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Forums - Sony Discussion - Valve has no plans working on the PS3.

the question is : Why ?

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And there it less time than I thought. I thought it would've been around 6 months that they would say this...after they said they were actively seeking PS3 coders.

As if noone saw this coming
They've always said horrible things about developing for PS3


WTF, out of the blue no plan for PS3?

They're obviously too lazy to get 2nd jobs to pay for PS3 development costs.

Aj_habfan said:
WTF, out of the blue no plan for PS3?

They're obviously too lazy to get 2nd jobs to pay for PS3 development costs.

I think its more that they stuck the PS3 development kits in the money room and they can't be arsed moving that much money aside to get to them. Its especially painful as Microsoft moneyhats them with loose change and dollar bills.


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Shocking news of the year...

It was expected, anyways. Carry on.

But as long as Valve continues to support TF2 and CS:S with awesomesauce, along with other games, I could care less about this announcement.

Valve is a small studio who's independent. Making a game for the PC and then porting it over to the Xbox 360 is a much simpler and profitable business plan. They are not set up to do work on the PS3 and the ammount of initial investment on getting the kind of people would be to costly for a console that isn't looking like it's going to ever be a contender in Valve's market. It may be a shitty deal for PS3 owners, but this man runs a buisness to make money and he has to pay workers who have to feed families. Perhaps in the future it'll look better if things start to pick up with the PS3 Slim

Seihyouken said:
Why would I want to play a Valve game on anything other than a PC?

Yeah that's a good question. I still laught at the proud x360 owners who are so happy they can play they dumbed down, low visual quality, bad controls version of proper Valve pc games :D


CGI-Quality said:
Squilliam said:
Aj_habfan said:
WTF, out of the blue no plan for PS3?

They're obviously too lazy to get 2nd jobs to pay for PS3 development costs.

I think its more that they stuck the PS3 development kits in the money room and they can't be arsed moving that much money aside to get to them. Its especially painful as Microsoft moneyhats them with loose change and dollar bills.

Well, you claim to dislike "lazy" developers. Why do you see Valve as any different, but then claim Naughty Dog is bad for "laziness"?

If it's your usual sarcasm, disregard this post.

Im never sarcastic! Sillyness is my forte, and this is one such example.
