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Forums - Sony Discussion - Naughty Dog Says Uncharted 2 "Impossible" On The Xbox 360

Thanks for the input, Jeff.



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May I point out the engine is designed around the use of the cell, so they would completely have to reright the games' codes, and they would of course have to use about 4 DVDs, because they pack loads of dev videos and bonus things like that on there

I would like to see a first/second party developer be like "Yeah it great on the PS3/360, but I could easily see it on the (switch names here)", that would go over REALLY well.

The usual PR statements, nothing we haven't heard before

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So glad to see some mature responses. I also think that he doesn't say nonsense, he just shouldn't say anything. Usual stuff...

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oh no not again

Official Member of the Xbox 360 Squad 

*sharpens pitchfork* this will be good

CGI-Quality said:
krimoz911 said:
The usual PR statements, nothing we haven't heard before

It isn't exactly "PR talk" though. The code is specific to the PS3, with lack of load times, several other areas specified to the SPUs and such. Although it'll start flame wars, they are probably right, the way the game is currently built couldn't be replicated on another system. The game could be on the 360 I'm sure, it just wouldn't be the game they have on the PS3. This shouldn't upset anyone though, it's just how each system is designed. Contrary to what some believe, the PS3 and 360 ARE NOT exactly the same.

Still, I think a thread like this shouln't exist, nothing but wars will happen here. that sense is it just PR. Obviously it can't be made on x360, because like you said the code is specific to ps3 and sony owns the engine, so why mention it for any other reason except PR?

CGI-Quality said:
krimoz911 said:
The usual PR statements, nothing we haven't heard before

It isn't exactly "PR talk" though. The code is specific to the PS3, with lack of load times, several other areas specified to the SPUs and such. Although it'll start flame wars, they are probably right, the way the game is currently built couldn't be replicated on another system. The game could be on the 360 I'm sure, it just wouldn't be the game they have on the PS3. This shouldn't upset anyone though, it's just how each system is designed. Contrary to what some believe, the PS3 and 360 ARE NOT exactly the same.

Still, I think a thread like this shouln't exist, nothing but wars will happen here.

I think you are playing with fire CGI.  The implication of the article is that the 360 is not technically powerful enough to run a game like Uncharted, not that the code is specific to the PS3.  

Anyway, this thread has been done a million times and it always ends the same.  Please someone take pity on us PS3 owners and close this thread.

Thanks for the input, Jeff.



This is like thread number 3 on this.