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my personal opinions (of the games i have played)

lylat wars > starfox adventures (but not by much..only thing wrong with SA was it was too easy)

i agree with your DK thing.

F-Zero X > F-Zero GX >>>>>> F-Zero (i only thought GX was worse than X for 2 reasons....story mode was laughably bad in an acting sense, and there was no real Death Race (there was the one in story but it isn't as good))

only played Super Mario 64 and lost levels (SM64 is way better), but i think Sunshine looks great, and SMG will top them both considerably.

not played geist

MK:DD > MKDS >> MK64 (though the DS version i haven't played for long, nor played it might be better than DD)

not played any Paper Marios

LoZ:WW >>>> OoT > TP (i actually think TP is a lot better than OoT, but only because OoT is old hat it goes just below OoT. TP i think beats OoT in main story and collectables (gold skultula sucked) but so far i have had little interest in going back to the game after completing 100%...though i have just put the disc in recently and had a ride around)

Not played a Metroid game yet (gonna get MP3)


my thoughts,
-- Starfox can easily be revived to something amazing, not sure what Ninty will do though.
-- Donkey Kong would need something really special to revive it, and i dont think Nintendo should bother, DK should just be a cameo in Kart/Smash.
-- I don't think F-Zero has any problem, i expect an excellent Wii edition but quite late in Wiis life.
-- Nothing wrong with Mario platformers, though the sports games should be stopped in favour of Miis (ie versions of Mario sports...more in depth to a particular sport than Wii sports, but still featuring Miis)
-- Geist- no idea
-- MK is fine in the same way F-Zero is
-- havent played any but i think super paper mario looks excellent,...very cool ideas in that game. maybe however they focused on the wrong bits of gameplay.
-- i feel that the Zelda series is getting a revival it needs, despite WW still being my No1 game, i am glad they are thinking anew for the post TP zelda....I think what the game really needs is an incentive to play the game after defeating the final boss, for instance only WW has had the option to use a completed file anew, but the only advantage was a clothes change and the Nintendo Gallery (which is easily the best zelda collectible). Something like after you defeat Ganon/whoever, you can ride around and talk to people and see how their lives have changed with enemy No1 gone, and maybe do things like run errands for them or transport them to other towns. (kind of like you sometimes got to do in the main story)
-- Metroid i haven't played but i am getting MP3