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Forums - Sales Discussion - Report : PS3 faltering as publishers back Wii

grandmaster192 said:
Faxanadu said:Too funny. Yeah, 38 and 86 are not too far away from each other. Only more than twice. But anyway.

Why is it that you people don't want the other consoles to have support? 86, 47, and 38 are not that far apart from each other, esspically when you look at the games that are being released for each platfrom.

 He's not really saying that he doesn't want the other consoles to have support.  I think saying something like that is just silly.  The VC is one of the best things that the Wii offers.  It teaches single console supporters that there were other systems with great games out there.  

Some people are looking for some quick gratification for choosing the console they bought.  In reality there is nothing wrong with all three consoles getting good support (for gamers).  It might be bad for the companies which put their eggs in the wrong basket but for those who chose wisely it should further their propserous growth.  

I see a bunch of people bashing on both sides in this thread.  I see no point.  There is nothing in this report that all of us didn't know already.  This report is old news.

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.

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kber81 said:
Ports and crap. No good games from third party developers for Wii... I don't follow Wii's lineup but I'm unable to point even 5 good third party games on this system. Seriously nothing to be proud of. RE4 is only good game out there. PS3 has at least few solid UBI titles...

 - Raving Rabbits

 - DragonBall Z

 - RE4

 - Madden

 - Trauma Center, that was hard :) I could probably name another 5 off the top of my head...



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kber81 said:

7? I can provide to you at least 25 PS3 games that will score +75% before Q2. How about this year? C'mon it's really depressing. Don't get me wrong - I don't care about Wii lineup. I just find it funny you start a thread to prise Wii's third party supporters. They should try harder. No high quality software so far. As I said before - nothing to be proud of. Seriously.

As I've said before: It's a different type of support. It doesn't make it more than the playstation 3, and it doesn't make it less than the Playstation 3. The Playstation 3 has alot of big projects, and so does the 360. However, in sheer numbers of games, the Wii has more support in that area. You are right, however. This is nothing to brag about.

Whilst I'm a Wii supporter I have to say that just looking at the number of titles comng out is misleading. A far better way to identify 3rd party support would be to look at how much resources, ie. cash, devs are throwing at the different platforms. Obviously there is no accurate way to do this so we are left relying on stats that only tell half the story.

My guess at the moment would be that 360 is way out in front in terms of 3rd party investment, followed by PS3, partly owed to the fact that 360 titles can be ported over with Wii bringing up the rear.

I think that through 2008/09 Wii will climb the ranks and give the 360 a run for it's money and probably claim most dev investment but it ain't gonna happen overnight.

Hus said:

Grow up and stop trolling.

Neos said:

like most people can even pay 25 ps3 games in that short period, especially in sony land.

you're funny

C'mon it's always good to have an ability to choose. Everyone has favourite genres and so on... 7 is nothing. Are you really satisfied with third party support towards Wii? Answer me. Frankly. I do know you are a N fanboy but this is way too much even as for you. Soriku... yes but you? Seriously I thought you are a bit more moderate.

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I can name 5 excellent 3rd party games coming out on the Wii within the next month.

MLB Power Pros, Zack & Wiki, Guitar Hero 3, Rayman 2, Resident EVil:UC

Yes there is one PS2 port (MLB Power Pros just got an 8.4 on IGN). One next gen cross plat (Guitar Hero 3), and 3 exclusives.

The assumtion that all future Wii games would be like the shovelware we saw in the first year is sily. Did the 360 game selection improve from 1st year to 2nd? Hell Yes.

These numbers tell me that publishers realize that the gaming market is expanding and the adoption of next gen is taking place. It is no surprise that 360, and PS3 games are coming out. No one expected the Wii to have so many games, certainly nice double the raet of the others and certainly not this soon in it's life, no matter what quality you say they are.

Final* Word on Game Delays:

The game will not be any better or include more content then planned. Any commnets that say so are just PR hogwash to make you feel better for having to wait.

Delays are due to lack of proper resources, skill, or adequate planning by the developer.

Do be thankful that they have enough respect for you to delay the game and maintain its intended level of quality.

*naznatips is exempt

I'm satisfied with karma.

Biggerboat said:
Whilst I'm a Wii supporter I have to say that just looking at the number of titles comng out is misleading. A far better way to identify 3rd party support would be to look at how much resources, ie. cash, devs are throwing at the different platforms. Obviously there is no accurate way to do this so we are left relying on stats that only tell half the story.

My guess at the moment would be that 360 is way out in front in terms of 3rd party investment, followed by PS3, partly owed to the fact that 360 titles can be ported over with Wii bringing up the rear.

I think that through 2008/09 Wii will climb the ranks and give the 360 a run for it's money and probably claim most dev investment but it ain't gonna happen overnight.

I agree. But please keep in mind that the Wii is easier to develop for and hence any big project willcost less on Wii. Therefore a total reliance on development cost will not work either.

Any message from Faxanadu is written in good faith but shall neither be binding nor construed as constituting a commitment by Faxanadu except where provided for in a written agreement signed by an authorized representative of Faxanadu. This message is intended for the use of the forum members only.

The views expressed here may be personal and/or offensive and are not necessarily the views of Faxanadu.

kber81 said:
Neos said:

like most people can even pay 25 ps3 games in that short period, especially in sony land.

you're funny

C'mon it's always good to have an ability to choose. Everyone has favourite genres and so on... 7 is nothing. Are you really satisfied with third party support towards Wii? Answer me. Frankly. I do know you are a N fanboy but this is way too much even as for you. Soriku... yes but you? Seriously I thought you are a bit more moderate.

 It's been a mixed bag on both sides IMO.  The hyped PS3 games ended up being just mediocre, the non hyped Wii games end up being mediocre as well, both systems need better third party games.  Third parties aren't very reliable at making the games that many first parties make.  Squaresoft, Capcom and Namco are the most consistent lately that I can think of.  Ubisoft was pretty good but once they started loosing money last year it was obvious that quality was dropped in favor of cash in's. 

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.

Wii 3rd party games aren't as good as PS3's but they cover all genres and tastes except racing games (FPS, party-games, platform, action, surgery - lol -, sports,etc). PS3 games are mostly shooters, sports and action games. That's the most important factor in what different choices are available. PS3 might have (random number) 50 great titles but if half of them are sports titles, they kinda overlap and they end up 20. Same thing with the Xbox360 but it has vastly superior games atm and many more at that.