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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - If the 360 can't do graphics like the PS3, HOW can it do THIS?

^^360 version of crysis doesn't look any better than ps3 they look very identical go check the new videos.

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PS3 (playstation 3)




I can post pics too :D

...uhh...ill just put my favorite quote of all time here.

"Welcome to Pain, the second of three...You have dealt the deal with me!!"

Sometimes I wonder where all those PS3tards come from... Anyway...


Ssliasil said:
all the above picture shows is that one screen has a darker setting and its a different time of day :P

that and 1.) Shadows NEVER process the same way, even if you load the same spot twice on the same console DYNAMIC shadows will differ

What about the yellow one?

Truth does not fear investigation

its not whether or not it can do graphics like the ps3, or vice versa, its the disc limitation that will soon become a bugger in the coming year(s)

NightAntilli said:

Sometimes I wonder where all those PS3tards come from... Anyway...


Ssliasil said:
all the above picture shows is that one screen has a darker setting and its a different time of day :P

that and 1.) Shadows NEVER process the same way, even if you load the same spot twice on the same console DYNAMIC shadows will differ

What about the yellow one?

We come from a very rich family. lmao. 

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One thing that holds the cb back a little is not having a hdd as standard on all machines that can help improve the graphics!

How can it do that? Forza doesn't look that good people wtf! The cars look amazing, I give them that. The ground other than the street looks horrible, and the background in the first picture looks almost padded or bubbly.

Again, the cars are amazing...but I don't see how the rest of it is so? w/e tho, that's just me

'OMG he h4t3z t3h E6O!!!11!!1'


Black RL said:
I hope I'm not blaspheming or something......

I have KZ2 (you can see my PSN) and for me RE5 looks better (I know it's a multi). And right know it seems that UC2 will take the throne (but I will have to see for myself).

Not every people look at games the same way I guess.

Anyways, GOW2, RE5, COD4, Assassins Creed, UC, FORZA3, MGS4, Dead Space, PES2010 and many others, they all look amazing in my opinion. The problem is some games can't be compared, for example, MGS4 has an UNIQUE style and art, you can't just say that the graphics are good or bad. In the other end you have games like FORZA3, GT5 and PES2010, they are trying to mimic reality, that ones you can compare with others.

Considering your 11 trophies, you haven't played much of Killzone 2... And I beg you to put your glasses on next time you play.... Resident Evil 5 DOESN'T look better graphics wise.

justinian said:
selnor said:
NKAJ said:
once i see killzone 2 graphics on xbox360 then i will agree with the statement

Certainly nothing thats currently out beats KZ2. But Ive seen alot that is releasing in the next 9 months that beats it fairly easily. And then CryEngine 3 owns all.

I agree that nothing currently beats K2 and I make no judgement on any game until the final release is in my console.

I also agree with many who say there is not a lot in terms graphics from what we have seen so far between the two.

I do think however that a newer console (PS3 was released a year after x360) which is far more difficult for developers to come to grips with has more potential to produce better graphics eventually than one that is 4yrs old and easy to program (x360) even if we start with both as being equal.

That is BS.

Just strip KZ2 off his lightning and weather effects (tons of layers) and you will see a very average graphics...


Evan Wells (Uncharted 2): I think the differences that you see between any two games has much more to do with the developer than whether it’s on the Xbox or PS3.

Sardauk said:
justinian said:
selnor said:
NKAJ said:
once i see killzone 2 graphics on xbox360 then i will agree with the statement

Certainly nothing thats currently out beats KZ2. But Ive seen alot that is releasing in the next 9 months that beats it fairly easily. And then CryEngine 3 owns all.

I agree that nothing currently beats K2 and I make no judgement on any game until the final release is in my console.

I also agree with many who say there is not a lot in terms graphics from what we have seen so far between the two.

I do think however that a newer console (PS3 was released a year after x360) which is far more difficult for developers to come to grips with has more potential to produce better graphics eventually than one that is 4yrs old and easy to program (x360) even if we start with both as being equal.

That is BS.

Just strip KZ2 off his lightning and weather effects (tons of layers) and you will see a very average graphics...

You mean just strip away some graphics, then some more graphics and what you are left with is not that impressive graphics??? 

I guess you must be right.