent reviews. Not great, but not bad. Starfox Adventures was also pretty good.

Donkey Kong: Without Rare's innovative understanding of the franchise, Nintendo chose to relegate the series to legacy of mini-games and gimmick titles resulting in the latest DK dissapointment, DK Barrel Blast for the Wii.

The Wii game is crap, but the Gamecube Donkey games weren't that bad.

F-Zero: A great racing franchise that seemed doomed to obscurity on the GC, again, what seemed to be lack of direction and focus that made the GC release a boring edition to a once great series.

I'm not sure what your problem is with this game since it actually got pretty good reviews

Mario: Mario Sunshine, a game that left many Nintendo faithfuls asking why?! The earliest victim of Gamecube syndrome dooming Nintendo's most notable franchise to mediocrity. However with Mario Galaxy, hopes are the tides can be turned for the plumber once more.

I always wonder if people that constantly bitch about this game actually played the game. It's not your traditional Mario game, but by no means is it a bad game.

Paper Mario: Many still consider the N64 Paper Mario the best and many have often wondered why it sequels didn't live up to N64's glory. Will future Paper Mario games (is there will be any) satisfy nitpicky fans?

Have you played Super Paper Mario? Once again, another fantastic game.

Legend of Zelda: While Wind Waker was a great game, it left many confused as to what had happened to the franchise and till this day remains one of the most controversial LOZ titles. Twilight Princess was another great game, but Miyamoto himself admited to a lack of focus plaguing the title. These were far and above the grade of their fellow Nintendo franchises of the Gamecube era but neither were Ocarina of Times. Will the future Wii Zelda surpass even these?

I really don't think you're reading what you're typing and now you're just trying to cause controversy. Once again, Twilight Princess was another fantastic game that won several Game of the YEar awards if I'm not mistaken. As for Windwaker, a fantastic game that changed the art style and some people didn't like that because they are idiots.

Metroid: Metroid thrived during the GC era thanks to Retro, but being far from the seller the SNES game was many are left to question how successful the Prime series was.

More proof that you don't know what the crap you're talking about. Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2, and Metroid Prime 3. You might not think they are as good as Super Metroid but just because something isn't as good as one of the greatest games ever made doesn't mean the series is going downhill.

There's no arguing the stagnating effect of the Gamecube era, the real question is, without companies like Rare to bolster titles such as Donky Kong and Starfox, can Nintendo recapture what made these games great now that they have a winner console? Bringing Rare back obviously isn't an option as when they were still during Nintendo during the early Gamecube they were suffering creativity and since then have lost much talent. Companies like Silicon Knights are also not a factor as they're mired in prior agreements with other companies and stuck waist deep in financial problems. That aside will we see older franchises reborn such as Kid Icarus?

Did you really own a Gamecube and play all of those games? Except for Geist and some of the Donkey Kong games, they were all good games. People give the Gamecube a lot of crap because it came in third last generation but those same people also fail to realize that the gamecube had some of the best games of last gen and in existence.

The next time you try to make some big thought provoking post, try actually doing a little research on which games are bad and which games are good. If all those franchises were going the way of Sonic, then this thread would make sense, but so far, things are going pretty good for Nintendo franchises.

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Did you even play all these games? Or are you just repeating what you heard & read somewhere? It gets me slightly upset whenever I have to read that "Nintendo just rehashes Zelda:OOT" or that "everybody was disappointed by Mario Sunshine" or about "the failure that MK:Double Dash is".

My choices:

- Mario Kart: Double Dash is my favourite MK ever. Love it.
- Mario: I enjoyed Sunshine just as much as Mario 64.
- Zelda: My favourite Zelda game happens to be Majoras Mask! But Twilight Princess was so fantastic (and sold 5 Millions by now), I don't understand how anybody can call this a disappointment.
- Paper Mario: Mario RPG >>> Paper Mario, but I absolutely appreciate N's will to innovate with Super Paper Mario.
- Starfox, Donkey Kong, Metroid: Never really played them, apart from the original Starfox.

Currently playing: NSMB (Wii) 

Waiting for: Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii), The Last Story (Wii), Golden Sun (DS), Portal 2 (Wii? or OSX), Metroid: Other M (Wii), 
... and of course Zelda (Wii) 

I agree in a way... to me MOST, but not all of nintendo's gamecube games seemed disappointing, because they were all in the shadow of a better game on the N64... i remember people thinking... 'Why wasn't sunshine like sm64,' 'why wasn't WW like ocarina'... the gamecube was the generation of disappointment for nintendo franchises it seems to me... but all the games were still better then most of the PS2/xbox stuff, and that's saying something...

Why not add me on msn...

- - - > ¤ « ~ N i n t e n d o ~ » ¤ < - - -
Games purchased since December 30th 2006:
GBA:The Legend of Zelda:The Minish Cap
DS:Lunar Knights, Pokemon Diamond, The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass ,Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Hotel Dusk:Room 215, Mario vs DK 2: March of the Mini's and Picross DS
PS2: Devil May Cry 3:Dante's Awakening, Shadow of the Colosuss, Sega Mega Drive Collection, XIII , Sonic Mega Collection,Fifa 08 and Fifa 09.
GC:Fight Night Round 2
Wii VC:Super Mario 64 ,Lylat Wars ,Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest, Super Castlevania IV, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Streets of Rage, Kirby's Adventure, Super Metroid, Super Mario Bros. 3, Mega Man 2Street Fighter 2 Turbo: Hyper Fighting,Wave Race 64 and Lost Winds

Wii: Sonic and the Secret Rings, Godfather:Blackhand Edition, Red Steel, Tony Hawks Downhill Jam, Eledees, Rayman Raving Rabbids, Mario Strikers Charged Football,Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Super Mario Galaxy,House of the Dead 2 and 3 Return, Wii Fit, No More Heroes and Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

X360: Spider Man
Resistance: Fall of Man





Mr Resetti said:
celine said:
Onimusha12 said:

F-Zero: A great racing franchise that seemed doomed to obscurity on the GC, again, what seemed to be lack of direction and focus that made the GC release a boring edition to a once great series.


What !?

Amusement Vision 's F-Zero is the best title in the serie ( at this moment, obviously ). Are you crazy ? Did you play it ?

Quoting all the way!! What did you guys played? That game's awsome!!!

Oh, and Celine, good to see you here as well, my friend (coming straight from!!! XDXDXDXD

ouch... XDXDXD


What ? What is ?








I'm just kidding

I recognized you immediately thanks to Mr Resetti

 “In the entertainment business, there are only heaven and hell, and nothing in between and as soon as our customers bore of our products, we will crash.”  Hiroshi Yamauchi

TAG:  Like a Yamauchi pimp slap delivered by Il Maelstrom; serving it up with style.

Onimusha12 said:

The gamecube was the darkest era for Nintendo gaming. So many franchises once signiture of Nintendo stagnated in its wake.

Starfox: With Rare's last dissapointing contribution to the series (Starfox Adventures) Nintendo tried desperately to recapture the glory of the series' SNES and N64 glory but a lack of direction and focus seemed to plague both Starfox Assault and Starfox DS.

Donkey Kong: Without Rare's innovative understanding of the franchise, Nintendo chose to relegate the series to legacy of mini-games and gimmick titles resulting in the latest DK dissapointment, DK Barrel Blast for the Wii.

F-Zero: A great racing franchise that seemed doomed to obscurity on the GC, again, what seemed to be lack of direction and focus that made the GC release a boring edition to a once great series.

Mario: Mario Sunshine, a game that left many Nintendo faithfuls asking why?! The earliest victim of Gamecube syndrome dooming Nintendo's most notable franchise to mediocrity. However with Mario Galaxy, hopes are the tides can be turned for the plumber once more.

Geist: Nintendo's failed attempt to launch a new mature franchise, this game seemed mired in politics and other factors which were not atypical of the Gamecube era.

Mario Kart: While Mario Kart Double Dash was a great game many consider it nothing compared to the N64 title and saw little to justify the title as being a different game other than drifting. The DS title has shown promise of moving forward and many believe the Wii Mario Kart will set the series on track in full stride.

Paper Mario: Many still consider the N64 Paper Mario the best and many have often wondered why it sequels didn't live up to N64's glory. Will future Paper Mario games (is there will be any) satisfy nitpicky fans?

Legend of Zelda: While Wind Waker was a great game, it left many confused as to what had happened to the franchise and till this day remains one of the most controversial LOZ titles. Twilight Princess was another great game, but Miyamoto himself admited to a lack of focus plaguing the title. These were far and above the grade of their fellow Nintendo franchises of the Gamecube era but neither were Ocarina of Times. Will the future Wii Zelda surpass even these?

Metroid: Metroid thrived during the GC era thanks to Retro, but being far from the seller the SNES game was many are left to question how successful the Prime series was.

There's no arguing the stagnating effect of the Gamecube era, the real question is, without companies like Rare to bolster titles such as Donky Kong and Starfox, can Nintendo recapture what made these games great now that they have a winner console? Bringing Rare back obviously isn't an option as when they were still during Nintendo during the early Gamecube they were suffering creativity and since then have lost much talent. Companies like Silicon Knights are also not a factor as they're mired in prior agreements with other companies and stuck waist deep in financial problems. That aside will we see older franchises reborn such as Kid Icarus?

Starfox: Yep, that franchise is dead alright.

Donkey Kong:  We don't know if it's dead until someone makes a real succesor to Donkey Kong 64.

F-zero: What the fock are u talkin about... The Cube version rocked and sold pretty good for a 'decent' Nintendo franchise. I wouldn't consider it dead. A Wii version could fill up game-releases during summer 2008 or 2009.

Mario: Galaxy looks like a 10-millionseller to me!... Dunno what you're talkin about, this franchise ain't lackin. New super mario bros showed it's still the best!

Geist: Releasing an FPS on a dead system in 2006 will never become succesful. The game was moderate but the idea behind it was good. A succesor could do well, if marketed right and if given enough time to implement enough stuff.

Mariokart: The Gamecube version was good... Not bad!... But for the rest, i agree with you... The Wii-version is gonna be an instant hit!

Paper mario: Part 2 rocked!... Super paper mario Wii on the other hand was too simple for me... But still a nice game! They should stick to the turnbased style with buttonclickin elements in it.

Zelda: This one is a great franchise. Who fuckin cares that Twilight Princess 'only' sold 500k in Japan (Some seem to consider 500k bad?!...) But the game sold more then 4 mil worldwide so this one is still goin strong!

Metroid: Part 1 of the cube sold around 2.2 mil. Part 2 sold 1.3... That's a decline alright... But Metroid 3 has yet to be released in Europe, Australia and Japan and the game has sold 500k in America alone already (And still selling slightly below 20k a week)... Which will eventually put the game somewhere at 750k In America... I guess the same can be said about Europe, for that is Metroid's biggest market. Australia will be ~40k and Japan i think 120k. So alltogether it looks like the game will end up somewhere between those two and 1.7 mil is not bad for a big game-release.


So i don't quite agree with you overall...



Words Of Wisdom said:
RolStoppable said:

Paper Mario: Again, Nintendo (Intelligent Systems) did a great job with the GC game. Like DD!!, it was superior in every way to its predecessor. Super Paper Mario is a different story, it's not that good of a game compared to the other two games of the series, but still a worthwile experience. Then again, if Nintendo doesn't change a lot, they are accused of rehashing.

Not to derail this too far, but TYD was not superior to the original in every way. The areas where it fell short compared to the original were the story and the characters.

The story of the n64 version was much better and more robust. The story in TYD is depressing by comparison. Worse, characters do not act like themselves. Bowser is portrayed as a complete idiot. In SMRPG, Bowser was arrogant and foolish at times, but only in TYD is he a complete and utter moron for pretty much the entire game. Even Princess Peach's dialog was faulty. After playing Paper Mario and SMRPG, it was painful to read some of it all the while knowing some of what was done/said was very much out of character for them.

Likewise, the party in TYD had its faults especially considering your Goomba and Koopa were pretty much knock-offs of the n64 ones. Even the awesome Mowz, Vivian, and Yoshi couldn't make up for that.

I think you're searching for things to complain about in TYD. 

Sorry but Bowser is most entertaining as a comically inept villain and Princess Peach's dialogue is always faulty. You're complaining that the characters were too like the ones in the N64 game even though they did a lot more to differentiate the characters in TYD. In the N64 version you had characters that could hit spiked enemies and characters that could hit flying enemies and other than that their attacks were mostly interchangeable. In TYD, they actually have different damage types which are useful against different types of enemies.

TYD is one of the best looking games I've ever played. The character and environment designs were just so vivid. The paper effects for scene transitions and such were absolutely brilliant. And on top of that, the combat system was absolutely brilliant.

"Ho! Haha! Guard! Turn! Parry! Dodge! Spin! Ha! Thrust!" -- Daffy Duck