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Forums - Sony Discussion - The PS3 will NOT fall under 200k WW the rest of this generation

What about in 2027 when Sony discontinue it after it only starts to sell 100,000 a week?

You will look a bit daft then wont ya?


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Rest of the year there is still a possibility but rest of the generation? No I don't think so.

@carl )  I think he means "it won't drop under 200k until next gen consoles release" ..

There wnt be a next gen PS though until 2027.

The next gen begins when Sony says it begins!


@ Carl: LOL. That's one of my favourite PR lines from Sony. Was it Kaz who came out with that?

But yeah... Bold prediction. It could dip below 200k next week, but I expect it to stay in the 180-220k range for the next two weeks. As for next year, as people have pointed it out, it could dip below 150k.

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sorry, just not true

Wow I came in here thinking the poster is new to VGC and was expecting this to be your first forum post.

You've been here for long enough to make 1000 posts, yet you have not pondered the numbers enough to know that your prediction is simply impossible? I mean, PS3 is not Wii dude.


360, a console that has an introductory price which is $100 cheaper than PS3 only did 146k this week. Wii, this generations PS1/2, did not even manage to pull in 200k this week. You expect PS3 never to fall bellow that again?

That's just not gonna happen.

It will almost certainly dip well below 150k during the slow months of the year and with increased competition from MS and Nintendo.

100k would be a reasonable prediction.


Wanna bet on that? Since you seem so confident, you sure would bet on it