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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 5A - Game Thread

Carl2291 said:
sabby_e17 said:
Carl2291 said:
sabby_e17 said:
Carl2291 said:
sabby_e17 said:

I just read through all the pages properly and it's starting to get difficult. I can't tell who is Mafia. Your lucky Carl, I'll unvote you for now because I need to see how the day plays out.

For all we know even Trashleg could be a Mafia. Don't tust anyone townsfolk, Carl, Hatmoza and Trashleg are very smart and you don't want to fall for their cute-talk.

Vote: No Lynch (For now)

Why are you speaking in the form of being a Mafia?

Red- Shouldn't that be "We cant trust anyone, townsfolk"?

Green- Again, shouldnt that be "We dont want to fall for their cute-talk"?


Thats Mafia behaviour right there. So Carl, what your now trying to do is to make us Townsfolk think I'm a Mafia. And since you are most likely a Mafia, your'e using this to your advantage.

@Trashleg: Well I'm not accusing you of anything. I'm just trying to say that you, Carl and Hatmoza are probaly some of the smartest in the game and thats why I'm being extra careful. However I do think Carl is a Mafia. First he tries to make Dsister seem like a Mafia and now me. There's something fishy going on isnt there?

Mafia behaviour is pointing out your mistakes?

Then surely by that logic isn't everybody here Mafia? Afterall it is everybodies job to find mistakes in posts and find out who the mafia really are...

Red- I have had my suspicions about dsister since the beggining with his aggresiveness. It seems you even thought the same at one point, so dont try to use that against me. Evidence 1 Evidence 2

No Dsister is innocent, and thats why I'm highly suspicous of your behavior. @Bolded: See, how you are trying to twist what I said. I'm now almost positive that you are a Mafia.

How do you know for certain he is innocent?

And i am not twisting anything. You said that pointing out mistakes in your post was Mafia behaviour... So i gave you an example of why it was a pathetic claim.

Dsister is innocent because you are most likely a Mafia and you accused him now and back on day 1, so I highly doubt he is a Mafia.

What I stated before wasn't a mistake or anything like that. It was a valid comment telling us Townfolk not to fall for you. And you decided to question my comment to make everyone believe I'm a mafia.

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Carl asked for an investigation into himself.
Cop (ninjablade) was murdered during the night
WoW announced that results could not be published.

Carl asked for investigation knowing that the results would never be published?
he would need to have known that NinjaBlade was the cop though, and it never seemed to be that obvious. unless it was just luck?

Carl, there is some incriminating evidence against you, especially since you attempted to cover hatmoza on day 1.

Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.
sabby_e17 said:
Carl2291 said:
sabby_e17 said:
Carl2291 said:
sabby_e17 said:
Carl2291 said:
sabby_e17 said:

I just read through all the pages properly and it's starting to get difficult. I can't tell who is Mafia. Your lucky Carl, I'll unvote you for now because I need to see how the day plays out.

For all we know even Trashleg could be a Mafia. Don't tust anyone townsfolk, Carl, Hatmoza and Trashleg are very smart and you don't want to fall for their cute-talk.

Vote: No Lynch (For now)

Why are you speaking in the form of being a Mafia?

Red- Shouldn't that be "We cant trust anyone, townsfolk"?

Green- Again, shouldnt that be "We dont want to fall for their cute-talk"?


Thats Mafia behaviour right there. So Carl, what your now trying to do is to make us Townsfolk think I'm a Mafia. And since you are most likely a Mafia, your'e using this to your advantage.

@Trashleg: Well I'm not accusing you of anything. I'm just trying to say that you, Carl and Hatmoza are probaly some of the smartest in the game and thats why I'm being extra careful. However I do think Carl is a Mafia. First he tries to make Dsister seem like a Mafia and now me. There's something fishy going on isnt there?

Mafia behaviour is pointing out your mistakes?

Then surely by that logic isn't everybody here Mafia? Afterall it is everybodies job to find mistakes in posts and find out who the mafia really are...

Red- I have had my suspicions about dsister since the beggining with his aggresiveness. It seems you even thought the same at one point, so dont try to use that against me. Evidence 1 Evidence 2

No Dsister is innocent, and thats why I'm highly suspicous of your behavior. @Bolded: See, how you are trying to twist what I said. I'm now almost positive that you are a Mafia.

How do you know for certain he is innocent?

And i am not twisting anything. You said that pointing out mistakes in your post was Mafia behaviour... So i gave you an example of why it was a pathetic claim.

Dsister is innocent because you are most likely a Mafia and you accused him now and back on day 1, so I highly doubt he is a Mafia.

What I stated before wasn't a mistake or anything like that. It was a valid comment telling us Townfolk not to fall for you. And you decided to question my comment to make everyone believe I'm a mafia.

It was a valid comment, but your wording of the comment was suspicious. Even trashleg noticed it after i pointed it out...

So, because I accused somebody of being Mafia, it makes them automatically innocent?

WhaI am in a no win situation here obviously with so many people against me. I have asked for the lie detector, and haven't got anything yet.

So as i said earlier, everybody lynch me. I will be happy to see you all shit your pants when the results come on.


Unvote Hatmoza

Vote Carl2291

Your posts didn't help you at all. Though I am glad that I am not being investigated now

Carl2291 said:

It was a valid comment, but your wording of the comment was suspicious. Even trashleg noticed it after i pointed it out...

So, because I accused somebody of being Mafia, it makes them automatically innocent?

WhaI am in a no win situation here obviously with so many people against me. I have asked for the lie detector, and haven't got anything yet.

So as i said earlier, everybody lynch me. I will be happy to see you all shit your pants when the results come on.

dont bring me into this, carl.. you're a suspect. even i'm suspecting you now.i thought you were naive and stuff, but now i think it might have been a ploy. i'm getting to the bottom of this.

vote: no lynch  (still). im torn between carl and hatmoza, and hatmoza is doing a slightly better job of defending himself than carl.

but i still think hatmoza's mafia.

Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.
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invisible29 said:


trashleg said:
nen-suer said:

not evil.....but scary

but you and Sabby are about the only people i trust as of now

btw, maybe you shouldn't say publicly who you trust. cos itl just give the mafia ideas of who to murder if everyone you trust ends up dead, you wont know who to believe anymore.

yes i am stupid



glad you made it, now start reading carefully

maybe you can identify a mafia member

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