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Forums - Sony Discussion - Metal Gear Solid 4 is the best game I've ever played!

Arm said:
"Metal Gear Solid 4 is the best game I've ever played!"

shouldn't you have said >

Metal Gear Solid 4 is the best Movie I've ever seen!

IMHO that's pretty much what it felt like, and if MGS4 is the best game you've ever played then you my friend need to go play more games.

No disrespect to all you MGS4 fans but you aren't alone, I am one also but I guess I've grown old of solid and liquid, and the series. The so much more they can add, but I guess it's like people asking to run and shoot in RE5.

I can't seem to bring my self to finishing MGS4... someday Snake..someday...

last time someone said this got banned so... GOOD JOB!

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Arm said:
"Metal Gear Solid 4 is the best game I've ever played!"

oh yeah =)

the best RPG's are coming 2013 !!!! oh my god, this is perfect for RPG-GAMER = ) Ni No Kuni - 25 january, Time and Eternity, tales of xillia (PS3) and the maybe best game ever: metal gear solid ground zero

@-NewCloud-,"i do love MGS4 the only problem was the installs but like my mother says "good things come to those who wait"

The installs didn't bother me at all, it gave me time to reflect on what I just played, it was also a good time for a bathroom break, I mean it was only 3 mins.

@Seraphic_Sixasis, "I could... but i have to finish Infinite Undiscovery on 360... and then i just got Dissidia Recently... and is till gotta do SO4's last end-game dungeon... then theres WipeOut HD FURY ... then Prince of Persia trophies i have to finish.... then Chaos Legionh in HD.... so kinda booked here. :D

And IMO... MGS series looks boring. :D *RUNS OUT OF THREAD!*"

I was like you about a year ago, I figured I wouldn't like MGS because I hated the idea of a stealth game, but what with all the hype I couldn't resist but to try it, and I'm awfully glad I did :)

@Khuutra,"The ending scene in the graveyard would have been much more effective and much more compelling if they had managed to trim it down to about ten minutes."

A lot of that information would of been impossible to sum up in 10 mins, and it all needed to be said, I never noticed how long it was because I was so into the cut scenes

@Luvtospooge, "Welcome to the club man. This was the first game I actually clapped after I've finished it.

It ties with Suikoden 1 & 2 story wise.

A truly masterpiece. However, if you skip all of the previous MGS, the game will not sparkle to your eyes.
I only played 3/4 of MGS1, never played MGS2 and Finished MGS3.

Took me a while to understand what was happening in the game but in the end it's a great masterpiece. Hideo knows how to make games."

I bowed down to it after I finished it lol, but that's right you need to play MGS1, 2, and 3, the story is very important

@Dgc1808, "Have you played MGS3 by any chance?

MGS4 is amazing, but I still prefer MGS3."

Yes I did play MGS3 and before I played MGS4 it was considered the best game I ever played, now I'm not sure, it could be a tie with MGS4

@Sicklesigh, "Like you said "it's better then any movie you watched." Thats the reason I didn't really like MGS."

But the cut scenes were like the best part of MGS

dtewi, "Remind me to get this game if I get a PS3.

When a story is amazing epic, like REALLY epic, the game is skyrocketed up my favorite game list."

Make sure you tell everyone when you get a PS3, I'll remind you :)

@786_ali, "Don't you guys feel for Snake? The poor guy has spent his whole fighting, and he goes through so much suffering in the game. :'("

That's what got to me the most, everything this man has gone through years of being in the war, saving the world, and then showing his broken down body in MGS4 was so sad, the epicness of Snake is unreal.

@tedsteriscool, "Woo! Now complete it 10 more times and join our ranks!"

That will not be a problem, I'll definitely be replaying this game again :D

@KylieDog, "Is it the only game you have played? I am struggling to find another excuse for thread title."

I feel sorry for you :(

for me MGS is the best franchise ever...the 4th was wall breaking for me...but i prefer the first and the third.maybe you didnt played the other you must play the 1st and the 3rd for sure!!!
They are all like movies but the second only was a good B-movie IMO but still i played it like 20 times through!




Take my love, take my land..

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My respone to this thread is...Its MGS4 man. Of course it's the best game you've ever played.

I'm a bit late in joining in this thread but I couldn't resist echoing the praise others have for this game. It's the best game I have played (I haven't played MGS3 yet ) and although Killzone 2 and Uncharted 2 may have this beat on graphics now I still think that the production values in this game are second to none. You can see so much work has gone into the game and not only does it look great and play great but it has so many epic moments. There are times I actually wanted to put the controller down and just watch what was going on, the motorbike chase and the Raiden/Vamp fight for example. The end battle is probably one of the greatest moments in any video game (IMO of course). First time round I played it in SD and now I have a HD tv I think another play through is on the cards.

Man I highly regret not playing MGS1,2 and 3. I bought MGS4 and finished it many time. Best game I played this gen hands down. However I need to play the first 3 to fill the holes that I don't understand. When MGS1 releases on PSN I'll be getting it straight away because I don't want to miss out on the best series ever.

I just wanna say that MGS3 made me cry at the end, and I almost cried in MGS4 in the final battle it was so emotive.

F.U. Fun University.

gera4390 said:
I just wanna say that MGS3 made me cry at the end, and I almost cried in MGS4 in the final battle it was so emotive.

 MGS3 made me cry,  amd MGS4 made me cry a lot I'm not ashamed to say it